lib/json_builder/compiler.rb in json_builder-3.0.6 vs lib/json_builder/compiler.rb in json_builder-3.0.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,87 +1,176 @@
require 'json_builder/member'
module JSONBuilder
class Compiler
class << self
+ # Public: The helper that builds the JSON structure by calling the
+ # specific methods needed to build the JSON.
+ #
+ # args - Any number of arguments needed for the JSONBuilder::Compiler.
+ # block - Yielding a block to generate the JSON.
+ #
+ # Returns a String.
def generate(*args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!
compiler =
compiler.compile(*args, &block)
attr_accessor :members
attr_accessor :array
attr_accessor :scope
attr_accessor :callback
attr_accessor :pretty_print
+ # Needed to allow for the id key to be used
undef_method :id if methods.include? 'id'
+ # Public: Creates a new Compiler instance used to hold any and
+ # all JSONBuilder::Member objects.
+ #
+ # options - Hash of options used to modify JSON output.
+ #
+ # Examples
+ #
+ # json = => false)
+ # json.compile do
+ # name 'Garrett'
+ # end
+ # json.finalize
+ # # => {"name": "Garrett"}
+ #
+ # Returns instance of JSONBuilder::Compiler.
def initialize(options={})
@_members = []
@_scope = options[:scope]
@_callback = options[:callback] || true
@_pretty_print = options[:pretty] || false
# Only copy instance variables if there is a scope and presence of Rails
copy_instance_variables_from(@_scope) if @_scope
+ # Public: Takes a block to generate the JSON structure by calling method_missing
+ # on all members passed to it through the block.
+ #
+ # args - An array of values passed to JSONBuilder::Value.
+ # block - Yielding a block to generate the JSON.
+ #
+ # Returns nothing.
def compile(*args, &block)
instance_exec(*args, &block)
+ # Public: Takes a set number of items to generate a plain JSON array response.
+ #
+ # Returns instance of JSONBuilder::Elements.
def array(items, &block)
@_array =, items, &block)
- # Need to return a Key instance to allow for arrays to be handled appropriately
+ # Public: Called anytime the compiler is passed JSON keys,
+ # first checks to see if the parent object contains the method like
+ # a Rails helper.
+ #
+ # key_name - The key for the JSON member.
+ # args - An array of values passed to JSONBuilder::Value.
+ # block - Yielding any block passed to the element.
+ #
+ # Returns nothing.
def method_missing(key_name, *args, &block)
if @_scope.respond_to?(key_name) && !ignore_scope_methods.include?(key_name)
@_scope.send(key_name, *args, &block)
key(key_name, *args, &block)
+ # Public: Generates the start of the JSON member. Useful if the key you are
+ # generating is dynamic.
+ #
+ # key - Used to generate the JSON member's key. Can be a String or Symbol.
+ # args - An array of values passed to JSONBuilder::Value.
+ # block - Yielding any block passed to the element.
+ #
+ # Examples
+ #
+ # key :hello, 'Hi'
+ # # => "hello": "Hi"
+ #
+ # key "item-#{rand(0, 500)}", "I'm random!"
+ # # => "item-250": "I'm random!"
+ #
+ # Returns instance of JSONBuilder::Member.
def key(key_name, *args, &block)
member =, @_scope, *args, &block)
@_members << member
+ # Public: Combines the output of the compiled members and the change
+ # there is a JSONP callback. This is what is returned in the response.
+ #
+ # Returns a String.
def finalize
include_callback to_s
- # Once all nodes are compiled, build the string
+ # Public: Gathers the JSON structure and calls it's compiler within each
+ # instance.
+ #
+ # Returns a String.
def to_s
@_array ? @_array.to_s : "{#{@_members.collect(&:to_s).join(', ')}}"
+ # Private: Determines whether or not to include a JSONP callback in
+ # the response.
+ #
+ # json - The String representation of the JSON structure.
+ #
+ # Returns a String.
def include_callback(json)
@_callback && request_params[:callback] ? "#{request_params[:callback]}(#{pretty_print(json)})" : pretty_print(json)
+ # Private: Determines whether or not to pass the string through the a
+ # JSON prettifier to help with debugging.
+ #
+ # json - The String representation of the JSON structure.
+ #
+ # Returns a String.
def pretty_print(json)
@_pretty_print ? JSON.pretty_generate(JSON[json]) : json
+ # Private: Contains the params from the request.
+ #
+ # Returns a Hash.
def request_params
@_scope.respond_to?(:params) ? @_scope.params : {}
+ # Private: Takes all instance variables from the scope passed to it
+ # and makes them available to the block that gets compiled.
+ #
+ # object - The scope which contains the instance variables.
+ # exclude - Any instance variables that should not be set.
+ #
+ # Returns nothing.
def copy_instance_variables_from(object, exclude = []) #:nodoc:
vars = -
vars.each { |name| instance_variable_set(name.to_sym, object.instance_variable_get(name)) }
- # There are some special methods that need to be ignored that may be matched within +@_scope+.
+ # Private: Array of instance variable names that should not be set for
+ # the scope.
+ #
+ # Returns an Array of Symbols.
def ignore_scope_methods