lib/kitchen/driver/ec2.rb in kitchen-ec2-2.0.0 vs lib/kitchen/driver/ec2.rb in kitchen-ec2-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -31,10 +31,13 @@
require_relative "aws/standard_platform/freebsd"
require_relative "aws/standard_platform/ubuntu"
require_relative "aws/standard_platform/windows"
require "aws-sdk-core/waiters/errors"
require "retryable"
+require "time"
+require "etc"
+require "socket"
module Kitchen
@@ -83,10 +86,11 @@
default_config :http_proxy, ENV["HTTPS_PROXY"] || ENV["HTTP_PROXY"]
default_config :retry_limit, 3
default_config :tenancy, "default"
default_config :instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, nil
default_config :ssl_verify_peer, true
+ default_config :skip_cost_warning, false
def initialize(*args, &block)
# AWS Ruby SDK loading isn't thread safe, so as soon as we know we're
# going to use EC2, autoload it. Seems to have been fixed in Ruby 2.3+
@@ -170,17 +174,29 @@
def create(state) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength
return if state[:server_id]
- info(Kitchen::Util.outdent!(<<-END))
+ info(Kitchen::Util.outdent!(<<-END)) unless config[:skip_cost_warning]
If you are not using an account that qualifies under the AWS
free-tier, you may be charged to run these suites. The charge
should be minimal, but neither Test Kitchen nor its maintainers
are responsible for your incurred costs.
+ # If no security group IDs are specified, create one automatically.
+ unless config[:security_group_ids]
+ create_security_group(state)
+ config[:security_group_ids] = [state[:auto_security_group_id]]
+ end
+ # If no SSH key pair name is specified, create one automatically.
+ unless config[:aws_ssh_key_id]
+ create_key(state)
+ config[:aws_ssh_key_id] = state[:auto_key_id]
+ end
if config[:spot_price]
# Spot instance when a price is set
server = submit_spot(state)
# On-demand instance
@@ -230,32 +246,53 @@
fetch_windows_admin_password(server, state)
info("EC2 instance <#{state[:server_id]}> ready (hostname: #{state[:hostname]}).")
- create_ec2_json(state)
+ create_ec2_json(state) if =~ /chef/
debug("ec2:create '#{state[:hostname]}'")
+ rescue Exception
+ # Clean up any auto-created security groups or keys on the way out.
+ delete_security_group(state)
+ delete_key(state)
+ raise
def destroy(state)
- return if state[:server_id].nil?
- server = ec2.get_instance(state[:server_id])
- unless server.nil?
- instance.transport.connection(state).close
- server.terminate
+ if state[:server_id]
+ server = ec2.get_instance(state[:server_id])
+ unless server.nil?
+ instance.transport.connection(state).close
+ server.terminate
+ end
+ if state[:spot_request_id]
+ debug("Deleting spot request <#{state[:server_id]}>")
+ ec2.client.cancel_spot_instance_requests(
+ :spot_instance_request_ids => [state[:spot_request_id]]
+ )
+ state.delete(:spot_request_id)
+ end
+ # If we are going to clean up an automatic security group, we need
+ # to wait for the instance to shut down. This slightly breaks the
+ # subsystem encapsulation, sorry not sorry.
+ if state[:auto_security_group_id] && server
+ server.wait_until_terminated do |waiter|
+ waiter.max_attempts = config[:retryable_tries]
+ waiter.delay = config[:retryable_sleep]
+ waiter.before_attempt do |attempts|
+ info "Waited #{attempts * waiter.delay}/#{waiter.delay * waiter.max_attempts}s for instance <#{}> to terminate."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ info("EC2 instance <#{state[:server_id]}> destroyed.")
+ state.delete(:server_id)
+ state.delete(:hostname)
- if state[:spot_request_id]
- debug("Deleting spot request <#{state[:server_id]}>")
- ec2.client.cancel_spot_instance_requests(
- :spot_instance_request_ids => [state[:spot_request_id]]
- )
- state.delete(:spot_request_id)
- end
- info("EC2 instance <#{state[:server_id]}> destroyed.")
- state.delete(:server_id)
- state.delete(:hostname)
+ # Clean up any auto-created security groups or keys.
+ delete_security_group(state)
+ delete_key(state)
def image
return @image if defined?(@image)
@@ -327,13 +364,10 @@
def ec2
@ec2 ||=
- config[:aws_access_key_id],
- config[:aws_secret_access_key],
- config[:aws_session_token],
@@ -486,11 +520,11 @@
# Password data is blank until password is available
!enc.nil? && !enc.empty?
pass = with_request_limit_backoff(state) do
- server.decrypt_windows_password(File.expand_path(instance.transport[:ssh_key]))
+ server.decrypt_windows_password(File.expand_path(state[:ssh_key] || instance.transport[:ssh_key]))
state[:password] = pass
info("Retrieved Windows password for instance <#{state[:server_id]}>.")
