app/models/katello/activation_key.rb in katello-1.5.0 vs app/models/katello/activation_key.rb in katello-2.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
# 2 of the License (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version.
# There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or implied,
@@ -9,162 +9,232 @@
# have received a copy of GPLv2 along with this software; if not, see
module Katello
-class ActivationKey < ActiveRecord::Base
- self.include_root_in_json = false
+ class ActivationKey < Katello::Model
+ self.include_root_in_json = false
- include Glue::ElasticSearch::ActivationKey if Katello.config.use_elasticsearch
- include Authorization::ActivationKey
+ include Glue::Candlepin::ActivationKey if Katello.config.use_cp
+ include Glue::ElasticSearch::ActivationKey if Katello.config.use_elasticsearch
+ include Glue if Katello.config.use_cp
+ include Katello::Authorization::ActivationKey
+ include ForemanTasks::Concerns::ActionSubject
- belongs_to :organization, :inverse_of => :activation_keys
- belongs_to :environment, :class_name => "KTEnvironment", :inverse_of => :activation_keys
- belongs_to :user, :inverse_of => :activation_keys, :class_name => "::User"
- belongs_to :content_view, :inverse_of => :activation_keys
+ belongs_to :organization, :inverse_of => :activation_keys
+ belongs_to :environment, :class_name => "KTEnvironment", :inverse_of => :activation_keys
+ belongs_to :user, :inverse_of => :activation_keys, :class_name => "::User"
+ belongs_to :content_view, :inverse_of => :activation_keys
- has_many :key_pools, :class_name => "Katello::KeyPool", :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :pools, :through => :key_pools
+ has_many :key_host_collections, :class_name => "Katello::KeyHostCollection", :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :host_collections, :through => :key_host_collections
- has_many :key_system_groups, :class_name => "Katello::KeySystemGroup", :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :system_groups, :through => :key_system_groups
+ has_many :system_activation_keys, :class_name => "Katello::SystemActivationKey", :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :systems, :through => :system_activation_keys
- has_many :system_activation_keys, :class_name => "Katello::SystemActivationKey", :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :systems, :through => :system_activation_keys
+ before_validation :set_default_content_view, :unless => :persisted?
- after_find :validate_pools
+ validates_lengths_from_database
+ validates_with Validators::KatelloNameFormatValidator, :attributes => :name
+ validates :name, :presence => true
+ validates :name, :uniqueness => {:scope => :organization_id}
+ validate :environment_exists
+ validates :max_content_hosts, :numericality => {:less_than => 2**31, :allow_nil => true}
+ validates_each :max_content_hosts do |record, attr, value|
+ if record.unlimited_content_hosts
+ unless value.nil?
+ record.errors[attr] << _("cannot be set because unlimited content hosts is set")
+ end
+ else
+ if value.nil?
+ record.errors[attr] << _("cannot be nil")
+ elsif value <= 0
+ record.errors[attr] << _("cannot be less than one")
+ elsif value <
+ # we don't let users to set usage limit lower than current in-use
+ record.errors[attr] << _("cannot be lower than current usage count (%s)" %
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ validates_with Validators::ContentViewEnvironmentValidator
- before_validation :set_default_content_view, :unless => :persisted?
- validates_with Validators::KatelloNameFormatValidator, :attributes => :name
- validates :name, :presence => true
- validates :name, :uniqueness => {:scope => :organization_id}
- validates_with Validators::KatelloDescriptionFormatValidator, :attributes => :description
- validates :environment, :presence => true
- validate :environment_exists
- validates :content_view, :presence => true, :allow_blank => false
- validates_each :usage_limit do |record, attr, value|
- if !value.nil? && (value < -1 || value == 0 || (value != -1 && value < record.usage_count))
- # we don't let users to set usage limit lower than current usage
- record.errors[attr] << _("must be higher than current usage (%s) or unlimited" % record.usage_count)
+ scope :in_environment, lambda { |env| where(:environment_id => env) }
+ scoped_search :on => :name, :complete_value => true
+ scoped_search :on => :organization_id, :complete_value => true
+ def environment_exists
+ if environment_id && environment.nil?
+ errors.add(:environment, _("ID: %s doesn't exist ") % environment_id)
+ elsif !environment.nil? && environment.organization != self.organization
+ errors.add(:environment, _("name: %s doesn't exist ") %
+ end
- end
- validates_with Validators::ContentViewEnvironmentValidator
- def environment_exists
- if environment.nil?
