test/controllers/controller_test.rb in jsonapi-resources-0.5.9 vs test/controllers/controller_test.rb in jsonapi-resources-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1206,25 +1206,43 @@
put :update_relationship, {post_id: 14, relationship: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}, {type: 'tags', id: 3}]}
assert_response :no_content
p = Post.find(14)
assert_equal [2, 3], p.tag_ids
- delete :destroy_relationship, {post_id: 14, relationship: 'tags', keys: '3'}
+ delete :destroy_relationship, {post_id: 14, relationship: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}]}
assert_response :no_content
assert_equal [2], p.tag_ids
+ def test_delete_relationship_to_many_with_relationship_url_not_matching_type
+ set_content_type_header!
+ PostResource.has_many :special_tags, relation_name: :special_tags, class_name: "Tag"
+ post :create_relationship, {post_id: 14, relationship: 'special_tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}]}
+ #check the relationship was created successfully
+ assert_equal 1, Post.find(14).special_tags.count
+ before_tags = Post.find(14).tags.count
+ delete :destroy_relationship, {post_id: 14, relationship: 'special_tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}]}
+ assert_equal 0, Post.find(14).special_tags.count, "Relationship that matches URL relationship not destroyed"
+ #check that the tag association is not affected
+ assert_equal Post.find(14).tags.count, before_tags
+ ensure
+ PostResource.instance_variable_get(:@_relationships).delete(:special_tags)
+ end
def test_delete_relationship_to_many_does_not_exist
put :update_relationship, {post_id: 14, relationship: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}, {type: 'tags', id: 3}]}
assert_response :no_content
p = Post.find(14)
assert_equal [2, 3], p.tag_ids
- delete :destroy_relationship, {post_id: 14, relationship: 'tags', keys: '4'}
+ delete :destroy_relationship, {post_id: 14, relationship: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 4}]}
assert_response :not_found
assert_equal [2, 3], p.tag_ids
@@ -2825,10 +2843,58 @@
$test_user = Person.find(5)
get :index, {filter: {book_comments: '0,52' }}
assert_response :success
assert_equal 2, json_response['data'].size
+ def test_books_create_unapproved_comment_limited_user_using_relation_name
+ set_content_type_header!
+ $test_user = Person.find(1)
+ book_comment = BookComment.create(body: 'Not Approved dummy comment', approved: false)
+ post :create_relationship, {book_id: 1, relationship: 'book_comments', data: [{type: 'book_comments', id: book_comment.id}]}
+ # Note the not_found response is coming from the BookComment's overridden records method, not the relation
+ assert_response :not_found
+ ensure
+ book_comment.delete
+ end
+ def test_books_create_approved_comment_limited_user_using_relation_name
+ set_content_type_header!
+ $test_user = Person.find(1)
+ book_comment = BookComment.create(body: 'Approved dummy comment', approved: true)
+ post :create_relationship, {book_id: 1, relationship: 'book_comments', data: [{type: 'book_comments', id: book_comment.id}]}
+ assert_response :success
+ ensure
+ book_comment.delete
+ end
+ def test_books_delete_unapproved_comment_limited_user_using_relation_name
+ $test_user = Person.find(1)
+ book_comment = BookComment.create(book_id: 1, body: 'Not Approved dummy comment', approved: false)
+ delete :destroy_relationship, {book_id: 1, relationship: 'book_comments', data: [{type: 'book_comments', id: book_comment.id}]}
+ assert_response :not_found
+ ensure
+ book_comment.delete
+ end
+ def test_books_delete_approved_comment_limited_user_using_relation_name
+ $test_user = Person.find(1)
+ book_comment = BookComment.create(book_id: 1, body: 'Approved dummy comment', approved: true)
+ delete :destroy_relationship, {book_id: 1, relationship: 'book_comments', data: [{type: 'book_comments', id: book_comment.id}]}
+ assert_response :no_content
+ ensure
+ book_comment.delete
+ end
class Api::V2::BookCommentsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
def setup
JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key
@@ -2968,9 +3034,21 @@
planet: {links: {self: "http://test.host/moons/1/relationships/planet", related: "http://test.host/moons/1/planet"}},
craters: {links: {self: "http://test.host/moons/1/relationships/craters", related: "http://test.host/moons/1/craters"}}}
+ end
+ def test_get_related_resources_with_select_some_db_columns
+ PlanetResource.paginator :paged
+ original_config = JSONAPI.configuration.dup
+ JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = true
+ JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key
+ get :get_related_resources, {planet_id: '1', relationship: 'moons', source: 'api/v1/planets'}
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_equal 1, json_response['meta']['record-count']
+ ensure
+ JSONAPI.configuration = original_config
class Api::V1::CratersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
def test_show_single