in kentouzu-0.1.2 vs in kentouzu-0.2.0

- old
+ new

@@ -1,7 +1,20 @@ +## v0.2.0 + +* Breaking changes to the way objects are serialized and deserialized. +* `has_many` associations are now serialized along with the object. +* Deprecated `drafts_on` and `drafts_off` in favor of `drafts_on!` and `drafts_off!`. +* Added `Kentouzu.enabled_for_model` and `Kentouzu.enabled_for_model?`. +* Added `Kentouzu.active_record_protected_attributes?` to enable handling of attr_accessible. +* Attempt to load `protected_attributes` gem if it's available. +* Added `Draft.with_source_keys`. +* Deprecated `Draft#approve` and `Draft#reject`. +* Added override for `save!`. + ## v0.1.2 * Added callbacks for `before_draft_save`, `after_draft_save`, and `around_draft_save`. +* Fixed a bug where invalid attributes were merged from controller options when saving a draft. ## v0.1.1 * Fixed a bug in the `has_many :drafts` association for Rails 4. Since it uses a lambda for the order scope `self` is the class `has_drafts` was called in.