jslint/jslint.js in jslint-1.1.3 vs jslint/jslint.js in jslint-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// jslint.js
-// 2011-05-20
+// 2012-04-15
// Copyright (c) 2002 Douglas Crockford (www.JSLint.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@
// functions: [
// {
// name: STRING,
// line: NUMBER,
// last: NUMBER,
-// param: [
+// params: [
// {
-// value: STRING
+// string: STRING
// }
// ],
// closure: [
// ],
@@ -110,10 +110,13 @@
// ],
// unused: [
// ],
+// undef: [
+// ],
// global: [
// ],
// label: [
@@ -124,22 +127,10 @@
// ],
// member: {
// },
-// unuseds: [
-// {
-// name: STRING,
-// line: NUMBER
-// }
-// ],
-// implieds: [
-// {
-// name: STRING,
-// line: NUMBER
-// }
-// ],
// urls: [
// ],
// json: BOOLEAN
// }
@@ -149,11 +140,11 @@
// You can obtain the parse tree that JSLint constructed while parsing. The
// latest tree is kept in JSLINT.tree. A nice stringication can be produced
// with
// JSON.stringify(JSLINT.tree, [
-// 'value', 'arity', 'name', 'first',
+// 'string', 'arity', 'name', 'first',
// 'second', 'third', 'block', 'else'
// ], 4));
// JSLint provides three directives. They look like slashstar comments, and
// allow for setting options, declaring global variables, and establishing a
@@ -162,206 +153,153 @@
// These directives respect function scope.
// The jslint directive is a special comment that can set one or more options.
// The current option set is
-// adsafe true, if ADsafe rules should be enforced
-// bitwise true, if bitwise operators should not be allowed
+// anon true, if the space may be omitted in anonymous function declarations
+// bitwise true, if bitwise operators should be allowed
// browser true, if the standard browser globals should be predefined
// cap true, if upper case HTML should be allowed
// 'continue' true, if the continuation statement should be tolerated
// css true, if CSS workarounds should be tolerated
// debug true, if debugger statements should be allowed
// devel true, if logging should be allowed (console, alert, etc.)
+// eqeq true, if == should be allowed
// es5 true, if ES5 syntax should be allowed
// evil true, if eval should be allowed
// forin true, if for in statements need not filter
// fragment true, if HTML fragments should be allowed
// indent the indentation factor
// maxerr the maximum number of errors to allow
// maxlen the maximum length of a source line
-// newcap true, if constructor names must be capitalized
+// newcap true, if constructor names capitalization is ignored
// node true, if Node.js globals should be predefined
-// nomen true, if names should be checked
+// nomen true, if names may have dangling _
// on true, if HTML event handlers should be allowed
-// onevar true, if only one var statement per function should be allowed
// passfail true, if the scan should stop on first error
-// plusplus true, if increment/decrement should not be allowed
-// regexp true, if the . should not be allowed in regexp literals
+// plusplus true, if increment/decrement should be allowed
+// properties true, if all property names must be declared with /*properties*/
+// regexp true, if the . should be allowed in regexp literals
// rhino true, if the Rhino environment globals should be predefined
-// undef true, if variables should be declared before used
+// undef true, if variables can be declared out of order
// unparam true, if unused parameters should be tolerated
-// safe true, if use of some browser features should be restricted
-// windows true, if MS Windows-specific globals should be predefined
-// strict true, require the 'use strict'; pragma
+// sloppy true, if the 'use strict'; pragma is optional
+// stupid true, if really stupid practices are tolerated
// sub true, if all forms of subscript notation are tolerated
-// white true, if strict whitespace rules apply
+// vars true, if multiple var statements per function should be allowed
+// white true, if sloppy whitespace is tolerated
// widget true if the Yahoo Widgets globals should be predefined
+// windows true, if MS Windows-specific globals should be predefined
// For example:
- evil: true, nomen: false, onevar: false, regexp: false, strict: true
+ evil: true, nomen: true, regexp: true
// The properties directive declares an exclusive list of property names.
// Any properties named in the program that are not in the list will
// produce a warning.
// For example:
-/*properties '\b', '\t', '\n', '\f', '\r', '!=', '!==', '"', '%',
- '&', '\'', '(begin)', '(breakage)', '(complexity)', '(context)',
- '(error)', '(global)', '(identifier)', '(line)', '(loopage)', '(name)',
- '(onevar)', '(params)', '(scope)', '(statement)', '(token)', '(verb)',
- ')', '*', '+', '-', '/', ';', '<', '<<', '<=', '==', '===',
- '>', '>=', '>>', '>>>', ADSAFE, ActiveXObject,
- Array, Boolean, Buffer, COM, CScript, Canvas, CustomAnimation, Date,
- Debug, E, Enumerator, Error, EvalError, FadeAnimation, Flash, FormField,
- Frame, Function, HotKey, Image, JSON, LN10, LN2, LOG10E, LOG2E,
- Number, Object, Option, PI, POSITIVE_INFINITY, Point, RangeError,
- Rectangle, ReferenceError, RegExp, ResizeAnimation, RotateAnimation,
- SQRT1_2, SQRT2, ScrollBar, Storage, String, Style, SyntaxError, System,
- Text, TextArea, Timer, TypeError, URIError, URL, VBArray, WScript, Web,
- Window, XMLDOM, XMLHttpRequest, '\\', '^', __dirname, __filename, a,
- a_function, a_label, a_not_allowed, a_not_defined, a_scope, abbr,
- acronym, activeborder, activecaption, address, adsafe, adsafe_a,
- adsafe_autocomplete, adsafe_bad_id, adsafe_div, adsafe_fragment,
- adsafe_go, adsafe_html, adsafe_id, adsafe_id_go, adsafe_lib,
+ '\b', '\t', '\n', '\f', '\r', '!', '!=', '!==', '"', '%', '\'',
+ '(arguments)', '(begin)', '(breakage)', '(context)', '(error)',
+ '(identifier)', '(line)', '(loopage)', '(name)', '(params)', '(scope)',
+ '(token)', '(vars)', '(verb)', '*', '+', '-', '/', '<', '<=', '==',
+ '===', '>', '>=', ADSAFE, Array, Date, Function, Object, '\\', a,
+ a_label, a_not_allowed, a_not_defined, a_scope, abbr, acronym, address,
+ adsafe, adsafe_a, adsafe_autocomplete, adsafe_bad_id, adsafe_div,
+ adsafe_fragment, adsafe_go, adsafe_html, adsafe_id, adsafe_id_go, adsafe_lib,
adsafe_lib_second, adsafe_missing_id, adsafe_name_a, adsafe_placement,
adsafe_prefix_a, adsafe_script, adsafe_source, adsafe_subscript_a,
- adsafe_tag, alert, aliceblue, all, already_defined, and, animator,
- antiquewhite, appleScript, applet, apply, approved, appworkspace, aqua,
- aquamarine, area, arguments, arity, article, aside, assign,
- assign_exception, assignment_function_expression, at, attribute_case_a,
- audio, autocomplete, avoid_a, azure, b, background,
- 'background-attachment', 'background-color', 'background-image',
- 'background-position', 'background-repeat', bad_assignment, bad_color_a,
- bad_constructor, bad_entity, bad_html, bad_id_a, bad_in_a,
- bad_invocation, bad_name_a, bad_new, bad_number, bad_operand, bad_type,
- bad_url, bad_wrap, base, bdo, beep, beige, big, bisque, bitwise, black,
- blanchedalmond, block, blockquote, blue, blueviolet, body, border,
- 'border-bottom', 'border-bottom-color', 'border-bottom-style',
- 'border-bottom-width', 'border-collapse', 'border-color', 'border-left',
- 'border-left-color', 'border-left-style', 'border-left-width',
- 'border-right', 'border-right-color', 'border-right-style',
- 'border-right-width', 'border-spacing', 'border-style', 'border-top',
- 'border-top-color', 'border-top-style', 'border-top-width',
- 'border-width', bottom, br, braille, brown, browser, burlywood, button,
- buttonface, buttonhighlight, buttonshadow, buttontext, bytesToUIString,
- c, cadetblue, call, callee, caller, canvas, cap, caption,
- 'caption-side', captiontext, center, charAt, charCodeAt, character,
- chartreuse, chocolate, chooseColor, chooseFile, chooseFolder, cite,
- clear, clearInterval, clearTimeout, clip, closeWidget, closure, cm,
- code, col, colgroup, color, combine_var, command, comment, comments,
- concat, conditional_assignment, confirm, confusing_a, confusing_regexp,
- console, constructor, constructor_name_a, content, continue, control_a,
- convertPathToHFS, convertPathToPlatform, coral, cornflowerblue,
- cornsilk, 'counter-increment', 'counter-reset', create, crimson, css,
- cursor, cyan, d, dangerous_comment, dangling_a, darkblue, darkcyan,
- darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta,
- darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon,
- darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkturquoise, darkviolet,
- data, datalist, dd, debug, decodeURI, decodeURIComponent, deeppink,
- deepskyblue, defineClass, del, deleted, deserialize, details, devel,
- dfn, dialog, dimgray, dir, direction, display, disrupt, div, dl,
- document, dodgerblue, dt, duplicate_a, edge, edition, else, em, embed,
- embossed, empty, 'empty-cells', empty_block, empty_case, empty_class,
- encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, entityify, errors, es5, escape, eval,
- event, evidence, evil, ex, exception, exec, expected_a,
+ adsafe_tag, all, already_defined, and, anon, applet, apply, approved, area,
+ arity, article, aside, assign, assign_exception,
+ assignment_function_expression, at, attribute_case_a, audio, autocomplete,
+ avoid_a, b, background, 'background-attachment', 'background-color',
+ 'background-image', 'background-position', 'background-repeat',
+ bad_assignment, bad_color_a, bad_constructor, bad_entity, bad_html, bad_id_a,
+ bad_in_a, bad_invocation, bad_name_a, bad_new, bad_number, bad_operand,
+ bad_style, bad_type, bad_url_a, bad_wrap, base, bdo, big, bitwise, block,
+ blockquote, body, border, 'border-bottom', 'border-bottom-color',
+ 'border-bottom-left-radius', 'border-bottom-right-radius',
+ 'border-bottom-style', 'border-bottom-width', 'border-collapse',
+ 'border-color', 'border-left', 'border-left-color', 'border-left-style',
+ 'border-left-width', 'border-radius', 'border-right', 'border-right-color',
+ 'border-right-style', 'border-right-width', 'border-spacing', 'border-style',
+ 'border-top', 'border-top-color', 'border-top-left-radius',
+ 'border-top-right-radius', 'border-top-style', 'border-top-width',
+ 'border-width', bottom, br, braille, browser, button, c, call, canvas, cap,
+ caption, 'caption-side', center, charAt, charCodeAt, character, cite, clear,
+ clip, closure, cm, code, col, colgroup, color, combine_var, command,
+ conditional_assignment, confusing_a, confusing_regexp, constructor_name_a,
+ content, continue, control_a, 'counter-increment', 'counter-reset', create,