- errors.add(:environment, _("ID: %s doesn't exist ") % environment_id)
- elsif environment.organization != self.organization
- errors.add(:environment, _("name: %s doesn't exist ") %
+ def usage_count
+ system_activation_keys.count
- end
- def usage_count
- system_activation_keys.count
- end
+ def related_resources
+ self.organization
+ end
- # sets up system when registering with this activation key - must be executed in a transaction
- def apply_to_system(system)
- if !usage_limit.nil? && usage_limit != -1 && usage_count >= usage_limit
- fail Errors::UsageLimitExhaustedException, _("Usage limit (%{limit}) exhausted for activation key '%{name}'") % {:limit => usage_limit, :name => name}
+ def available_releases
+ if self.environment
+ self.environment.available_releases
+ else
+ self.organization.library.available_releases
+ end
- system.environment_id = self.environment_id if self.environment_id
- system.content_view_id = self.content_view_id if self.content_view_id
- => self)
- end
- def calculate_consumption(product, pools, allocate)
- pools = pools.sort_by { |pool| [pool.start_date, pool.cp_id] }
- consumption = {}
+ # For efficiency, sometimes the candlepin pool objects have already been fetched so allow
+ # them to be passed in directly. By default, a call to candlepin will be made
+ def subscriptions(cp_pools = nil)
+ cp_pools ||= self.get_key_pools
- if product.provider.redhat_provider?
- pools.each do |pool|
- consumption[pool] ||= 0
- consumption[pool] += 1
+ pools = cp_pools.collect { |cp_pool| Pool.find_pool(cp_pool['id'], cp_pool) }
+ subscriptions = pools.collect do |pool|
+ product = Product.where(:cp_id => pool.product_id).first
+ next if product.nil?
+ pool.provider_id = product.provider_id
+ pool
- else
- consumption[pools.first] = 1
+ subscriptions.compact
- return consumption
- end
- # subscribe to each product according the entitlements remaining
- # TODO: break up method
- # rubocop:disable MethodLength
- def subscribe_system(system)
- already_subscribed = []
- begin
- # sanity check before we start subscribing
- self.pools.each do |pool|
- fail _("Pool %s has no product associated") % pool.cp_id unless pool.product_id
- fail _("Unable to determine quantity for pool %s") % pool.cp_id unless pool.quantity
+ def available_subscriptions
+ all_pools = self.get_pools
+ key_pool_ids = self.get_key_pools.collect { |pool| pool[:id] }
+ pools = all_pools.reject { |pool| key_pool_ids.include? pool[:id] }
+ self.subscriptions(pools)
+ end
+ def products
+ all_products = []
+ cp_pools = self.get_key_pools
+ if cp_pools
+ pools = cp_pools.collect { |cp_pool| Pool.find_pool(cp_pool['id'], cp_pool) }
+ product_ids =
+ marketing_products = MarketingProduct.includes(:engineering_products, :marketing_engineering_products).
+ where(:cp_id => product_ids)
+ products = Product.where(:cp_id => product_ids).where('type != ?', "Katello::MarketingProduct")
+ marketing_products.each do |product|
+ all_products += product.engineering_products
+ end
+ all_products += products
- allocate = system.sockets.to_i
- Rails.logger.debug "Number of sockets for registration: #{allocate}"
- fail _("Number of sockets must be higher than 0 for system %s") % if allocate <= 0
+ all_products
+ end
- # we sort just to make the order deterministig.
- self.pools.group_by(&:product_id).sort_by(&:first).each do |product_id, pools|
- product = Product.find_by_cp_id(product_id, self.organization)
- consumption = calculate_consumption(product, pools, allocate)
+ def available_content
+ end
- Rails.logger.debug "Autosubscribing pools: #{ { |pool, amount| "#{pool.cp_id} => #{amount}"}.join(", ")}"
- consumption.each do |pool, amount|
- Rails.logger.debug "Subscribing #{} to product: #{product_id}, consuming pool #{pool.cp_id} of amount: #{amount}"
- if entitlements_array = system.subscribe(pool.cp_id, amount)
- # store for possible rollback
- entitlements_array.each do |ent|
- already_subscribed << ent['id']
+ # sets up system when registering with this activation key - must be executed in a transaction
+ def apply_to_system(system)
+ if !max_content_hosts.nil? && !self.unlimited_content_hosts && usage_count >= max_content_hosts
+ fail Errors::MaxContentHostsReachedException, _("Max Content Hosts (%{limit}) reached for activation key '%{name}'") % {:limit => max_content_hosts, :name => name}
+ end
+ system.environment_id = self.environment_id if self.environment_id
+ system.content_view_id = self.content_view_id if self.content_view_id
+ => self)
+ end
+ def calculate_consumption(product, pools, _allocate)
+ pools = pools.sort_by { |pool| [pool.start_date, pool.cp_id] }
+ consumption = {}
+ if product.provider.redhat_provider?
