lib/jwt_keeper/controller.rb in jwt_keeper-2.0.0 vs lib/jwt_keeper/controller.rb in jwt_keeper-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,66 +1,69 @@
module JWTKeeper
module Controller
- def self.included(klass)
- klass.class_eval do
- include InstanceMethods
- end
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ module ClassMethods
- module InstanceMethods
- # Available to be used as a before_action by the application's controllers. This is
- # the main logical section for decoding, and automatically rotating tokens
- def require_authentication
- token = authentication_token
- return not_authenticated if token.nil?
+ # Available to be used as a before_action by the application's controllers. This is
+ # the main logical section for decoding, and automatically rotating tokens
+ def require_authentication
+ token = read_authentication_token
- if token.version_mismatch? || token.pending?
- new_claims = regenerate_claims(token)
- token.rotate(new_claims)
- self.authentication_token = token
- end
- authenticated(token)
+ if token.nil?
+ clear_authentication_token
+ return not_authenticated
- # Invoked by the require_authentication method as part of the automatic rotation
- # process. The application should override this method to include the necessary
- # claims.
- def regenerate_claims(old_token)
+ if token.version_mismatch? || token.pending?
+ new_claims = regenerate_claims(token)
+ token.rotate(new_claims)
- # Moves the authentication_token from the request to the response
- def respond_with_authentication
- response.headers['Authorization'] = request.headers['Authorization']
- end
+ write_authentication_token(token)
+ authenticated(token)
+ end
- # Decodes and returns the token
- def authentication_token
- return nil unless request.headers['Authorization']
- JWTKeeper::Token.find(request.headers['Authorization'].split.last)
- end
+ # Decodes and returns the token
+ def read_authentication_token
+ return nil unless request.headers['Authorization']
+ @authentication_token ||=
+ JWTKeeper::Token.find(
+ request.headers['Authorization'].split.last,
+ cookies.signed['jwt_keeper']
+ )
+ end
- # Assigns a token to the request to act as a single source of truth
- def authentication_token=(token)
- request.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{token.to_jwt}"
- end
+ # Encodes and writes the token
+ def write_authentication_token(token)
+ return clear_authentication_token if token.nil?
+ response.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{token.to_jwt}"
+ cookies.signed['jwt_keeper'] = token.to_cookie
+ @authentication_token = token
+ end
- # Used when a user tries to access a page while logged out, is asked to login,
- # and we want to return him back to the page he originally wanted.
- def redirect_back_or_to(url, flash_hash = {})
- redirect_to(session[:return_to_url] || url, flash: flash_hash)
- session[:return_to_url] = nil
- end
+ # delets the authentication token
+ def clear_authentication_token
+ response.headers['Authorization'] = nil
+ cookies.delete('jwt_keeper')
+ @authentication_token = nil
+ end
- # The default action for denying non-authenticated connections.
- # You can override this method in your controllers
- def not_authenticated
- redirect_to root_path
- end
+ # The default action for denying non-authenticated connections.
+ # You can override this method in your controllers
+ def not_authenticated
+ redirect_to root_path
+ end
- # The default action for accepting authenticated connections.
- # You can override this method in your controllers
- def authenticated(token)
- end
+ # The default action for accepting authenticated connections.
+ # You can override this method in your controllers
+ def authenticated(token)
+ end
+ # Invoked by the require_authentication method as part of the automatic rotation
+ # process. The application should override this method to include the necessary
+ # claims.
+ def regenerate_claims(old_token)