+ css, cursor, d, dangerous_comment, dangling_a, data, datalist, dd, debug,
+ del, deleted, details, devel, dfn, dialog, dir, direction, display, disrupt,
+ div, dl, dt, duplicate_a, edge, edition, else, em, embed, embossed, empty,
+ 'empty-cells', empty_block, empty_case, empty_class, entityify, eqeq, errors,
+ es5, eval, evidence, evil, ex, exception, exec, expected_a,
expected_a_at_b_c, expected_a_b, expected_a_b_from_c_d, expected_at_a,
expected_attribute_a, expected_attribute_value_a, expected_class_a,
expected_fraction_a, expected_id_a, expected_identifier_a,
expected_identifier_a_reserved, expected_lang_a, expected_linear_a,
expected_media_a, expected_name_a, expected_nonstandard_style_attribute,
expected_number_a, expected_operator_a, expected_percent_a,
expected_positive_a, expected_pseudo_a, expected_selector_a,
expected_small_a, expected_space_a_b, expected_string_a,
expected_style_attribute, expected_style_pattern, expected_tagname_a,
- exports, f, fieldset, figure, filesystem, filter, firebrick, first,
- float, floor, floralwhite, focusWidget, font, 'font-family',
- 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style',
- 'font-variant', 'font-weight', footer, forEach, for_if, forestgreen,
- forin, form, fragment, frame, frames, frameset, from, fromCharCode,
- fuchsia, fud, funct, function, function_block, function_eval,
- function_loop, function_statement, function_strict, functions, g,
- gainsboro, gc, ghostwhite, global, globals, gold, goldenrod, gray,
- graytext, green, greenyellow, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, handheld,
- hasOwnProperty, head, header, height, help, hgroup, highlight,
- highlighttext, history, honeydew, hotpink, hr, 'hta:application', html,
- html_confusion_a, html_handlers, i, iTunes, id, identifier,
- identifier_function, iframe, img, immed, implied_evil, implieds, in,
- inactiveborder, inactivecaption, inactivecaptiontext, include, indent,
- indexOf, indianred, indigo, infix_in, infobackground, infotext, init,
- input, ins, insecure_a, isAlpha, isApplicationRunning, isArray, isDigit,
- isFinite, isNaN, ivory, join, jslint, json, kbd, keygen, keys, khaki,
- konfabulatorVersion, label, label_a_b, labeled, lang, lastIndexOf,
- lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lbp, leading_decimal_a, led, left,
- legend, lemonchiffon, length, 'letter-spacing', li, lib, lightblue,
- lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgreen, lightpink,
- lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray,
- lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, line, 'line-height',
- linen, link, 'list-style', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position',
- 'list-style-type', load, loadClass, localStorage, location, log, m,
- magenta, map, margin, 'margin-bottom', 'margin-left', 'margin-right',
- 'margin-top', mark, 'marker-offset', maroon, match, 'max-height',
- 'max-width', maxerr, maxlen, md5, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue,
- mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue,
- mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, member, menu,
- menutext, message, meta, meter, midnightblue, 'min-height', 'min-width',
- mintcream, missing_a, missing_a_after_b, missing_option,
- missing_property, missing_space_a_b, missing_url, missing_use_strict,
- mistyrose, mixed, mm, moccasin, mode, module, move_invocation, move_var,
- n, name, name_function, nav, navajowhite, navigator, navy,
- nested_comment, newcap, next, node, noframes, nomen, noscript, not,
- not_a_constructor, not_a_defined, not_a_function, not_a_label,
- not_a_scope, not_greater, nud, object, ol, oldlace, olive, olivedrab,
- on, onevar, opacity, open, openURL, opera, optgroup, option, orange,
- orangered, orchid, outer, outline, 'outline-color', 'outline-style',
- 'outline-width', output, overflow, 'overflow-x', 'overflow-y', p,
- padding, 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left', 'padding-right',
- 'padding-top', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-before', palegoldenrod,
- palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, param,
- parameter_a_get_b, parameter_set_a, paren, parent, parseFloat, parseInt,
- passfail, pc, peachpuff, peru, pink, play, plum, plusplus, pop,
- popupMenu, position, postscript, powderblue, pre, predef,
- preferenceGroups, preferences, prev, print, process, progress,
- projection, prompt, prototype, pt, purple, push, px, q, querystring,
- quit, quote, quotes, r, radix, random, range, raw, readFile, readUrl,
- read_only, reason, red, redefinition_a, regexp, reloadWidget, replace,
- report, require, reserved, reserved_a, resolvePath, resumeUpdates,
- rhino, right, rosybrown, royalblue, rp, rt, ruby, runCommand,
- runCommandInBg, saddlebrown, safe, salmon, samp, sandybrown, saveAs,
- savePreferences, scanned_a_b, screen, script, scrollbar, seagreen, seal,
- search, seashell, second, section, select, serialize, sessionStorage,
- setInterval, setTimeout, shift, showWidgetPreferences, sienna, silver,
- skyblue, slash_equal, slateblue, slategray, sleep, slice, small, snow,
- sort, source, span, spawn, speak, speech, split, springgreen, src,
- stack, statement_block, steelblue, stopping, strange_loop, strict,
- strong, style, styleproperty, sub, subscript, substr, sup, supplant,
- suppressUpdates, sync, system, t, table, 'table-layout', tag_a_in_b,
- tan, tbody, td, teal, tellWidget, test, 'text-align', 'text-decoration',
- 'text-indent', 'text-shadow', 'text-transform', textarea, tfoot, th,
- thead, third, thistle, threeddarkshadow, threedface, threedhighlight,
- threedlightshadow, threedshadow, thru, time, title, toLowerCase,
- toString, toUpperCase, toint32, token, tomato, too_long, too_many, top,
- tr, trailing_decimal_a, tree, tt, tty, turquoise, tv, type, typeof, u,
- ul, unclosed, unclosed_comment, unclosed_regexp, undef, unescape,
- unescaped_a, unexpected_a, unexpected_char_a_b, unexpected_comment,
- unexpected_property_a, unexpected_space_a_b, 'unicode-bidi',
- unnecessary_initialize, unnecessary_use, unparam, unreachable_a_b,
- unrecognized_style_attribute_a, unrecognized_tag_a, unsafe, unused,
- unwatch, updateNow, url, urls, use_array, use_braces, use_object,
- use_param, used_before_a, value, valueOf, var, var_a_not, version,
- 'vertical-align', video, violet, visibility, was, watch,
- weird_assignment, weird_condition, weird_new, weird_program,
- weird_relation, weird_ternary, wheat, white, 'white-space', whitesmoke,
- widget, width, window, windowframe, windows, windowtext, 'word-spacing',
- 'word-wrap', wrap, wrap_immediate, wrap_regexp, write_is_wrong,
- yahooCheckLogin, yahooLogin, yahooLogout, yellow, yellowgreen,
- 'z-index', '|', '~'
+ expected_type_a, f, fieldset, figure, filter, first, flag, float, floor,
+ font, 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch',
+ 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', footer, forEach, for_if, forin,
+ form, fragment, frame, frameset, from, fromCharCode, fud, funct, function,
+ function_block, function_eval, function_loop, function_statement,
+ function_strict, functions, global, globals, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,
+ handheld, hasOwnProperty, head, header, height, hgroup, hr,
+ 'hta:application', html, html_confusion_a, html_handlers, i, id, identifier,
+ identifier_function, iframe, img, immed, implied_evil, in, indent, indexOf,
+ infix_in, init, input, ins, insecure_a, isAlpha, isArray, isDigit, isNaN,
+ join, jslint, json, kbd, keygen, keys, label, labeled, lang, lbp,
+ leading_decimal_a, led, left, legend, length, 'letter-spacing', li, lib,
+ line, 'line-height', link, 'list-style', 'list-style-image',
+ 'list-style-position', 'list-style-type', map, margin, 'margin-bottom',
+ 'margin-left', 'margin-right', 'margin-top', mark, 'marker-offset', match,
+ 'max-height', 'max-width', maxerr, maxlen, member, menu, message, meta,
+ meter, 'min-height', 'min-width', missing_a, missing_a_after_b,
+ missing_option, missing_property, missing_space_a_b, missing_url,
+ missing_use_strict, mixed, mm, mode, move_invocation, move_var, n, name,
+ name_function, nav, nested_comment, newcap, node, noframes, nomen, noscript,
+ not, not_a_constructor, not_a_defined, not_a_function, not_a_label,
+ not_a_scope, not_greater, nud, number, object, octal_a, ol, on, opacity,
+ open, optgroup, option, outer, outline, 'outline-color', 'outline-style',
+ 'outline-width', output, overflow, 'overflow-x', 'overflow-y', p, padding,
+ 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left', 'padding-right', 'padding-top',
+ 'page-break-after', 'page-break-before', param, parameter_a_get_b,
+ parameter_arguments_a, parameter_set_a, params, paren, parent, passfail, pc,
+ plusplus, pop, position, postscript, pre, predef, print, progress,
+ projection, properties, prototype, pt, push, px, q, quote, quotes, r, radix,
+ range, raw, read_only, reason, redefinition_a, regexp, replace, report,
+ reserved, reserved_a, rhino, right, rp, rt, ruby, safe, samp, scanned_a_b,
+ screen, script, search, second, section, select, shift, slash_equal, slice,
+ sloppy, small, sort, source, span, speech, split, src, statement_block,
+ stopping, strange_loop, strict, string, strong, stupid, style, styleproperty,
+ sub, subscript, substr, sup, supplant, sync_a, t, table, 'table-layout',
+ tag_a_in_b, tbody, td, test, 'text-align', 'text-decoration', 'text-indent',
+ 'text-shadow', 'text-transform', textarea, tfoot, th, thead, third, thru,
+ time, title, toLowerCase, toString, toUpperCase, token, too_long, too_many,
+ top, tr, trailing_decimal_a, tree, tt, tty, tv, type, u, ul, unclosed,
+ unclosed_comment, unclosed_regexp, undef, undefined, unescaped_a,
+ unexpected_a, unexpected_char_a_b, unexpected_comment, unexpected_else,
+ unexpected_label_a, unexpected_property_a, unexpected_space_a_b,
+ 'unicode-bidi', unnecessary_initialize, unnecessary_use, unparam,
+ unreachable_a_b, unrecognized_style_attribute_a, unrecognized_tag_a, unsafe,
+ unused, url, urls, use_array, use_braces, use_charAt, use_object, use_or,
+ use_param, used_before_a, var, var_a_not, vars, 'vertical-align', video,
+ visibility, was, weird_assignment, weird_condition, weird_new, weird_program,
+ weird_relation, weird_ternary, white, 'white-space', widget, width, windows,
+ 'word-spacing', 'word-wrap', wrap, wrap_immediate, wrap_regexp,
+ write_is_wrong, writeable, 'z-index'
// The global directive is used to declare global variables that can
// be accessed by the program. If a declaration is true, then the variable
// is writeable. Otherwise, it is read-only.
