in json_parser-1.2.0 vs in json_parser-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -14,35 +14,65 @@
Getting started
1. Add JsonParser to your `Gemfile` and `bundle install`:
- ```ruby
- gem 'json_parser'
- ```
+ ```ruby
+ gem 'json_parser'
+ ```
2. Include in a class that you want to wrap a json/hash
- class Parser
+ class MyParser
include JsonParser
+ ```
- attr_reader :json
+3. Declare the keys you want to crawl
+ ```ruby
+class MyParser
+ include JsonParser
- def initialize(json)
- @json = json
- end
+ json_parse :id
+ json_parse :name, :age, path: :person
+ attr_reader :json
+ def initialize(json = {})
+ @json = json
-3. Declare the keys you want to crawl
+ and let it fetch values from your hash
- class Parser
- json_parse :id, :dog_name, cached: true
- json_parse :age, type: :integer
- end
+ object =
+ id: 10,
+ age: 22
+ person: {
+ name: 'Robert',
+ age: 22
+ }
+ )
+ #returns 'Robert'
+ this is usefull when trying to fetch data from hashes missing nodes
+ ```ruby
+ #returns nil
+ ```
+ 4. fully customise the way you crawl / fetch the information with [Options](#options)
+ 5. Create custom [typecast](#TypeCast)
- path: path where to find the sub hash that contains the key (empty by default)
- json: method that contains the hash to be parsed (json by default)
- full_path: full path to fetch the value (empty by default)
@@ -50,6 +80,102 @@
- class: class to be used when wrapping the final value
- compact: indicator telling to ignore nil values inside array (false by default)
- flatten: indicator telling that to flattern the resulting array (false by default)
- after: name of a method to be called after with the resulting value
- case: case of the keys from the json (camel by default)
-- type: Type that the value must be cast into
+- type: Type that the value must be cast into ([TypeCast](#typecast))
+- default: Default value (prior to casting and wrapping, see [Default](#default))
+The type casting, when the option `type` is passed, is done through the `JsonParser::TypeCast` which can
+be extended
+module JsonParser::TypeCast
+ def to_money_float(value)
+ value.gsub(/\$ */, '').to_f
+ end
+class MyParser
+ include JsonParser
+ json_parse :total_money, full_path: 'accounts.balance', after: :sum,
+ cached: true, type: :money_float
+ json_parse :total_owed, full_path: 'loans.value', after: :sum,
+ cached: true, type: :money_float
+ attr_reader :json
+ def initialize(json = {})
+ @json = json
+ end
+ private
+ #this method will receive the array of values resulting from the initial mapping
+ def sum(balances)
+ balances.sum if balances
+ end
+ object =
+ accounts: [
+ { balance: '$ 1000.50', type: 'checking' },
+ { balance: '$ 150.10', type: 'savings' },
+ { balance: '$ -100.24', type: 'checking' }
+ ],
+ loans: [
+ { value: '$ 300.50', bank: 'the_bank' },
+ { value: '$ 150.10', type: 'the_other_bank' },
+ { value: '$ 100.24', type: 'the_same_bank' }
+ ]
+ )
+ object.balance
+#returns 1050.36
+Default value returned before typecasting or class wrapping
+class Star
+ attr_reader :name
+ def initialize(name:)
+ @name = name
+ end
+class StarGazer
+ include JsonParser
+ json_parse :favorite_star, full_path: '',
+ default: { name: 'Sun' }, class: ::Star
+ attr_reader :json
+ def initialize(json = {})
+ @json = json
+ end
+star_gazer =
+#returns "Sun"
+#returns Star