+ pools.each do |pool|
+ consumption[pool] ||= 0
+ consumption[pool] += 1
+ end
+ else
+ consumption[pools.first] = 1
+ end
+ return consumption
+ end
+ # subscribe to each product according the entitlements remaining
+ # TODO: break up method
+ # rubocop:disable MethodLength
+ def subscribe_system(system)
+ already_subscribed = []
+ begin
+ # sanity check before we start subscribing
+ self.pools.each do |pool|
+ fail _("Pool %s has no product associated") % pool.cp_id unless pool.product_id
+ fail _("Unable to determine quantity for pool %s") % pool.cp_id unless pool.quantity
+ end
+ allocate = system.sockets.to_i
+ Rails.logger.debug "Number of sockets for registration: #{allocate}"
+ fail _("Number of sockets must be higher than 0 for system %s") % if allocate <= 0
+ # we sort just to make the order deterministig.
+ self.pools.group_by(&:product_id).sort_by(&:first).each do |product_id, pools|
+ product = Product.find_by_cp_id(product_id, self.organization)
+ consumption = calculate_consumption(product, pools, allocate)
+ Rails.logger.debug "Autosubscribing pools: #{ { |pool, amount| "#{pool.cp_id} => #{amount}" }.join(", ")}"
+ consumption.each do |pool, amount|
+ Rails.logger.debug "Subscribing #{} to product: #{product_id}, consuming pool #{pool.cp_id} of amount: #{amount}"
+ if entitlements_array = system.subscribe(pool.cp_id, amount)
+ # store for possible rollback
+ entitlements_array.each do |ent|
+ already_subscribed << ent['id']
+ end
- end
- rescue => e
- Rails.logger.error "Autosubscribtion failed, rolling back: #{already_subscribed.inspect}"
- already_subscribed.each do |entitlement_id|
- begin
- Rails.logger.debug "Rolling back: #{entitlement_id}"
- system.unsubscribe(entitlement_id)
- rescue => re
- Rails.logger.fatal "Rollback failed, skipping: #{re.message}"
+ rescue => e
+ Rails.logger.error "Autosubscription failed, rolling back: #{already_subscribed.inspect}"
+ already_subscribed.each do |entitlement_id|
+ begin
+ Rails.logger.debug "Rolling back: #{entitlement_id}"
+ system.unsubscribe(entitlement_id)
+ rescue => re
+ Rails.logger.fatal "Rollback failed, skipping: #{re.message}"
+ end
+ raise e
- raise e
- end
- def as_json(*args)
- ret = super(*args)
- ret[:pools] = do |pool|
- pool.as_json
+ def copy(new_name)
+ new_key =
+ = new_name
+ new_key.attributes = self.attributes.slice("description", "environment_id", "organization_id", "content_view_id", "max_content_hosts", "unlimited_content_hosts")
+ new_key.host_collection_ids = self.host_collection_ids
+ new_key
- ret[:usage_count] = usage_count
- ret[:editable] = ActivationKey.readable?(organization)
- ret
- end
- private
+ def subscribe_to_pool(pool_id, quantity = 1)
+ self.subscribe(pool_id, quantity)
+ rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound, RestClient::BadRequest => e
+ raise JSON.parse(e.response)['displayMessage']
+ end
- def set_default_content_view
- self.content_view = self.environment.try(:default_content_view) unless self.content_view
- end
+ def unsubscribe_from_pool(pool_id)
+ self.unsubscribe(pool_id)
+ rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound, RestClient::BadRequest => e
+ raise JSON.parse(e.response)['displayMessage']
+ end
- # Fetch each of the pools from candlepin, removing any that no longer
- # exist (eg. from loss of a Virtual Guest pool)
- def validate_pools
- obsolete_pools = []
- self.pools.each do |pool|
- begin
- Resources::Candlepin::Pool.find(pool.cp_id)
- rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound
- obsolete_pools << pool
+ private
+ def set_default_content_view
+ if self.environment && self.content_view.nil?
+ self.content_view = self.environment.try(:default_content_view)
- updated_pools = self.pools - obsolete_pools
- if self.pools != updated_pools
- self.pools = updated_pools
+ def self.humanize_class_name(_name = nil)
+ _("Activation Keys")