@@ -372,32 +310,62 @@
// can contain data and other functions.
var JSLINT = (function () {
'use strict';
+ function array_to_object(array, value) {
+// Make an object from an array of keys and a common value.
+ var i, length = array.length, object = {};
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
+ object[array[i]] = value;
+ }
+ return object;
+ }
var adsafe_id, // The widget's ADsafe id.
- adsafe_infix = {
- '-': true,
- '*': true,
- '/': true,
- '%': true,
- '&': true,
- '|': true,
- '^': true,
- '<<': true,
- '>>': true,
- '>>>': true
- },
- adsafe_prefix = {
- '-': true,
- '+': true,
- '~': true,
- 'typeof': true
- },
adsafe_may, // The widget may load approved scripts.
adsafe_top, // At the top of the widget script.
adsafe_went, // ADSAFE.go has been called.
+ allowed_option = {
+ anon : true,
+ bitwise : true,
+ browser : true,
+ cap : true,
+ 'continue': true,
+ css : true,
+ debug : true,
+ devel : true,
+ eqeq : true,
+ es5 : true,
+ evil : true,
+ forin : true,
+ fragment : true,
+ indent : 10,
+ maxerr : 1000,
+ maxlen : 1024,
+ newcap : true,
+ node : true,
+ nomen : true,
+ on : true,
+ passfail : true,
+ plusplus : true,
+ properties: true,
+ regexp : true,
+ rhino : true,
+ undef : true,
+ unparam : true,
+ sloppy : true,
+ stupid : true,
+ sub : true,
+ vars : true,
+ white : true,
+ widget : true,
+ windows : true
+ },
anonname, // The guessed name for anonymous functions.
approved, // ADsafe approved urls.
// These are operators that should not be used with the ! operator.
@@ -417,59 +385,33 @@
'%' : true
// These are property names that should not be permitted in the safe subset.
- banned = {
- 'arguments' : true,
- callee : true,
- caller : true,
- constructor : true,
- 'eval' : true,
- prototype : true,
- stack : true,
- unwatch : true,
- valueOf : true,
- watch : true
- },
+ banned = array_to_object([
+ 'arguments', 'callee', 'caller', 'constructor', 'eval', 'prototype',
+ 'stack', 'unwatch', 'valueOf', 'watch'
+ ], true),
begin, // The root token
// browser contains a set of global names that are commonly provided by a
// web browser environment.
- browser = {
- clearInterval : false,
- clearTimeout : false,
- document : false,
- event : false,
- frames : false,
- history : false,
- Image : false,
- localStorage : false,
- location : false,
- name : false,
- navigator : false,
- Option : false,
- parent : false,
- screen : false,
- sessionStorage : false,
- setInterval : false,
- setTimeout : false,
- Storage : false,
- window : false,
- XMLHttpRequest : false
- },
+ browser = array_to_object([
+ 'clearInterval', 'clearTimeout', 'document', 'event', 'FormData',
+ 'frames', 'history', 'Image', 'localStorage', 'location', 'name',
+ 'navigator', 'Option', 'parent', 'screen', 'sessionStorage',
+ 'setInterval', 'setTimeout', 'Storage', 'window', 'XMLHttpRequest'
+ ], false),
// bundle contains the text messages.
bundle = {
- a_function: "'{a}' is a function.",
a_label: "'{a}' is a statement label.",
a_not_allowed: "'{a}' is not allowed.",
a_not_defined: "'{a}' is not defined.",
a_scope: "'{a}' used out of scope.",
- adsafe: "ADsafe violation.",
adsafe_a: "ADsafe violation: '{a}'.",
adsafe_autocomplete: "ADsafe autocomplete violation.",
adsafe_bad_id: "ADSAFE violation: bad id.",
adsafe_div: "ADsafe violation: Wrap the widget in a div.",
adsafe_fragment: "ADSAFE: Use the fragment option.",
@@ -505,12 +447,13 @@
bad_invocation: "Bad invocation.",
bad_name_a: "Bad name: '{a}'.",
bad_new: "Do not use 'new' for side effects.",
bad_number: "Bad number '{a}'.",
bad_operand: "Bad operand.",
+ bad_style: "Bad style.",
bad_type: "Bad type.",
- bad_url: "Bad url string.",
+ bad_url_a: "Bad url '{a}'.",
bad_wrap: "Do not wrap function literals in parens unless they " +
"are to be immediately invoked.",
combine_var: "Combine this with the previous 'var' statement.",
conditional_assignment: "Expected a conditional expression and " +
"instead saw an assignment.",
@@ -555,16 +498,17 @@
expected_operator_a: "Expected an operator and instead saw '{a}'.",
expected_percent_a: "Expected a percentage and instead saw '{a}'",
expected_positive_a: "Expected a positive number and instead saw '{a}'",
expected_pseudo_a: "Expected a pseudo, and instead saw :{a}.",
expected_selector_a: "Expected a CSS selector, and instead saw {a}.",
- expected_small_a: "Expected a small number and instead saw '{a}'",
+ expected_small_a: "Expected a small positive integer and instead saw '{a}'",
expected_space_a_b: "Expected exactly one space between '{a}' and '{b}'.",
expected_string_a: "Expected a string and instead saw {a}.",
expected_style_attribute: "Excepted a style attribute, and instead saw '{a}'.",
expected_style_pattern: "Expected a style pattern, and instead saw '{a}'.",
expected_tagname_a: "Expected a tagName, and instead saw {a}.",
+ expected_type_a: "Expected a type, and instead saw {a}.",
for_if: "The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if " +
"statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype.",
function_block: "Function statements should not be placed in blocks. " +
"Use a function expression or move the statement to the top of " +
"the outer function.",
@@ -580,11 +524,10 @@
implied_evil: "Implied eval is evil. Pass a function instead of a string.",
infix_in: "Unexpected 'in'. Compare with undefined, or use the " +
"hasOwnProperty method instead.",
insecure_a: "Insecure '{a}'.",
isNaN: "Use the isNaN function to compare with NaN.",
- label_a_b: "Label '{a}' on '{b}' statement.",
lang: "lang is deprecated.",
leading_decimal_a: "A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot: '.{a}'.",
missing_a: "Missing '{a}'.",
missing_a_after_b: "Missing '{a}' after '{b}'.",
missing_option: "Missing option value.",
@@ -603,10 +546,12 @@
not_a_defined: "'{a}' has not been fully defined yet.",
not_a_function: "'{a}' is not a function.",
not_a_label: "'{a}' is not a label.",
not_a_scope: "'{a}' is out of scope.",
not_greater: "'{a}' should not be greater than '{b}'.",
+ octal_a: "Don't use octal: '{a}'. Use '\\u....' instead.",
+ parameter_arguments_a: "Do not mutate parameter '{a}' when using 'arguments'.",
parameter_a_get_b: "Unexpected parameter '{a}' in get {b} function.",
parameter_set_a: "Expected parameter (value) in set {a} function.",
radix: "Missing radix parameter.",
read_only: "Read only.",
redefinition_a: "Redefinition of '{a}'.",
@@ -616,10 +561,11 @@
statement_block: "Expected to see a statement and instead saw a block.",
stopping: "Stopping. ",
strange_loop: "Strange loop.",
strict: "Strict violation.",
subscript: "['{a}'] is better written in dot notation.",
+ sync_a: "Unexpected sync method: '{a}'.",
tag_a_in_b: "A '<{a}>' must be within '<{b}>'.",
too_long: "Line too long.",
too_many: "Too many errors.",
trailing_decimal_a: "A trailing decimal point can be confused " +
"with a dot: '.{a}'.",
@@ -629,10 +575,12 @@
unclosed_regexp: "Unclosed regular expression.",
unescaped_a: "Unescaped '{a}'.",
unexpected_a: "Unexpected '{a}'.",
unexpected_char_a_b: "Unexpected character '{a}' in {b}.",
unexpected_comment: "Unexpected comment.",
+ unexpected_else: "Unexpected 'else' after 'return'.",
+ unexpected_label_a: "Unexpected label '{a}'.",
