lib/kaltura_fu/entry.rb in kaltura_fu-0.1.5 vs lib/kaltura_fu/entry.rb in kaltura_fu-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,105 @@
module KalturaFu
- module Entry
+ ##
+ # The entry module provides a slightly more intuitive interface to the
+ # Kaltura media service. It determines what retrieval and setting actions
+ # you can perform based upon the version of the Kaltura-Ruby library using
+ # reflection. This allows Kaltura_Fu to be a bit more future proof than the
+ # Kaltura API client itself! The tradeoff is that getting/adding/setting
+ # attributes are defined dynamically. The current behavior is that the first
+ # call to a dynamic method will then define all of Kaltura's media entries
+ # methods. This allows the module to be slightly lighter weight in the event
+ # that it is included in a class but never used, and faster than using method_missing
+ # lookups for 100% of the dynamic methods. The first call will be slower though,
+ # as it generates numerous other methods.
+ #
+ # == Usage
+ # The entry module is intended to be used to link Rails Models to Kaltura MediaEntry's.
+ # However, you should not perform these actions during a web application request. Doing
+ # so will slow down your request unecessarily. There is nearly nothing gained from adding a
+ # round trip to your Kaltura server to make an update synchronus. Instead, this module
+ # should mostly be used in processing a background request from an observer.
+ #
+ # == Uploading to Kaltura
+ # The entry module provides convienance to uploading directly to your installation of
+ # Kaltura. For your web application, there are two Kaltura flash widgets that perform
+ # a much better job of uploading files though. This functionality has been used in
+ # production environments that use lecture capture. A video file is placed in a folder,
+ # a script picks the file up, and then uploads it into Kaltura.
+ #
+ # The Kaltura API supports uploading media from files, URL's, and also has a batch action.
+ # The implementation of Kaltura Fu currently ignores the URL and batch methods, instead
+ # focusing on file uploading.
+ #
+ # @example A basic file upload example:
+ # media_file ="/path/to/video.mp4")
+ # upload(media_file,:source => :file)
+ #
+ # @example A file upload with metadata fields populated:
+ # media_file ="/path/to/video.mp4")
+ # upload(media_file, :source => :file,
+ # :name => "My Rad video",
+ # :description => "I'm capable of such rad things.",
+ # :tags => "rad,rowdy,video,h.264",
+ # :categories => "raditude"
+ # )
+ # == Getting, Setting, and Adding Metadata
+ # The entry module provides an easy mean to retrieve the current state and modify a Kaltura entry.
+ # For metadata fields that act as a list of objects, it also provides an easy way to append values
+ # onto the list. It uses get_ and set_ instead of the more common Ruby practice of using just the
+ # attribute and attribute= so that you can include this module in your model without conflict. Also,
+ # when you are performing actions on the category fields, the module is making sure these are available
+ # in the KMC by calling Kaltura's Category service.
+ #
+ # @example Retrieving metadata:
+ # get_name("1_q34aa52a")
+ # get_categories("1_q34aa52a")
+ #
+ # @example Setting metadata:
+ # set_name("1_q34aa52a", "waffles")
+ # set_categories("1_q34aa52a", "HD,h.264,live recording")
+ #
+ # @example Appending tags to an existing set:
+ # add_tags("1_q34aa52a","eductation, lecture capture")
+ #
+ # == Checking the Status of an Entry
+ # One unfortunate aspect of the Kaltura API is that an entry will report it's status as "ready"
+ # while flavors are still encoding. When you embed the entry on a webpage, it will render an
+ # error "Media is currently converting". The only solution is to instead check the status of
+ # each flavor instead to ensure total readiness.
+ #
+ # @example Checking an entries status:
+ # check_status("1_q34aa52a")
+ #
+ # == Retrieving Status About the Source Video
+ # Occasionally, you need to interact with the original video in some form or another with Kaltura.
+ # One production situation I have encountered in the past is maintaining a copy of the source video
+ # on a large data store seperate from Kaltura. It is extremely difficult to work with the download
+ # URL that Kaltura provides for that.
+ #
+ # @example Getting the Flavor ID of the original video associated with an entry:
+ # original_flavor("1_q34aa52a")
+ #
+ # @example Getting the file extension of the original video associated with an entry:
+ # original_file_extension("1_q34aa52a")
+ #
+ # @example Getting a usable download URL for the entries original file:
+ # original_download_url("1_q34aa52a")
+ #
+ # @author Patrick Robertson
+ ##
+ module Entry
# @private
def self.included(base)
base.extend ClassMethods
base.class_eval do
include Metadata
include InstanceMethods
+ include Flavor
end #Entry
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