spec/litle/base_plugin_spec.rb in killbill-litle-1.10.0 vs spec/litle/base_plugin_spec.rb in killbill-litle-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,87 +1,60 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Killbill::Litle::PaymentPlugin do
+ include ::Killbill::Plugin::ActiveMerchant::RSpec
before(:each) do
Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
- file = File.new(File.join(dir, 'litle.yml'), "w+")
+ file = File.new(File.join(dir, 'litle.yml'), 'w+')
- :merchant_id:
- :USD: 'merchant_id'
- :password: 'password'
+ :test: true
# As defined by spec_helper.rb
:adapter: 'sqlite3'
:database: 'test.db'
- @plugin = Killbill::Litle::PaymentPlugin.new
- @plugin.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
- @plugin.logger.level = Logger::INFO
- @plugin.conf_dir = File.dirname(file)
+ @plugin = build_plugin(::Killbill::Litle::PaymentPlugin, 'litle', File.dirname(file))
# Start the plugin here - since the config file will be deleted
it 'should start and stop correctly' do
- it 'should reset payment methods' do
- kb_account_id = '129384'
+ # No offsite payments integration
- @plugin.get_payment_methods(kb_account_id).size.should == 0
- verify_pms kb_account_id, 0
+ #xit 'should generate forms correctly' do
+ # kb_account_id = SecureRandom.uuid
+ # kb_tenant_id = SecureRandom.uuid
+ # context = @plugin.kb_apis.create_context(kb_tenant_id)
+ # fields = @plugin.hash_to_properties({
+ # :order_id => '1234',
+ # :amount => 10
+ # })
+ # form = @plugin.build_form_descriptor kb_account_id, fields, [], context
+ #
+ # form.kb_account_id.should == kb_account_id
+ # form.form_method.should == 'POST'
+ # form.form_url.should == 'https://litle.com'
+ #
+ # form_fields = @plugin.properties_to_hash(form.form_fields)
+ #end
- # Create a pm with a kb_payment_method_id
- Killbill::Litle::LitlePaymentMethod.create :kb_account_id => kb_account_id,
- :kb_payment_method_id => 'kb-1',
- :litle_token => 'litle-1'
- verify_pms kb_account_id, 1
- # Add some in KillBill and reset
- payment_methods = []
- # Random order... Shouldn't matter...
- payment_methods << create_pm_info_plugin(kb_account_id, 'kb-3', false, 'litle-3')
- payment_methods << create_pm_info_plugin(kb_account_id, 'kb-2', false, 'litle-2')
- payment_methods << create_pm_info_plugin(kb_account_id, 'kb-4', false, 'litle-4')
- @plugin.reset_payment_methods kb_account_id, payment_methods
- verify_pms kb_account_id, 4
- # Add a payment method without a kb_payment_method_id
- Killbill::Litle::LitlePaymentMethod.create :kb_account_id => kb_account_id,
- :litle_token => 'litle-5'
- @plugin.get_payment_methods(kb_account_id).size.should == 5
- # Verify we can match it
- payment_methods << create_pm_info_plugin(kb_account_id, 'kb-5', false, 'litle-5')
- @plugin.reset_payment_methods kb_account_id, payment_methods
- verify_pms kb_account_id, 5
- @plugin.stop_plugin
- end
- private
- def verify_pms(kb_account_id, size)
- pms = @plugin.get_payment_methods(kb_account_id)
- pms.size.should == size
- pms.each do |pm|
- pm.account_id.should == kb_account_id
- pm.is_default.should == false
- pm.external_payment_method_id.should == 'litle-' + pm.payment_method_id.split('-')[1]
- end
- end
- def create_pm_info_plugin(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, is_default, external_payment_method_id)
- pm_info_plugin = Killbill::Plugin::Model::PaymentMethodInfoPlugin.new
- pm_info_plugin.account_id = kb_account_id
- pm_info_plugin.payment_method_id = kb_payment_method_id
- pm_info_plugin.is_default = is_default
- pm_info_plugin.external_payment_method_id = external_payment_method_id
- pm_info_plugin
- end
+ #xit 'should receive notifications correctly' do
+ # description = 'description'
+ #
+ # kb_tenant_id = SecureRandom.uuid
+ # context = @plugin.kb_apis.create_context(kb_tenant_id)
+ # properties = @plugin.hash_to_properties({ :description => description })
+ #
+ # notification = ""
+ # gw_notification = @plugin.process_notification notification, properties, context
+ #end