unexpected_property_a: "Unexpected /*property*/ '{a}'.",
unexpected_space_a_b: "Unexpected space between '{a}' and '{b}'.",
unnecessary_initialize: "It is not necessary to initialize '{a}' " +
"to 'undefined'.",
unnecessary_use: "Unnecessary 'use strict'.",
@@ -641,11 +589,13 @@
unrecognized_tag_a: "Unrecognized tag '<{a}>'.",
unsafe: "Unsafe character.",
url: "JavaScript URL.",
use_array: "Use the array literal notation [].",
use_braces: "Spaces are hard to count. Use {{a}}.",
+ use_charAt: "Use the charAt method.",
use_object: "Use the object literal notation {}.",
+ use_or: "Use the || operator.",
use_param: "Use a named parameter.",
used_before_a: "'{a}' was used before it was defined.",
var_a_not: "Variable {a} was not declared correctly.",
weird_assignment: "Weird assignment.",
weird_condition: "Weird condition.",
@@ -662,180 +612,50 @@
- css_colorData = {
- "aliceblue" : true,
- "antiquewhite" : true,
- "aqua" : true,
- "aquamarine" : true,
- "azure" : true,
- "beige" : true,
- "bisque" : true,
- "black" : true,
- "blanchedalmond" : true,
- "blue" : true,
- "blueviolet" : true,
- "brown" : true,
- "burlywood" : true,
- "cadetblue" : true,
- "chartreuse" : true,
- "chocolate" : true,
- "coral" : true,
- "cornflowerblue" : true,
- "cornsilk" : true,
- "crimson" : true,
- "cyan" : true,
- "darkblue" : true,
- "darkcyan" : true,
- "darkgoldenrod" : true,
- "darkgray" : true,
- "darkgreen" : true,
- "darkkhaki" : true,
- "darkmagenta" : true,
- "darkolivegreen" : true,
- "darkorange" : true,
- "darkorchid" : true,
- "darkred" : true,
- "darksalmon" : true,
- "darkseagreen" : true,
- "darkslateblue" : true,
- "darkslategray" : true,
- "darkturquoise" : true,
- "darkviolet" : true,
- "deeppink" : true,
- "deepskyblue" : true,
- "dimgray" : true,
- "dodgerblue" : true,
- "firebrick" : true,
- "floralwhite" : true,
- "forestgreen" : true,
- "fuchsia" : true,
- "gainsboro" : true,
- "ghostwhite" : true,
- "gold" : true,
- "goldenrod" : true,
- "gray" : true,
- "green" : true,
- "greenyellow" : true,
- "honeydew" : true,
- "hotpink" : true,
- "indianred" : true,
- "indigo" : true,
- "ivory" : true,
- "khaki" : true,
- "lavender" : true,
- "lavenderblush" : true,
- "lawngreen" : true,
- "lemonchiffon" : true,
- "lightblue" : true,
- "lightcoral" : true,
- "lightcyan" : true,
- "lightgoldenrodyellow" : true,
- "lightgreen" : true,
- "lightpink" : true,
- "lightsalmon" : true,
- "lightseagreen" : true,
- "lightskyblue" : true,
- "lightslategray" : true,
- "lightsteelblue" : true,
- "lightyellow" : true,
- "lime" : true,
- "limegreen" : true,
- "linen" : true,
- "magenta" : true,
- "maroon" : true,
- "mediumaquamarine" : true,
- "mediumblue" : true,
- "mediumorchid" : true,
- "mediumpurple" : true,
- "mediumseagreen" : true,
- "mediumslateblue" : true,
- "mediumspringgreen" : true,
- "mediumturquoise" : true,
- "mediumvioletred" : true,
- "midnightblue" : true,
- "mintcream" : true,
- "mistyrose" : true,
- "moccasin" : true,
- "navajowhite" : true,
- "navy" : true,
- "oldlace" : true,
- "olive" : true,
- "olivedrab" : true,
- "orange" : true,
- "orangered" : true,
- "orchid" : true,
- "palegoldenrod" : true,
- "palegreen" : true,
- "paleturquoise" : true,
- "palevioletred" : true,
- "papayawhip" : true,
- "peachpuff" : true,
- "peru" : true,
- "pink" : true,
- "plum" : true,
- "powderblue" : true,
- "purple" : true,
- "red" : true,
- "rosybrown" : true,
- "royalblue" : true,
- "saddlebrown" : true,
- "salmon" : true,
- "sandybrown" : true,
- "seagreen" : true,
- "seashell" : true,
- "sienna" : true,
- "silver" : true,
- "skyblue" : true,
- "slateblue" : true,
- "slategray" : true,
- "snow" : true,
- "springgreen" : true,
- "steelblue" : true,
- "tan" : true,
- "teal" : true,
- "thistle" : true,
- "tomato" : true,
- "turquoise" : true,
- "violet" : true,
- "wheat" : true,
- "white" : true,
- "whitesmoke" : true,
- "yellow" : true,
- "yellowgreen" : true,
+ css_colorData = array_to_object([
+ "aliceblue", "antiquewhite", "aqua", "aquamarine", "azure", "beige",
+ "bisque", "black", "blanchedalmond", "blue", "blueviolet", "brown",
+ "burlywood", "cadetblue", "chartreuse", "chocolate", "coral",
+ "cornflowerblue", "cornsilk", "crimson", "cyan", "darkblue",
+ "darkcyan", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgray", "darkgreen", "darkkhaki",
+ "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "darkorange", "darkorchid",
+ "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue",
+ "darkslategray", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "deeppink",
+ "deepskyblue", "dimgray", "dodgerblue", "firebrick", "floralwhite",
+ "forestgreen", "fuchsia", "gainsboro", "ghostwhite", "gold",
+ "goldenrod", "gray", "green", "greenyellow", "honeydew", "hotpink",
+ "indianred", "indigo", "ivory", "khaki", "lavender",
+ "lavenderblush", "lawngreen", "lemonchiffon", "lightblue",
+ "lightcoral", "lightcyan", "lightgoldenrodyellow", "lightgreen",
+ "lightpink", "lightsalmon", "lightseagreen", "lightskyblue",
+ "lightslategray", "lightsteelblue", "lightyellow", "lime",
+ "limegreen", "linen", "magenta", "maroon", "mediumaquamarine",
+ "mediumblue", "mediumorchid", "mediumpurple", "mediumseagreen",
+ "mediumslateblue", "mediumspringgreen", "mediumturquoise",
+ "mediumvioletred", "midnightblue", "mintcream", "mistyrose",
+ "moccasin", "navajowhite", "navy", "oldlace", "olive", "olivedrab",
+ "orange", "orangered", "orchid", "palegoldenrod", "palegreen",
+ "paleturquoise", "palevioletred", "papayawhip", "peachpuff",
+ "peru", "pink", "plum", "powderblue", "purple", "red", "rosybrown",
+ "royalblue", "saddlebrown", "salmon", "sandybrown", "seagreen",
+ "seashell", "sienna", "silver", "skyblue", "slateblue", "slategray",
+ "snow", "springgreen", "steelblue", "tan", "teal", "thistle",
+ "tomato", "turquoise", "violet", "wheat", "white", "whitesmoke",
+ "yellow", "yellowgreen",
- "activeborder" : true,
- "activecaption" : true,
- "appworkspace" : true,
- "background" : true,
- "buttonface" : true,
- "buttonhighlight" : true,
- "buttonshadow" : true,
- "buttontext" : true,
- "captiontext" : true,
- "graytext" : true,
- "highlight" : true,
- "highlighttext" : true,
- "inactiveborder" : true,
- "inactivecaption" : true,
- "inactivecaptiontext" : true,
- "infobackground" : true,
- "infotext" : true,
- "menu" : true,
- "menutext" : true,
- "scrollbar" : true,
- "threeddarkshadow" : true,
- "threedface" : true,
- "threedhighlight" : true,
- "threedlightshadow" : true,
- "threedshadow" : true,
- "window" : true,
- "windowframe" : true,
- "windowtext" : true
- },
+ "activeborder", "activecaption", "appworkspace", "background",
+ "buttonface", "buttonhighlight", "buttonshadow", "buttontext",
+ "captiontext", "graytext", "highlight", "highlighttext",
+ "inactiveborder", "inactivecaption", "inactivecaptiontext",
+ "infobackground", "infotext", "menu", "menutext", "scrollbar",
+ "threeddarkshadow", "threedface", "threedhighlight",
+ "threedlightshadow", "threedshadow", "window", "windowframe",
+ "windowtext"
+ ], true),
css_lengthData = {
@@ -859,22 +679,18 @@
'n': '\n',
'f': '\f',
'r': '\r',
'"': '"',
'/': '/',
- '\\': '\\'
+ '\\': '\\',
+ '!': '!'
