test/connection_test.rb in kbaum-mongo-0.18.3p vs test/connection_test.rb in kbaum-mongo-
- old
+ new
@@ -67,22 +67,20 @@
names = @mongo.database_names
assert_not_nil names
assert_kind_of Array, names
assert names.length >= 1
assert names.include?('ruby-mongo-info-test')
- @mongo.drop_database('ruby-mongo-info-test')
def test_logging
output = StringIO.new
logger = Logger.new(output)
logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
db = Connection.new(@host, @port, :logger => logger).db('ruby-mongo-test')
assert output.string.include?("admin.$cmd.find")
def test_connection_logger
output = StringIO.new
logger = Logger.new(output)
logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
connection = Connection.new(@host, @port, :logger => logger)
@@ -120,9 +118,41 @@
db = Connection.new({:right => ['foo', 123], :left => 'bar'}, nil, :connect => false)
nodes = db.nodes
assert_equal 2, nodes.length
assert_equal ['bar', Connection::DEFAULT_PORT], nodes[0]
assert_equal ['foo', 123], nodes[1]
+ end
+ context "Saved authentications" do
+ setup do
+ @conn = Mongo::Connection.new
+ @auth = {'db_name' => 'test', 'username' => 'bob', 'password' => 'secret'}
+ @conn.add_auth(@auth['db_name'], @auth['username'], @auth['password'])
+ end
+ should "save the authentication" do
+ assert_equal @auth, @conn.auths[0]
+ end
+ should "replace the auth if given a new auth for the same db" do
+ auth = {'db_name' => 'test', 'username' => 'mickey', 'password' => 'm0u53'}
+ @conn.add_auth(auth['db_name'], auth['username'], auth['password'])
+ assert_equal 1, @conn.auths.length
+ assert_equal auth, @conn.auths[0]
+ end
+ should "remove auths by database" do
+ @conn.remove_auth('non-existent database')
+ assert_equal 1, @conn.auths.length
+ @conn.remove_auth('test')
+ assert_equal 0, @conn.auths.length
+ end
+ should "remove all auths" do
+ @conn.clear_auths
+ assert_equal 0, @conn.auths.length
+ end
context "Connection exceptions" do
setup do
@conn = Mongo::Connection.new('localhost', 27017, :pool_size => 10, :timeout => 10)