test/controllers/controller_test.rb in jsonapi-resources-0.5.0 vs test/controllers/controller_test.rb in jsonapi-resources-0.5.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1425,17 +1425,10 @@
delete :destroy, {id: '5,6,99999'}
assert_response :not_found
assert_equal initial_count, Post.count
- def test_delete_extra_param
- initial_count = Post.count
- delete :destroy, {id: '4', asdfg: 'aaaa'}
- assert_response :bad_request
- assert_equal initial_count, Post.count
- end
def test_show_to_one_relationship
get :show_relationship, {post_id: '1', relationship: 'author'}
assert_response :success
assert_hash_equals json_response,
{data: {
@@ -2157,15 +2150,12 @@
class FactsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
- def setup
- JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key
- end
def test_type_formatting
+ JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key
get :show, {id: '1'}
assert_response :success
assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash)
assert_equal 'Jane Author', json_response['data']['attributes']['spouseName']
assert_equal 'First man to run across Antartica.', json_response['data']['attributes']['bio']
@@ -2175,10 +2165,44 @@
assert_equal '1965-06-30', json_response['data']['attributes']['birthday']
assert_equal '2000-01-01T20:00:00Z', json_response['data']['attributes']['bedtime']
assert_equal 'abc', json_response['data']['attributes']['photo']
assert_equal false, json_response['data']['attributes']['cool']
+ def test_create_with_invalid_data
+ JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key
+ set_content_type_header!
+ post :create,
+ {
+ data: {
+ type: 'facts',
+ attributes: {
+ bio: '',
+ :"quality-rating" => '',
+ :"spouse-name" => '',
+ salary: 100000,
+ :"date-time-joined" => '',
+ birthday: '',
+ bedtime: '',
+ photo: 'abc',
+ cool: false
+ },
+ relationships: {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert_response :unprocessable_entity
+ assert_equal "/data/attributes/spouse-name", json_response['errors'][0]['source']['pointer']
+ assert_equal "can't be blank", json_response['errors'][0]['detail']
+ assert_equal "spouse-name - can't be blank", json_response['errors'][0]['title']
+ assert_equal "/data/attributes/bio", json_response['errors'][1]['source']['pointer']
+ assert_equal "can't be blank", json_response['errors'][1]['detail']
+ assert_equal "bio - can't be blank", json_response['errors'][1]['title']
+ end
class Api::V2::BooksControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
def setup
JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key
@@ -2630,7 +2654,68 @@
assert_response :unprocessable_entity
assert_match /Save failed or was cancelled/, json_response['errors'][0]['detail']
+ end
+class Api::V1::MoonsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ def test_get_related_resource
+ get :get_related_resource, {crater_id: 'S56D', relationship: 'moon', source: "api/v1/craters"}
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_hash_equals json_response,
+ {
+ data: {
+ id: "1",
+ type: "moons",
+ links: {self: "http://test.host/moons/1"},
+ attributes: {name: "Titan", description: "Best known of the Saturn moons."},
+ relationships: {
+ planet: {links: {self: "http://test.host/moons/1/relationships/planet", related: "http://test.host/moons/1/planet"}},
+ craters: {links: {self: "http://test.host/moons/1/relationships/craters", related: "http://test.host/moons/1/craters"}}}
+ }
+ }
+ end
+class Api::V1::CratersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ def test_show_single
+ get :show, {id: 'S56D'}
+ assert_response :success
+ assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash)
+ assert_equal 'S56D', json_response['data']['attributes']['code']
+ assert_equal 'Very large crater', json_response['data']['attributes']['description']
+ assert_nil json_response['included']
+ end
+ def test_get_related_resources
+ get :get_related_resources, {moon_id: '1', relationship: 'craters', source: "api/v1/moons"}
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_hash_equals json_response,
+ {
+ data: [
+ {id:"A4D3",
+ type:"craters",
+ links:{self: "http://test.host/craters/A4D3"},
+ attributes:{code: "A4D3", description: "Small crater"},
+ relationships:{moon: {links: {self: "http://test.host/craters/A4D3/relationships/moon", related: "http://test.host/craters/A4D3/moon"}}}
+ },
+ {id: "S56D",
+ type: "craters",
+ links:{self: "http://test.host/craters/S56D"},
+ attributes:{code: "S56D", description: "Very large crater"},
+ relationships:{moon: {links: {self: "http://test.host/craters/S56D/relationships/moon", related: "http://test.host/craters/S56D/moon"}}}
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ end
+ def test_show_relationship
+ get :show_relationship, {crater_id: 'S56D', relationship: 'moon'}
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_equal "moons", json_response['data']['type']
+ assert_equal "1", json_response['data']['id']