- devel = {
- alert : false,
- confirm : false,
- console : false,
- Debug : false,
- opera : false,
- prompt : false
- },
+ devel = array_to_object([
+ 'alert', 'confirm', 'console', 'Debug', 'opera', 'prompt', 'WSH'
+ ], false),
+ directive,
escapes = {
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\f': '\\f',
@@ -883,18 +699,23 @@
'"' : '\\"',
'/' : '\\/',
'\\': '\\\\'
- funct, // The current function
+ funct, // The current function, including the labels used in
+ // the function, as well as (breakage),
+ // (context), (loopage), (name), (params), (token),
+ // (vars), (verb)
functionicity = [
- 'closure', 'exception', 'global', 'label', 'outer', 'unused', 'var'
+ 'closure', 'exception', 'global', 'label', 'outer', 'undef',
+ 'unused', 'var'
functions, // All of the functions
- global, // The global scope
+ global_funct, // The global body
+ global_scope, // The global scope
html_tag = {
a: {},
abbr: {},
acronym: {},
address: {},
@@ -1010,128 +831,56 @@
'var': {},
video: {}
ids, // HTML ids
- implied, // Implied globals
+ itself, // JSLint itself
+ lex, // the tokenizer
- member,
- node = {
- Buffer : false,
- clearInterval: false,
- clearTimeout : false,
- console : false,
- exports : false,
- global : false,
- module : false,
- process : false,
- querystring : false,
- require : false,
- setInterval : false,
- setTimeout : false,
- __filename : false,
- __dirname : false
- },
- numbery = {
- indexOf : true,
- lastIndexOf : true,
- search : true
- },
- properties,
+ node = array_to_object([
+ 'Buffer', 'clearInterval', 'clearTimeout', 'console', 'exports',
+ 'global', 'module', 'process', 'querystring', 'require',
+ 'setInterval', 'setTimeout', '__dirname', '__filename'
+ ], false),
+ node_js,
+ numbery = array_to_object(['indexOf', 'lastIndexOf', 'search'], true),
- older_token,
predefined, // Global variables defined by option
- regexp_flag = {
- g: true,
- i: true,
- m: true
+ property,
+ regexp_flag = array_to_object(['g', 'i', 'm'], true),
+ return_this = function return_this() {
+ return this;
- rhino = {
- defineClass : false,
- deserialize : false,
- gc : false,
- help : false,
- load : false,
- loadClass : false,
- print : false,
- quit : false,
- readFile : false,
- readUrl : false,
- runCommand : false,
- seal : false,
- serialize : false,
- spawn : false,
- sync : false,
- toint32 : false,
- version : false
- },
+ rhino = array_to_object([
+ 'defineClass', 'deserialize', 'gc', 'help', 'load', 'loadClass',
+ 'print', 'quit', 'readFile', 'readUrl', 'runCommand', 'seal',
+ 'serialize', 'spawn', 'sync', 'toint32', 'version'
+ ], false),
- scope, // The current scope
- semicolon_coda = {
- ';' : true,
- '"' : true,
- '\'': true,
- ')' : true
- },
+ scope, // An object containing an object for each variable in scope
+ semicolon_coda = array_to_object([';', '"', '\'', ')'], true),
// standard contains the global names that are provided by the
// ECMAScript standard.
- standard = {
- Array : false,
- Boolean : false,
- Date : false,
- decodeURI : false,
- decodeURIComponent : false,
- encodeURI : false,
- encodeURIComponent : false,
- Error : false,
- 'eval' : false,
- EvalError : false,
- Function : false,
- hasOwnProperty : false,
- isFinite : false,
- isNaN : false,
- JSON : false,
- Math : false,
- Number : false,
- Object : false,
- parseInt : false,
- parseFloat : false,
- RangeError : false,
- ReferenceError : false,
- RegExp : false,
- String : false,
- SyntaxError : false,
- TypeError : false,
- URIError : false
- },
+ standard = array_to_object([
+ 'Array', 'Boolean', 'Date', 'decodeURI', 'decodeURIComponent',
+ 'encodeURI', 'encodeURIComponent', 'Error', 'eval', 'EvalError',
+ 'Function', 'isFinite', 'isNaN', 'JSON', 'Math', 'Number',
+ 'Object', 'parseInt', 'parseFloat', 'RangeError', 'ReferenceError',
+ 'RegExp', 'String', 'SyntaxError', 'TypeError', 'URIError'
+ ], false),
- standard_property = {
- E : true,
- LN2 : true,
- LN10 : true,
- LOG2E : true,
- LOG10E : true,
- MAX_VALUE : true,
- MIN_VALUE : true,
- PI : true,
- SQRT1_2 : true,
- SQRT2 : true
- },
syntax = {},
@@ -1139,114 +888,53 @@
// widget contains the global names which are provided to a Yahoo
// (fna Konfabulator) widget.
- widget = {
- alert : true,
- animator : true,
- appleScript : true,
- beep : true,
- bytesToUIString : true,
- Canvas : true,
- chooseColor : true,
- chooseFile : true,
- chooseFolder : true,
- closeWidget : true,
- COM : true,
- convertPathToHFS : true,
- convertPathToPlatform : true,
- CustomAnimation : true,
- escape : true,
- FadeAnimation : true,
- filesystem : true,
- Flash : true,
- focusWidget : true,
- form : true,
- FormField : true,
- Frame : true,
- HotKey : true,
- Image : true,
- include : true,
- isApplicationRunning : true,
- iTunes : true,
- konfabulatorVersion : true,
- log : true,
- md5 : true,
- MenuItem : true,
- MoveAnimation : true,
- openURL : true,
- play : true,
- Point : true,
- popupMenu : true,
- preferenceGroups : true,
- preferences : true,
- print : true,
- prompt : true,
- random : true,
- Rectangle : true,
- reloadWidget : true,
- ResizeAnimation : true,
- resolvePath : true,
- resumeUpdates : true,
- RotateAnimation : true,
- runCommand : true,
- runCommandInBg : true,
- saveAs : true,
- savePreferences : true,
- screen : true,
- ScrollBar : true,
- showWidgetPreferences : true,
- sleep : true,
- speak : true,
- Style : true,
- suppressUpdates : true,
- system : true,
- tellWidget : true,
- Text : true,
- TextArea : true,
- Timer : true,
- unescape : true,
- updateNow : true,
- URL : true,
- Web : true,
- widget : true,
- Window : true,
- XMLDOM : true,
- XMLHttpRequest : true,
- yahooCheckLogin : true,
- yahooLogin : true,
- yahooLogout : true
- },
+ widget = array_to_object([
+ 'alert', 'animator', 'appleScript', 'beep', 'bytesToUIString',
+ 'Canvas', 'chooseColor', 'chooseFile', 'chooseFolder',
+ 'closeWidget', 'COM', 'convertPathToHFS', 'convertPathToPlatform',
+ 'CustomAnimation', 'escape', 'FadeAnimation', 'filesystem', 'Flash',
+ 'focusWidget', 'form', 'FormField', 'Frame', 'HotKey', 'Image',
+ 'include', 'isApplicationRunning', 'iTunes', 'konfabulatorVersion',
+ 'log', 'md5', 'MenuItem', 'MoveAnimation', 'openURL', 'play',
+ 'Point', 'popupMenu', 'preferenceGroups', 'preferences', 'print',
+ 'prompt', 'random', 'Rectangle', 'reloadWidget', 'ResizeAnimation',
+ 'resolvePath', 'resumeUpdates', 'RotateAnimation', 'runCommand',
+ 'runCommandInBg', 'saveAs', 'savePreferences', 'screen',
+ 'ScrollBar', 'showWidgetPreferences', 'sleep', 'speak', 'Style',
+ 'suppressUpdates', 'system', 'tellWidget', 'Text', 'TextArea',
+ 'Timer', 'unescape', 'updateNow', 'URL', 'Web', 'widget', 'Window',
+ 'XMLDOM', 'XMLHttpRequest', 'yahooCheckLogin', 'yahooLogin',
+ 'yahooLogout'
+ ], true),
- windows = {
- ActiveXObject: false,
- CScript : false,
- Debug : false,
- Enumerator : false,
- System : false,
- VBArray : false,
- WScript : false
- },
+ windows = array_to_object([
+ 'ActiveXObject', 'CScript', 'Debug', 'Enumerator', 'System',
+ 'VBArray', 'WScript', 'WSH'
+ ], false),
// xmode is used to adapt to the exceptions in html parsing.
// It can have these states:
-// false .js script file
-// html
-// outer
-// script
-// style
-// scriptstring
-// styleproperty
+// '' .js script file
+// 'html'
+// 'outer'
+// 'script'
+// 'style'
+// 'scriptstring'
+// 'styleproperty'
// Regular expressions. Some of these are stupidly long.
// unsafe comment or string
ax = /@cc|<\/?|script|\]\s*\]|<\s*!|</i,
+// carriage return, carriage return linefeed, or linefeed
+ crlfx = /\r\n?|\n/,
// unsafe characters that are silently deleted by one or more browsers
cx = /[\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/,
// query characters for ids
dx = /[\[\]\/\\"'*<>.&:(){}+=#]/,
// html token
@@ -1260,31 +948,27 @@
// characters in strings that need escapement
nx = /[\u0000-\u001f'\\\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
// outer html token
ox = /[>&]|<[\/!]?|--/,
// attributes characters
- qx = /[^a-zA-Z0-9+\-_\/ ]/,
+ qx = /[^a-zA-Z0-9+\-_\/. ]/,
// style
- sx = /^\s*([{:#%.=,>+\[\]@()"';]|\*=?|\$=|\|=|\^=|~=|[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*|[0-9]+|<\/|\/\*)/,
+ sx = /^\s*([{}:#%.=,>+\[\]@()"';]|[*$\^~]=|[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*|[0-9]+|<\/|\/\*)/,
ssx = /^\s*([@#!"'};:\-%.=,+\[\]()*_]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._\-]*|\/\*?|\d+(?:\.\d+)?|<\/)/,
// token
- tx = /^\s*([(){}\[.,:;'"~\?\]#@]|==?=?|\/(\*(jslint|properties|property|members?|globals?)?|=|\/)?|\*[\/=]?|\+(?:=|\++)?|-(?:=|-+)?|%=?|&[&=]?|\|[|=]?|>>?>?=?|<([\/=!]|\!(\[|--)?|<=?)?|\^=?|\!=?=?|[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*|[0-9]+([xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+\-]?[0-9]+)?)/,
+ tx = /^\s*([(){}\[\]\?.,:;'"~#@`]|={1,3}|\/(\*(jslint|properties|property|members?|globals?)?|=|\/)?|\*[\/=]?|\+(?:=|\++)?|-(?:=|-+)?|[\^%]=?|&[&=]?|\|[|=]?|>{1,3}=?|<(?:[\/=!]|\!(\[|--)?|<=?)?|\!={0,2}|[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*|[0-9]+(?:[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?[0-9]+)?)/,
// url badness
- ux = /&|\+|\u00AD|\.\.|\/\*|%[^;]|base64|url|expression|data|mailto/i,
+ ux = /&|\+|\u00AD|\.\.|\/\*|%[^;]|base64|url|expression|data|mailto|script/i,
rx = {
outer: hx,
html: hx,
style: sx,
styleproperty: ssx
- function return_this() {
- return this;
- }
function F() {} // Used by Object.create
// Provide critical ES5 functions to ES3.