# rubocop:enable Lint/UnusedBlockArgument
@@ -636,9 +670,113 @@
" Architecture: #{image.architecture}," \
" Virtualization: #{image.virtualization_type}," \
" Storage: #{image.root_device_type}#{volume_type}," \
" Created: #{image.creation_date}"
+ end
+ # Create a temporary security group for this instance.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @param state [Hash] Instance state hash.
+ # @return [void]
+ def create_security_group(state)
+ return if state[:auto_security_group_id]
+ # Work out which VPC, if any, we are creating in.
+ vpc_id = if config[:subnet_id]
+ # Get the VPC ID for the subnet.
+ subnets = ec2.client.describe_subnets(filters: [{ name: "subnet-id", values: [config[:subnet_id]] }]).subnets
+ raise "Subnet #{config[:subnet_id]} not found during security group creation" if subnets.empty?
+ subnets.first.vpc_id
+ else
+ # Try to check for a default VPC.
+ vpcs = ec2.client.describe_vpcs(filters: [{ name: "isDefault", values: ["true"] }]).vpcs
+ if vpcs.empty?
+ # No default VPC so assume EC2-Classic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+ nil
+ else
+ # I don't actually know if you can have more than one default VPC?
+ vpcs.first.vpc_id
+ end
+ end
+ # Create the SG.
+ params = {
+ group_name: "kitchen-#{ { rand(36).to_s(36) }.join}",
+ description: "Test Kitchen for #{} by #{Etc.getlogin || 'nologin'} on #{Socket.gethostname}",
+ }
+ params[:vpc_id] = vpc_id if vpc_id
+ resp = ec2.client.create_security_group(params)
+ state[:auto_security_group_id] = resp.group_id
+ info("Created automatic security group #{state[:auto_security_group_id]}")
+ debug(" in VPC #{vpc_id || 'none'}")
+ # Set up SG rules.
+ ec2.client.authorize_security_group_ingress(
+ group_id: state[:auto_security_group_id],
+ # Allow SSH and WinRM (both plain and TLS).
+ ip_permissions: [22, 5985, 5986].map do |port|
+ {
+ ip_protocol: "tcp",
+ from_port: port,
+ to_port: port,
+ ip_ranges: [{ cidr_ip: "" }],
+ }
+ end
+ )
+ end
+ # Create a temporary SSH key pair for this instance.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @param state [Hash] Instance state hash.
+ # @return [void]
+ def create_key(state)
+ return if state[:auto_key_id]
+ # Encode a bunch of metadata into the name because that's all we can
+ # set for a key pair.
+ name_parts = [
+\W/, ""),
+ (Etc.getlogin || "nologin").gsub(/\W/, ""),
+ Socket.gethostname.gsub(/\W/, "")[0..20],
+ { rand(36).to_s(36) }.join(""),
+ ]
+ resp = ec2.client.create_key_pair(key_name: "kitchen-#{name_parts.join('-')}")
+ state[:auto_key_id] = resp.key_name
+ info("Created automatic key pair #{state[:auto_key_id]}")
+ # Write the key out, but safely hence the weird sysopen.
+ key_path = "#{config[:kitchen_root]}/.kitchen/#{}.pem"
+ key_fd = File.sysopen(key_path, File::WRONLY | File::CREAT | File::EXCL, 00600)
+ do |f|
+ f.write(resp.key_material)
+ end
+ # Inject the key into the state to be used by the SSH transport, or for
+ # the Windows password decrypt above in {#fetch_windows_admin_password}.
+ state[:ssh_key] = key_path
+ end
+ # Clean up a temporary security group for this instance.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @param state [Hash] Instance state hash.
+ # @return [void]
+ def delete_security_group(state)
+ return unless state[:auto_security_group_id]
+ info("Removing automatic security group #{state[:auto_security_group_id]}")
+ ec2.client.delete_security_group(group_id: state[:auto_security_group_id])
+ state.delete(:auto_security_group_id)
+ end
+ # Clean up a temporary SSH key pair for this instance.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @param state [Hash] Instance state hash.
+ # @return [void]
+ def delete_key(state)
+ return unless state[:auto_key_id]
+ info("Removing automatic key pair #{state[:auto_key_id]}")
+ ec2.client.delete_key_pair(key_name: state[:auto_key_id])
+ state.delete(:auto_key_id)
+ File.unlink("#{config[:kitchen_root]}/.kitchen/#{}.pem")