Rakefile in kgio-2.0.0 vs Rakefile in kgio-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,109 +1,9 @@
# -*- encoding: binary -*-
-# most tasks are in the GNUmakefile which offers better parallelism
-def tags
- timefmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
- @tags ||= `git tag -l`.split(/\n/).map do |tag|
- if %r{\Av[\d\.]+} =~ tag
- header, subject, body = `git cat-file tag #{tag}`.split(/\n\n/, 3)
- header = header.split(/\n/)
- tagger = header.grep(/\Atagger /).first
- body ||= "initial"
- {
- :time => Time.at(tagger.split(/ /)[-2].to_i).utc.strftime(timefmt),
- :tagger_name => %r{^tagger ([^<]+)}.match(tagger)[1].strip,
- :tagger_email => %r{<([^>]+)>}.match(tagger)[1].strip,
- :id => `git rev-parse refs/tags/#{tag}`.chomp!,
- :tag => tag,
- :subject => subject,
- :body => body,
- }
- end
- end.compact.sort { |a,b| b[:time] <=> a[:time] }
cgit_url = "http://git.bogomips.org/cgit/kgio.git"
-git_url = ENV['GIT_URL'] || 'git://git.bogomips.org/kgio.git'
-web_url = "http://bogomips.org/kgio"
+git_url = 'git://git.bogomips.org/kgio.git'
-desc 'prints news as an Atom feed'
-task :news_atom do
- require 'nokogiri'
- new_tags = tags[0,10]
- puts(Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do
- feed :xmlns => "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" do
- id! "#{web_url}NEWS.atom.xml"
- title "kgio news"
- subtitle "socket methods using MSG_DONTWAIT and more"
- link! :rel => "alternate", :type => "text/html",
- :href => "#{web_url}NEWS.html"
- updated(new_tags.empty? ? "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" : new_tags.first[:time])
- new_tags.each do |tag|
- entry do
- title tag[:subject]
- updated tag[:time]
- published tag[:time]
- author {
- name tag[:tagger_name]
- email tag[:tagger_email]
- }
- url = "#{cgit_url}/tag/?id=#{tag[:tag]}"
- link! :rel => "alternate", :type => "text/html", :href =>url
- id! url
- message_only = tag[:body].split(/\n.+\(\d+\):\n {6}/s).first.strip
- content({:type =>:text}, message_only)
- content(:type =>:xhtml) { pre tag[:body] }
- end
- end
- end
- end.to_xml)
-desc 'prints RDoc-formatted news'
-task :news_rdoc do
- tags.each do |tag|
- time = tag[:time].tr!('T', ' ').gsub!(/:\d\dZ/, ' UTC')
- puts "=== #{tag[:tag].sub(/^v/, '')} / #{time}"
- puts ""
- body = tag[:body]
- puts tag[:body].gsub(/^/sm, " ").gsub(/[ \t]+$/sm, "")
- puts ""
- end
-desc "print release changelog for Rubyforge"
-task :release_changes do
- version = ENV['VERSION'] or abort "VERSION= needed"
- version = "v#{version}"
- vtags = tags.map { |tag| tag[:tag] =~ /\Av/ and tag[:tag] }.sort
- prev = vtags[vtags.index(version) - 1]
- if prev
- system('git', 'diff', '--stat', prev, version) or abort $?
- puts ""
- system('git', 'log', "#{prev}..#{version}") or abort $?
- else
- system('git', 'log', version) or abort $?
- end
-desc "print release notes for Rubyforge"
-task :release_notes do
- spec = Gem::Specification.load('kgio.gemspec')
- puts spec.description.strip
- puts ""
- puts "* #{spec.homepage}"
- puts "* #{spec.email}"
- puts "* #{git_url}"
- _, _, body = `git cat-file tag v#{spec.version}`.split(/\n\n/, 3)
- print "\nChanges:\n\n"
- puts body
desc "post news article to rubyforge"
task :publish_news do
require 'rubyforge'
spec = Gem::Specification.load('kgio.gemspec')
tmp = Tempfile.new('rf-news')
@@ -155,10 +55,10 @@
:email => s.email,
:category_major => 'Library',
:category_minor => 'System',
:url => s.homepage,
:download => 'http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=8977',
- :license => "Ruby's",
+ :license => "LGPL",
:description_style => 'Plain',
:description => desc,
:pass => password,
:submit => 'Update',