if (typeof Array.prototype.filter !== 'function') {
@@ -1303,28 +987,27 @@
if (typeof Array.prototype.forEach !== 'function') {
Array.prototype.forEach = function (f) {
- var i, length = this.length, result = [];
+ var i, length = this.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
try {
} catch (ignore) {
- return result;
if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'function') {
Array.isArray = function (o) {
return Object.prototype.toString.apply(o) === '[object Array]';
- if (!Object.hasOwnProperty('create')) {
+ if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Object, 'create')) {
Object.create = function (o) {
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
@@ -1339,12 +1022,10 @@
return array;
-// Substandard methods
if (typeof String.prototype.entityify !== 'function') {
String.prototype.entityify = function () {
return this
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
@@ -1378,50 +1059,62 @@
function sanitize(a) {
// Escapify a troublesome character.
- return escapes[a] ? escapes[a] :
+ return escapes[a] ||
'\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt().toString(16)).slice(-4);
- function combine(a, b) {
- var name;
- for (name in b) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, name)) {
- a[name] = b[name];
- }
- }
+ function add_to_predefined(group) {
+ Object.keys(group).forEach(function (name) {
+ predefined[name] = group[name];
+ });
function assume() {
if (!option.safe) {
if (option.rhino) {
- combine(predefined, rhino);
+ add_to_predefined(rhino);
+ option.rhino = false;
if (option.devel) {
- combine(predefined, devel);
+ add_to_predefined(devel);
+ option.devel = false;
if (option.browser) {
- combine(predefined, browser);
+ add_to_predefined(browser);
+ option.browser = false;
if (option.windows) {
- combine(predefined, windows);
+ add_to_predefined(windows);
+ option.windows = false;
if (option.node) {
- combine(predefined, node);
+ add_to_predefined(node);
+ option.node = false;
+ node_js = true;
if (option.widget) {
- combine(predefined, widget);
+ add_to_predefined(widget);
+ option.widget = false;
// Produce an error warning.
+ function artifact(tok) {
+ if (!tok) {
+ tok = next_token;
+ }
+ return tok.number || tok.string;
+ }
function quit(message, line, character) {
throw {
name: 'JSLintError',
line: line,
character: character,
@@ -1432,20 +1125,22 @@
function warn(message, offender, a, b, c, d) {
var character, line, warning;
- offender = offender || next_token; // `~
+ offender = offender || next_token; // ~~
line = offender.line || 0;
character = offender.from || 0;
warning = {
id: '(error)',
raw: bundle[message] || message,
evidence: lines[line - 1] || '',
line: line,
character: character,
- a: a || offender.value,
+ a: a || (offender.id === '(number)'
+ ? String(offender.number)
+ : offender.string),
b: b,
c: c,
d: d
warning.reason = warning.raw.supplant(warning);
@@ -1478,56 +1173,32 @@
from: character
}, a, b, c, d);
function expected_at(at) {
- if (option.white && next_token.from !== at) {
- warn('expected_a_at_b_c', next_token, next_token.value, at,
+ if (!option.white && next_token.from !== at) {
+ warn('expected_a_at_b_c', next_token, '', at,
function aint(it, name, expected) {
if (it[name] !== expected) {
warn('expected_a_b', it, expected, it[name]);
return true;
- } else {
- return false;
+ return false;
// lexical analysis and token construction
- var lex = (function lex() {
- var character, from, line, source_row;
+ lex = (function lex() {
+ var character, c, from, length, line, pos, source_row;
// Private lex methods
- function collect_comment(comment, quote, line, at) {
- var comment_object = {
- comment: comment,
- quote: quote,
- at: at,
- line: line
- };
- if (comments_off || src || (xmode && xmode !== 'script' &&
- xmode !== 'style' && xmode !== 'styleproperty')) {
- warn_at('unexpected_comment', line, character);
- } else if (xmode === 'script' && /<\//i.test(source_row)) {
- warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '<\/');
- } else if (option.safe && ax.test(comment)) {
- warn_at('dangerous_comment', line, at);
- }
- if (older_token.comments) {
- older_token.comments.push(comment_object);
- } else {
- older_token.comments = [comment_object];
- }
- JSLINT.comments.push(comment_object);
- }
function next_line() {
var at;
if (line >= lines.length) {
return false;
@@ -1549,63 +1220,478 @@
return true;
// Produce a token object. The token inherits from a syntax symbol.
- function it(type, value, quote) {
+ function it(type, value) {
var id, the_token;
if (type === '(string)' || type === '(range)') {
if (jx.test(value)) {
warn_at('url', line, from);
the_token = Object.create(syntax[(
- type === '(punctuator)' ||
- (type === '(identifier)' &&
- Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(syntax, value)) ?
- value :
- type
+ type === '(punctuator)' || (type === '(identifier)' &&
+ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(syntax, value))
+ ? value
+ : type
)] || syntax['(error)']);
if (type === '(identifier)') {
the_token.identifier = true;
if (value === '__iterator__' || value === '__proto__') {
stop_at('reserved_a', line, from, value);
- } else if (option.nomen &&
+ } else if (!option.nomen &&
(value.charAt(0) === '_' ||
value.charAt(value.length - 1) === '_')) {
warn_at('dangling_a', line, from, value);
- if (value !== undefined) {
- the_token.value = value;
+ if (type === '(number)') {
+ the_token.number = +value;
+ } else if (value !== undefined) {
+ the_token.string = String(value);
- if (quote) {
- the_token.quote = quote;
- }
the_token.line = line;
the_token.from = from;
the_token.thru = character;
- the_token.prev = older_token;
id = the_token.id;
prereg = id && (
('(,=:[!&|?{};'.indexOf(id.charAt(id.length - 1)) >= 0) ||
- id === 'return'
+ id === 'return' || id === 'case'
- older_token.next = the_token;
- older_token = the_token;
return the_token;
+ function match(x) {
+ var exec = x.exec(source_row), first;
+ if (exec) {
+ length = exec[0].length;
+ first = exec[1];
+ c = first.charAt(0);
+ source_row = source_row.slice(length);
+ from = character + length - first.length;
+ character += length;
+ return first;
+ }
+ }
+ function string(x) {
+ var c, pos = 0, r = '', result;
+ function hex(n) {
+ var i = parseInt(source_row.substr(pos + 1, n), 16);
+ pos += n;
+ if (i >= 32 && i <= 126 &&
+ i !== 34 && i !== 92 && i !== 39) {
+ warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\');
+ }
+ character += n;
+ c = String.fromCharCode(i);
+ }
+ if (json_mode && x !== '"') {
+ warn_at('expected_a', line, character, '"');
+ }
+ if (xquote === x || (xmode === 'scriptstring' && !xquote)) {
+ return it('(punctuator)', x);
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ while (pos >= source_row.length) {
+ pos = 0;
+ if (xmode !== 'html' || !next_line()) {
+ stop_at('unclosed', line, from);
+ }
+ }
+ c = source_row.charAt(pos);
+ if (c === x) {
+ character += 1;
+ source_row = source_row.slice(pos + 1);
+ result = it('(string)', r);
+ result.quote = x;
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (c < ' ') {
+ if (c === '\n' || c === '\r') {
+ break;
+ }
+ warn_at('control_a', line, character + pos,
+ source_row.slice(0, pos));
+ } else if (c === xquote) {
+ warn_at('bad_html', line, character + pos);
+ } else if (c === '<') {
+ if (option.safe && xmode === 'html') {
+ warn_at('adsafe_a', line, character + pos, c);
+ } else if (source_row.charAt(pos + 1) === '/' && (xmode || option.safe)) {
+ warn_at('expected_a_b', line, character,
+ '<\\/', '</');
+ } else if (source_row.charAt(pos + 1) === '!' && (xmode || option.safe)) {
+ warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '<!');
+ }
+ } else if (c === '\\') {
+ if (xmode === 'html') {
+ if (option.safe) {
+ warn_at('adsafe_a', line, character + pos, c);
+ }
+ } else if (xmode === 'styleproperty') {
+ pos += 1;
+ character += 1;
+ c = source_row.charAt(pos);
+ if (c !== x) {
+ warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\');
+ }
+ } else {
+ pos += 1;
+ character += 1;
+ c = source_row.charAt(pos);
+ switch (c) {
+ case '':
+ if (!option.es5) {
+ warn_at('es5', line, character);
