in kanoko-0.0.3 vs in kanoko-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,53 @@
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+**kanoko** is an active image generate application.
+# Quick Start
+require 'kanoko/application/convert'
+class MyApp < Kanoko::Application::Convert
+run MyApp
+$ KANOKO_DIGEST_FUNC=sha1 KANOKO_SECRET_KEY=devkey unicorn --config-file config/unicorn/development.rb
+# Arguments
+- **hash:** params signature (see also **Signature**)
+- **func:** a function name of image processing (e.g. fit)
+- **args:** image processing arguments (e.g. "100x100")
+- **path:** Target image path without scheme (e.g. "host/path/to/image?params\_a=value\_a")
+# Signature
+**hash** is changeable.
+By default, see `Kanoko::Configure#initialize`.
+On application, It must be set **hash** same way as this.
+If hash not match, application should be return *400 Bad Request*.
+This function behavior can change by Kanoko.configure.
+Kanoko.configure.hash_proc = ->{
+ "some_hash_value_on_url"
+- To be able to change digest_func and secret_key on graceful restart
+- More fast