lib/jss-api/db_connection.rb in jss-api-0.5.8 vs lib/jss-api/db_connection.rb in jss-api-0.6.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-### Copyright 2014 Pixar
+### Copyright 2016 Pixar
### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
### with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
### compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
### Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
@@ -82,11 +82,14 @@
### net connections (like... from airplanes)
DFT_SOCKET = '/var/mysql/mysql.sock'
+ ### the default MySQL port
+ DFT_PORT = 3306
### the strftime format for reading/writing dates in the db
SQL_DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
@@ -138,12 +141,16 @@
### @return [true] the connection was successfully made.
def connect(args = {})
+ # server might come frome several places
+ # if not given in the args, use #hostname to figure out
+ # which
+ @server = args[:server] ? args[:server] : hostname
# settings from config if they aren't in the args
- args[:server] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_server_name
args[:port] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_server_port
args[:socket] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_server_socket
args[:db_name] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_name
args[:user] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_username
args[:connect_timeout] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_connect_timeout
@@ -167,38 +174,34 @@
@mysql.close if connected?
rescue Mysql::ClientError::ServerGoneError
@connected = false
- @server = args[:server]
@port = args[:port]
@socket = args[:socket]
@mysql_name = args[:db_name]
@user = args[:user]
@connect_timeout = args[:connect_timeout]
@read_timeout = args[:read_timeout]
@write_timeout = args[:write_timeout]
- # make sure we have a user
- raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No JSS user specified, or listed in configuration." unless args[:user]
- # passwd from prompt, stdin, or args?
+ # make sure we have a user, pw, server
+ raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No MySQL user specified, or listed in configuration." unless args[:user]
raise JSS::MissingDataError, "Missing :pw (or :prompt/:stdin) for user '#{@user}'" unless args[:pw]
+ raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No MySQL Server hostname specified, or listed in configuration." unless @server
@pw = if args[:pw] == :prompt
- JSS.prompt_for_password "Enter the password for the MySQL user #{@user}@#{args[:server]}:"
+ JSS.prompt_for_password "Enter the password for the MySQL user #{@user}@#{@server}:"
elsif args[:pw].is_a?(Symbol) and args[:pw].to_s.start_with?('stdin')
args[:pw].to_s =~ /^stdin(\d+)$/
line = $1
line ||= 2
JSS.stdin line
@mysql = Mysql.init
@mysql.options Mysql::OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, @connect_timeout
@mysql.options Mysql::OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, @read_timeout
@mysql.options Mysql::OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, @write_timeout
@@ -220,13 +223,61 @@
### close the connection to the database
### it'll have to be re-connected before using again
def disconnect
@mysql.close if connected?
+ @server = nil
+ @port = nil
+ @socket = nil
+ @user = nil
+ @connection_timeout = DFT_TIMEOUT
+ @read_timeout = DFT_TIMEOUT
+ @write_timeout = DFT_TIMEOUT
@connected = false
end # disconnect
+ ### Test that a given hostname is a MySQL server
+ ###
+ ### @param server[String] The hostname to test
+ ###
+ ### @return [Boolean] does the server host a MySQL server?
+ ###
+ def valid_server? (server, port = DFT_PORT)
+ mysql = Mysql.init
+ mysql.options Mysql::OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 5
+ begin
+ # this connection should get an access denied error if there is
+ # a mysql server there. I'm assuming no one will use this username
+ # and pw for anything real
+ mysql.connect server, "notArealUser", "definatelyNotA#{$$}password", "not_a_db", port
+ rescue Mysql::ServerError::AccessDeniedError
+ return true
+ rescue
+ return false
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ ### The server to which we are connected, or will
+ ### try connecting to if none is specified with the
+ ### call to #connect
+ ###
+ ### @return [String] the hostname of the server
+ ###
+ def hostname
+ # return it if already set
+ return @server if @server
+ # otherwise, from the config
+ srvr = JSS::CONFIG.db_server_name
+ # otherwise, assume its on the JSS server to which this client talks
+ srvr ||= JSS::Client.jss_server
+ return srvr
+ end
#### Aliases
alias connected? connected
end # class DBConnection