+ }
+ next_line();
+ pos = -1;
+ break;
+ case xquote:
+ warn_at('bad_html', line, character + pos);
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ if (json_mode) {
+ warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\\'');
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ hex(4);
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ if (json_mode) {
+ warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\v');
+ }
+ c = '\v';
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ if (json_mode) {
+ warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\x');
+ }
+ hex(2);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (typeof descapes[c] !== 'string') {
+ warn_at(c >= '0' && c <= '7' ? 'octal_a' : 'unexpected_a',
+ line, character, '\\' + c);
+ } else {
+ c = descapes[c];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ r += c;
+ character += 1;
+ pos += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ function number(snippet) {
+ var digit;
+ if (xmode !== 'style' && xmode !== 'styleproperty' &&
+ source_row.charAt(0).isAlpha()) {
+ warn_at('expected_space_a_b',
+ line, character, c, source_row.charAt(0));
+ }
+ if (c === '0') {
+ digit = snippet.charAt(1);
+ if (digit.isDigit()) {
+ if (token.id !== '.' && xmode !== 'styleproperty') {
+ warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, snippet);
+ }
+ } else if (json_mode && (digit === 'x' || digit === 'X')) {
+ warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '0x');
+ }
+ }
+ if (snippet.slice(snippet.length - 1) === '.') {
+ warn_at('trailing_decimal_a', line, character, snippet);
+ }
+ if (xmode !== 'style') {
+ digit = +snippet;
+ if (!isFinite(digit)) {
+ warn_at('bad_number', line, character, snippet);
+ }
+ snippet = digit;
+ }
+ return it('(number)', snippet);
+ }
+ function comment(snippet) {
+ if (comments_off || src || (xmode && xmode !== 'script' &&
+ xmode !== 'style' && xmode !== 'styleproperty')) {
+ warn_at('unexpected_comment', line, character);
+ } else if (xmode === 'script' && /<\//i.test(source_row)) {
+ warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '<\/');
+ } else if (option.safe && ax.test(snippet)) {
+ warn_at('dangerous_comment', line, character);
+ }
+ }
+ function regexp() {
+ var b,
+ bit,
+ captures = 0,
+ depth = 0,
+ flag = '',
+ high,
+ letter,
+ length = 0,
+ low,
+ potential,
+ quote,
+ result;
+ for (;;) {
+ b = true;
+ c = source_row.charAt(length);
+ length += 1;
+ switch (c) {
+ case '':
+ stop_at('unclosed_regexp', line, from);
+ return;
+ case '/':
+ if (depth > 0) {
+ warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, '/');
+ }
+ c = source_row.slice(0, length - 1);
+ potential = Object.create(regexp_flag);
+ for (;;) {
+ letter = source_row.charAt(length);
+ if (potential[letter] !== true) {
+ break;
+ }
+ potential[letter] = false;
+ length += 1;
+ flag += letter;
+ }
+ if (source_row.charAt(length).isAlpha()) {
+ stop_at('unexpected_a', line, from, source_row.charAt(length));
+ }
+ character += length;
+ source_row = source_row.slice(length);
+ quote = source_row.charAt(0);
+ if (quote === '/' || quote === '*') {
+ stop_at('confusing_regexp', line, from);
+ }
+ result = it('(regexp)', c);
+ result.flag = flag;
+ return result;
+ case '\\':
+ c = source_row.charAt(length);
+ if (c < ' ') {
+ warn_at('control_a', line, from + length, String(c));
+ } else if (c === '<') {
+ warn_at(bundle.unexpected_a, line, from + length, '\\');
+ }
+ length += 1;
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ depth += 1;
+ b = false;
+ if (source_row.charAt(length) === '?') {
+ length += 1;
+ switch (source_row.charAt(length)) {
+ case ':':
+ case '=':
+ case '!':
+ length += 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ warn_at(bundle.expected_a_b, line, from + length,
+ ':', source_row.charAt(length));
+ }
+ } else {
+ captures += 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '|':
+ b = false;
+ break;
+ case ')':
+ if (depth === 0) {
+ warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, ')');
+ } else {
+ depth -= 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ' ':
+ pos = 1;
+ while (source_row.charAt(length) === ' ') {
+ length += 1;
+ pos += 1;
+ }
+ if (pos > 1) {
+ warn_at('use_braces', line, from + length, pos);
+ }
+ break;
+ case '[':
+ c = source_row.charAt(length);
+ if (c === '^') {
+ length += 1;
+ if (!option.regexp) {
+ warn_at('insecure_a', line, from + length, c);
+ } else if (source_row.charAt(length) === ']') {
+ stop_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, '^');
+ }
+ }
+ bit = false;
+ if (c === ']') {
+ warn_at('empty_class', line, from + length - 1);
+ bit = true;
+ }
+klass: do {
+ c = source_row.charAt(length);
+ length += 1;
+ switch (c) {
+ case '[':
+ case '^':
+ warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, c);
+ bit = true;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ if (bit) {
+ bit = false;
+ } else {
+ warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, '-');
+ bit = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ']':
+ if (!bit) {
+ warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length - 1, '-');
+ }
+ break klass;
+ case '\\':
+ c = source_row.charAt(length);
+ if (c < ' ') {
+ warn_at(bundle.control_a, line, from + length, String(c));
+ } else if (c === '<') {
+ warn_at(bundle.unexpected_a, line, from + length, '\\');
+ }
+ length += 1;
+ bit = true;
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length - 1, '/');
+ bit = true;
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ if (xmode === 'script') {
+ c = source_row.charAt(length);
+ if (c === '!' || c === '/') {
+ warn_at(bundle.html_confusion_a, line,
+ from + length, c);
+ }
+ }
+ bit = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ bit = true;
+ }
+ } while (c);
+ break;
+ case '.':
+ if (!option.regexp) {
+ warn_at('insecure_a', line, from + length, c);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ']':
+ case '?':
+ case '{':
+ case '}':
+ case '+':
+ case '*':
+ warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, c);
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ if (xmode === 'script') {
+ c = source_row.charAt(length);
+ if (c === '!' || c === '/') {
+ warn_at(bundle.html_confusion_a, line, from + length, c);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (b) {
+ switch (source_row.charAt(length)) {
+ case '?':
+ case '+':
+ case '*':
+ length += 1;
+ if (source_row.charAt(length) === '?') {
+ length += 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '{':
+ length += 1;
+ c = source_row.charAt(length);
+ if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
+ warn_at(bundle.expected_number_a, line,
+ from + length, c);
+ }
+ length += 1;
+ low = +c;
+ for (;;) {
+ c = source_row.charAt(length);
+ if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
+ break;
+ }
+ length += 1;
+ low = +c + (low * 10);
+ }
+ high = low;
+ if (c === ',') {
+ length += 1;
+ high = Infinity;
+ c = source_row.charAt(length);
+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
+ length += 1;
+ high = +c;
+ for (;;) {
+ c = source_row.charAt(length);
+ if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
+ break;
+ }
+ length += 1;
+ high = +c + (high * 10);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (source_row.charAt(length) !== '}') {
+ warn_at(bundle.expected_a_b, line, from + length,
+ '}', c);
+ } else {
+ length += 1;
+ }
+ if (source_row.charAt(length) === '?') {
+ length += 1;
+ }
+ if (low > high) {
+ warn_at(bundle.not_greater, line, from + length,
+ low, high);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ c = source_row.slice(0, length - 1);
+ character += length;
+ source_row = source_row.slice(length);
+ return it('(regexp)', c);
+ }
// Public lex methods
return {
init: function (source) {
if (typeof source === 'string') {
- lines = source
- .replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')
- .replace(/\r/g, '\n')
- .split('\n');
+ lines = source.split(crlfx);
} else {
lines = source;
line = 0;
@@ -1641,139 +1727,12 @@
// token -- this is called by advance to get the next token.
