spec/conformance_spec.rb in json_select-0.1.3 vs spec/conformance_spec.rb in json_select-0.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,55 +1,111 @@
describe "JSONSelect", "conformance" do
- %w( basic ).each do |test|
- selectors = "../fixtures/#{test}_*.selector"
- selectors = Dir[File.expand_path(selectors, __FILE__)]
+ p_levels = "../fixtures/conformance/level_*"
+ p_groups = "{basic}.json"
- describe "(#{test})" do
+ levels = {}
- let(:input) do
- path = File.expand_path("../fixtures/#{test}.json", __FILE__)
- Yajl::Parser.parse(File.read(path))
- end
+ d = Dir[File.expand_path(p_levels, __FILE__)]
+ d.each do |dir|
+ level = (levels[File.basename(dir)] = {})
- selectors.each do |selector|
- basename = File.basename(selector, '.selector')
- name = basename[(test.size + 1)..-1]
- output = File.expand_path("../fixtures/#{basename}.output", __FILE__)
- ast = File.expand_path("../fixtures/#{basename}.ast", __FILE__)
+ d = Dir[File.expand_path(p_groups, dir)]
+ d.each do |json|
+ gname = File.basename(json, '.json')
+ group = (level[gname] = {})
+ group[:json] = json
- describe "(#{name})" do
+ d = Dir[File.expand_path("../#{gname}_*.selector", json)]
+ d.each do |selector|
+ name = File.basename(selector, '.selector').split('_', 2).last
- it "parses the selector" do
- ast = Yajl::Parser.parse(File.read(ast))
- s = JSONSelect(File.read(selector).strip)
- s.should be_a(JSONSelect)
- Yajl::Parser.parse(Yajl::Encoder.encode(s.ast)).should == ast
- end
+ group[name] = [selector,
+ File.expand_path("../#{gname}_#{name}.output", selector)]
+ end
+ end
+ end
- it "produces the correct output" do
- s = JSONSelect(File.read(selector).strip)
- e = []
- Yajl::Parser.parse(File.read(output)) { |o| e << o }
- s.matches(input).should == e
- end
+ levels.each do |level, groups|
+ describe "(#{level})" do
+ groups.each do |group, tests|
+ describe "(#{group})" do
+ input_p = tests.delete(:json)
- it "finds the first matching child" do
- s = JSONSelect(File.read(selector).strip)
- e = []
- Yajl::Parser.parse(File.read(output)) { |o| e << o }
- s.match(input).should == e.first
+ let(:input) do
+ Yajl::Parser.parse(File.read(input_p))
- it "can correctly test the object" do
- s = JSONSelect(File.read(selector).strip)
- e = []
- Yajl::Parser.parse(File.read(output)) { |o| e << o }
- s.test(input).should be_true
- end
+ tests.each do |test, (selector_p, output_p)|
+ describe "(#{test})" do
+ let(:selector) do
+ File.read(selector_p)
+ end
+ let(:output) do
+ o = File.read(output_p)
+ o.sub! /^172$/, "172\n\"ignored object\""
+ e = []
+ Yajl::Parser.parse(o) { |o| e << o }
+ e
+ end
+ it "finds all matching children" do
+ JSONSelect(selector).matches(input).should == output
+ end
+ it "finds the first matching child" do
+ JSONSelect(selector).match(input).should == output.first
+ end
+ it "can correctly test the object" do
+ JSONSelect(selector).test(input).should be_true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # %w( basic ).each do |test|
+ # selectors = "../fixtures/#{test}_*.selector"
+ # selectors = Dir[File.expand_path(selectors, __FILE__)]
+ #
+ # describe "(#{test})" do
+ #
+ # let(:input) do
+ # path = File.expand_path("../fixtures/#{test}.json", __FILE__)
+ # Yajl::Parser.parse(File.read(path))
+ # end
+ #
+ # selectors.each do |selector|
+ # basename = File.basename(selector, '.selector')
+ # name = basename[(test.size + 1)..-1]
+ # output = File.expand_path("../fixtures/#{basename}.output", __FILE__)
+ # # ast = File.expand_path("../fixtures/#{basename}.ast", __FILE__)
+ # selector_o = File.expand_path("../fixtures/#{basename}.selector.out", __FILE__)
+ #
+ # describe "(#{name})" do
+ #
+ # # it "parses the selector" do
+ # # ast = Yajl::Parser.parse(File.read(ast))
+ # # s = JSONSelect(File.read(selector).strip)
+ # # s.should be_a(JSONSelect)
+ # # Yajl::Parser.parse(Yajl::Encoder.encode(s.ast)).should == ast
+ # # end
+ #
+ # # it "produces the correct selector" do
+ # # s = JSONSelect(File.read(selector).strip)
+ # # e = File.read(selector_o)
+ # # s.to_s.should == e
+ # # end
+ #
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # end
+ # end
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