in kanal-0.7.0 vs in kanal-0.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
## [Unreleased]
+## [0.8.0] 2023-05-02
+- after_respond, after_respond_async to store blocks of code to be executed after responses. They do not spawn outputs
+- respond do; cancel end - now we can use cancel DSL keyword in response block if response should not be processed further to spawn an output
## [0.7.0] 2023-04-25
- new output property for batteries: specifics. You can now add specific properties for whatever purpose like specifics.add, specifics.get. specifics.has?
## [0.6.0] 2023-04-24
- .composite_logger method for core now gives possibility to take that logger and provide it as ruby logger somewhere in the other library (usually to flow some libraries used in your kanal app logs into the kanal logs to have logs in the same place)