lib/json/ld/api.rb in json-ld-2.1.2 vs lib/json/ld/api.rb in json-ld-2.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -67,14 +67,16 @@
# The callback of the loader to be used to retrieve remote documents and contexts. If specified, it must be used to retrieve remote documents and contexts; otherwise, if not specified, the processor's built-in loader must be used. See {documentLoader} for the method signature.
# @option options [String, #read, Hash, Array, JSON::LD::Context] :expandContext
# A context that is used to initialize the active context when expanding a document.
# @option options [Boolean, String, RDF::URI] :flatten
# If set to a value that is not `false`, the JSON-LD processor must modify the output of the Compaction Algorithm or the Expansion Algorithm by coalescing all properties associated with each subject via the Flattening Algorithm. The value of `flatten must` be either an _IRI_ value representing the name of the graph to flatten, or `true`. If the value is `true`, then the first graph encountered in the input document is selected and flattened.
- # @option options [String] :processingMode ("json-ld-1.1")
+ # @option options [String] :processingMode
# Processing mode, json-ld-1.0 or json-ld-1.1. Also can have other values:
# * json-ld-1.1-expand-frame – special frame expansion mode.
+ #
+ # If `processingMode` is not specified, a mode of `json-ld-1.0` or `json-ld-1.1` is set, the context used for `expansion` or `compaction`.
# @option options [Boolean] :rename_bnodes (true)
# Rename bnodes as part of expansion, or keep them the same.
# @option options [Boolean] :unique_bnodes (false)
# Use unique bnode identifiers, defaults to using the identifier which the node was originally initialized with (if any).
# @option options [Boolean] :simple_compact_iris (false)
@@ -86,14 +88,12 @@
# @raise [JsonLdError]
def initialize(input, context, options = {}, &block)
@options = {
compactArrays: true,
rename_bnodes: true,
- processingMode: "json-ld-1.1",
documentLoader: self.class.method(:documentLoader)
- @options[:validate] = %w(json-ld-1.0 json-ld-1.1).include?(@options[:processingMode])
@options = @options.merge(options)
@namer = options[:unique_bnodes] ? : (@options[:rename_bnodes] ?"b") :
# For context via Link header
context_ref = nil
@@ -133,10 +133,14 @@
# If not provided, first use context from document, or from a Link header
context ||= (@value['@context'] if @value.is_a?(Hash)) || context_ref
@context = Context.parse(context || {}, @options)
+ # If not set explicitly, the context figures out the processing mode
+ @options[:processingMode] ||= @context.processingMode
+ @options[:validate] ||= %w(json-ld-1.0 json-ld-1.1).include?(@options[:processingMode])
if block_given?
case block.arity
when 0, -1 then instance_eval(&block)
@@ -205,11 +209,11 @@
# 1) Perform the Expansion Algorithm on the JSON-LD input.
# This removes any existing context to allow the given context to be cleanly applied.
expanded_input = options[:expanded] ? input : API.expand(input, options), context, options) do
- log_debug(".compact") {"expanded input: #{expanded.to_json(JSON_STATE) rescue 'malformed json'}"}
+ log_debug(".compact") {"expanded input: #{expanded_input.to_json(JSON_STATE) rescue 'malformed json'}"}
result = compact(value)
# xxx) Add the given context to the output
ctx = self.context.serialize
if result.is_a?(Array)
@@ -296,10 +300,11 @@
# @option options [Boolean] :requireAll (true)
# A flag specifying that all properties present in the input frame must either have a default value or be present in the JSON-LD input for the frame to match.
# @option options [Boolean] :omitDefault (false)
# a flag specifying that properties that are missing from the JSON-LD input should be omitted from the output.
# @option options [Boolean] :expanded Input is already expanded
+ # @option options [Boolean] :pruneBlankNodeIdentifiers (true) removes blank node identifiers that are only used once.
# @yield jsonld
# @yieldparam [Hash] jsonld
# The framed JSON-LD document
# @yieldreturn [Object] returned object
# @return [Object, Hash]
@@ -307,17 +312,18 @@
# @raise [InvalidFrame]
# @see
def self.frame(input, frame, options = {})
result = nil
options = {
- base: input.is_a?(String) ? input : '',
- compactArrays: true,
- embed: '@last',
- explicit: false,
- requireAll: true,
- omitDefault: false,
- documentLoader: method(:documentLoader)
+ base: (input if input.is_a?(String)),
+ compactArrays: true,
+ embed: '@last',
+ explicit: false,
+ requireAll: true,
+ omitDefault: false,
+ pruneBlankNodeIdentifiers: true,
+ documentLoader: method(:documentLoader)
framing_state = {
graphMap: {},
graphStack: [],
@@ -363,22 +369,27 @@
framing_state[:subjects] = framing_state[:graphMap][framing_state[:graph]]
result = []
frame(framing_state, framing_state[:subjects].keys.sort, (expanded_frame.first || {}), options.merge(parent: result))
+ # Count blank node identifiers used in the document, if pruning
+ bnodes_to_clear = if options[:pruneBlankNodeIdentifiers]
+ count_blank_node_identifiers(result).collect {|k, v| k if v == 1}.compact
+ end
# Initalize context from frame
@context = @context.parse(frame['@context'])
# Compact result
compacted = compact(result)
compacted = [compacted] unless compacted.is_a?(Array)
# Add the given context to the output
kwgraph = context.compact_iri('@graph', quiet: true)
result = context.serialize.merge({kwgraph => compacted})
log_debug(".frame") {"after compact: #{result.to_json(JSON_STATE) rescue 'malformed json'}"}
- result = cleanup_preserve(result)
+ result = cleanup_preserve(result, bnodes_to_clear || [])
block_given? ? yield(result) : result
@@ -448,21 +459,23 @@
# @param [Array<RDF::Statement>] input
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options
# @option options (see #initialize)
# @option options [Boolean] :useRdfType (false)
# If set to `true`, the JSON-LD processor will treat `rdf:type` like a normal property instead of using `@type`.
+ # @option options [Boolean] :useNativeTypes (false) use native representations
# @yield jsonld
# @yieldparam [Hash] jsonld
# The JSON-LD document in expanded form
# @yieldreturn [Object] returned object
# @return [Object, Hash]
# If a block is given, the result of evaluating the block is returned, otherwise, the expanded JSON-LD document
def self.fromRdf(input, options = {}, &block)
useRdfType = options.fetch(:useRdfType, false)
+ useNativeTypes = options.fetch(:useNativeTypes, false)
result = nil, nil, options) do |api|
- result = api.from_statements(input, useRdfType: useRdfType)
+ result = api.from_statements(input, useRdfType: useRdfType, useNativeTypes: useNativeTypes)
block_given? ? yield(result) : result