token: function () {
- var b, c, captures, digit, depth, flag, high, i, j, length, low, quote, symbol;
+ var c, i, snippet;
- function match(x) {
- var exec = x.exec(source_row), first;
- if (exec) {
- length = exec[0].length;
- first = exec[1];
- c = first.charAt(0);
- source_row = source_row.substr(length);
- from = character + length - first.length;
- character += length;
- return first;
- }
- }
- function string(x) {
- var c, j, r = '';
- function hex(n) {
- var i = parseInt(source_row.substr(j + 1, n), 16);
- j += n;
- if (i >= 32 && i <= 126 &&
- i !== 34 && i !== 92 && i !== 39) {
- warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\');
- }
- character += n;
- c = String.fromCharCode(i);
- }
- if (json_mode && x !== '"') {
- warn_at('expected_a', line, character, '"');
- }
- if (xquote === x || (xmode === 'scriptstring' && !xquote)) {
- return it('(punctuator)', x);
- }
- j = 0;
- for (;;) {
- while (j >= source_row.length) {
- j = 0;
- if (xmode !== 'html' || !next_line()) {
- stop_at('unclosed', line, from);
- }
- }
- c = source_row.charAt(j);
- if (c === x) {
- character += 1;
- source_row = source_row.substr(j + 1);
- return it('(string)', r, x);
- }
- if (c < ' ') {
- if (c === '\n' || c === '\r') {
- break;
- }
- warn_at('control_a',
- line, character + j, source_row.slice(0, j));
- } else if (c === xquote) {
- warn_at('bad_html', line, character + j);
- } else if (c === '<') {
- if (option.safe && xmode === 'html') {
- warn_at('adsafe_a', line, character + j, c);
- } else if (source_row.charAt(j + 1) === '/' && (xmode || option.safe)) {
- warn_at('expected_a_b', line, character,
- '<\\/', '</');
- } else if (source_row.charAt(j + 1) === '!' && (xmode || option.safe)) {
- warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '<!');
- }
- } else if (c === '\\') {
- if (xmode === 'html') {
- if (option.safe) {
- warn_at('adsafe_a', line, character + j, c);
- }
- } else if (xmode === 'styleproperty') {
- j += 1;
- character += 1;
- c = source_row.charAt(j);
- if (c !== x) {
- warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\');
- }
- } else {
- j += 1;
- character += 1;
- c = source_row.charAt(j);
- switch (c) {
- case '':
- if (!option.es5) {
- warn_at('es5', line, character);
- }
- next_line();
- j = -1;
- break;
- case xquote:
- warn_at('bad_html', line, character + j);
- break;
- case '\'':
- if (json_mode) {
- warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\\'');
- }
- break;
- case 'u':
- hex(4);
- break;
- case 'v':
- if (json_mode) {
- warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\v');
- }
- c = '\v';
- break;
- case 'x':
- if (json_mode) {
- warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\x');
- }
- hex(2);
- break;
- default:
- c = descapes[c];
- if (typeof c !== 'string') {
- warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- r += c;
- character += 1;
- j += 1;
- }
- }
for (;;) {
while (!source_row) {
if (!next_line()) {
return it('(end)');
@@ -1790,102 +1749,73 @@
if (!next_line()) {
return it('(end)', '');
- symbol = match(rx[xmode] || tx);
- if (!symbol) {
- symbol = '';
- c = '';
- while (source_row && source_row < '!') {
- source_row = source_row.substr(1);
- }
+ snippet = match(rx[xmode] || tx);
+ if (!snippet) {
if (source_row) {
- if (xmode === 'html') {
- return it('(error)', source_row.charAt(0));
+ if (source_row.charAt(0) === ' ') {
+ if (!option.white) {
+ warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character,
+ '(space)');
+ }
+ character += 1;
+ source_row = '';
} else {
- stop_at('unexpected_a',
- line, character, source_row.substr(0, 1));
+ stop_at('unexpected_a', line, character,
+ source_row.charAt(0));
} else {
// identifier
+ c = snippet.charAt(0);
if (c.isAlpha() || c === '_' || c === '$') {
- return it('(identifier)', symbol);
+ return it('(identifier)', snippet);
// number
if (c.isDigit()) {
- if (xmode !== 'style' &&
- xmode !== 'styleproperty' &&
- source_row.substr(0, 1).isAlpha()) {
- warn_at('expected_space_a_b',
- line, character, c, source_row.charAt(0));
- }
- if (c === '0') {
- digit = symbol.substr(1, 1);
- if (digit.isDigit()) {
- if (token.id !== '.' && xmode !== 'styleproperty') {
- warn_at('unexpected_a',
- line, character, symbol);
- }
- } else if (json_mode && (digit === 'x' || digit === 'X')) {
- warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '0x');
- }
- }
- if (symbol.substr(symbol.length - 1) === '.') {
- warn_at('trailing_decimal_a', line,
- character, symbol);
- }
- if (xmode !== 'style') {
- digit = +symbol;
- if (!isFinite(digit)) {
- warn_at('bad_number', line, character, symbol);
- }
- symbol = digit;
- }
- return it('(number)', symbol);
+ return number(snippet);
- switch (symbol) {
+ switch (snippet) {
// string
case '"':
case "'":
- return string(symbol);
+ return string(snippet);
// // comment
case '//':
- collect_comment(source_row, '//', line, character);
+ comment(source_row);
source_row = '';
// /* comment
case '/*':
- quote = '/*';
for (;;) {
i = source_row.search(lx);
if (i >= 0) {
- collect_comment(source_row, quote, line, character);
- quote = '';
+ comment(source_row);
if (!next_line()) {
stop_at('unclosed_comment', line, character);
- collect_comment(source_row.slice(0, i), quote, character, line);
+ comment(source_row.slice(0, i));
character += i + 2;
- if (source_row.substr(i, 1) === '/') {
+ if (source_row.charAt(i) === '/') {
stop_at('nested_comment', line, character);
- source_row = source_row.substr(i + 2);
+ source_row = source_row.slice(i + 2);
case '':
// /
@@ -1895,310 +1825,19 @@
- if (prereg) {
- depth = 0;
- captures = 0;
- length = 0;
- for (;;) {
- b = true;
- c = source_row.charAt(length);
- length += 1;
- switch (c) {
- case '':
- stop_at('unclosed_regexp', line, from);
- return;
- case '/':
- if (depth > 0) {
- warn_at('unescaped_a',
- line, from + length, '/');
- }
- c = source_row.substr(0, length - 1);
- flag = Object.create(regexp_flag);
- while (flag[source_row.charAt(length)] === true) {
- flag[source_row.charAt(length)] = false;
- length += 1;
- }
- if (source_row.charAt(length).isAlpha()) {
- stop_at('unexpected_a',
- line, from, source_row.charAt(length));
- }
- character += length;
- source_row = source_row.substr(length);
- quote = source_row.charAt(0);
- if (quote === '/' || quote === '*') {
- stop_at('confusing_regexp',
- line, from);
- }
- return it('(regexp)', c);
- case '\\':
- c = source_row.charAt(length);
- if (c < ' ') {
- warn_at('control_a',
- line, from + length, String(c));
- } else if (c === '<') {
- warn_at(
- bundle.unexpected_a,
- line,
- from + length,
- '\\'
- );
- }
- length += 1;
- break;
- case '(':
- depth += 1;
- b = false;
- if (source_row.charAt(length) === '?') {
- length += 1;
- switch (source_row.charAt(length)) {
- case ':':
- case '=':
- case '!':
- length += 1;
- break;
- default:
- warn_at(
- bundle.expected_a_b,
- line,
- from + length,
- ':',
- source_row.charAt(length)
- );
- }
- } else {
- captures += 1;
- }
- break;
- case '|':
- b = false;
- break;
- case ')':
- if (depth === 0) {
- warn_at('unescaped_a',
- line, from + length, ')');
- } else {
- depth -= 1;
- }
- break;
- case ' ':
- j = 1;
- while (source_row.charAt(length) === ' ') {
- length += 1;
- j += 1;
- }
- if (j > 1) {
- warn_at('use_braces',
- line, from + length, j);
- }
- break;
- case '[':
- c = source_row.charAt(length);
- if (c === '^') {
- length += 1;
- if (option.regexp) {
- warn_at('insecure_a',
- line, from + length, c);
- } else if (source_row.charAt(length) === ']') {
- stop_at('unescaped_a',
- line, from + length, '^');
- }
- }
- quote = false;
- if (c === ']') {
- warn_at('empty_class', line,
- from + length - 1);
- quote = true;
- }
-klass: do {
- c = source_row.charAt(length);
- length += 1;
- switch (c) {
- case '[':
- case '^':
- warn_at('unescaped_a',
- line, from + length, c);
- quote = true;
- break;
- case '-':
- if (quote) {
- quote = false;
- } else {
- warn_at('unescaped_a',
- line, from + length, '-');
- quote = true;
- }
- break;
- case ']':
- if (!quote) {
- warn_at('unescaped_a',
- line, from + length - 1, '-');
- }
- break klass;
- case '\\':
- c = source_row.charAt(length);
- if (c < ' ') {
- warn_at(
- bundle.control_a,
- line,
- from + length,
- String(c)
- );
- } else if (c === '<') {
- warn_at(
- bundle.unexpected_a,
- line,
- from + length,
- '\\'
- );
- }
- length += 1;
- quote = true;
- break;
- case '/':
- warn_at('unescaped_a',
- line, from + length - 1, '/');
- quote = true;
- break;
- case '<':
- if (xmode === 'script') {
- c = source_row.charAt(length);
- if (c === '!' || c === '/') {
- warn_at(
- bundle.html_confusion_a,
- line,
- from + length,
- c
- );
- }
- }
- quote = true;
- break;
- default:
- quote = true;
- }
- } while (c);
- break;
- case '.':
- if (option.regexp) {
- warn_at('insecure_a', line,
- from + length, c);
- }
- break;
- case ']':
- case '?':
- case '{':
- case '}':
- case '+':
- case '*':
- warn_at('unescaped_a', line,
- from + length, c);
- break;
- case '<':
- if (xmode === 'script') {
- c = source_row.charAt(length);
- if (c === '!' || c === '/') {
- warn_at(
- bundle.html_confusion_a,
- line,
- from + length,
- c
- );
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- if (b) {
- switch (source_row.charAt(length)) {
- case '?':
- case '+':
- case '*':
- length += 1;
- if (source_row.charAt(length) === '?') {
- length += 1;
- }
- break;
- case '{':
- length += 1;
- c = source_row.charAt(length);
- if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
- warn_at(
- bundle.expected_number_a,
- line,
- from + length,
- c
- );
- }
- length += 1;
- low = +c;
- for (;;) {
- c = source_row.charAt(length);
- if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
- break;
- }
- length += 1;
- low = +c + (low * 10);
- }
- high = low;
- if (c === ',') {
- length += 1;
- high = Infinity;
- c = source_row.charAt(length);
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
- length += 1;
- high = +c;
- for (;;) {
- c = source_row.charAt(length);
- if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
- break;
- }
- length += 1;
- high = +c + (high * 10);
- }
- }
- }
- if (source_row.charAt(length) !== '}') {
- warn_at(
- bundle.expected_a_b,
- line,
- from + length,
- '}',
- c
- );
- } else {
- length += 1;
- }
- if (source_row.charAt(length) === '?') {
- length += 1;
- }
- if (low > high) {
- warn_at(
- bundle.not_greater,
- line,
- from + length,
- low,
- high
- );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- c = source_row.substr(0, length - 1);
- character += length;
- source_row = source_row.substr(length);
- return it('(regexp)', c);
- }
- return it('(punctuator)', symbol);
+ return prereg
+ ? regexp()
+ : it('(punctuator)', snippet);
// punctuator
case '<!--':
length = line;
- c = character;
+// c = character;
for (;;) {
i = source_row.indexOf('--');
if (i >= 0) {
@@ -2231,29 +1870,29 @@
(c < 'a' || c > 'f') &&
(c < 'A' || c > 'F')) {
character += 1;
- source_row = source_row.substr(1);
- symbol += c;
+ source_row = source_row.slice(1);
+ snippet += c;
- if (symbol.length !== 4 && symbol.length !== 7) {
+ if (snippet.length !== 4 && snippet.length !== 7) {
warn_at('bad_color_a', line,
- from + length, symbol);
+ from + length, snippet);
- return it('(color)', symbol);
+ return it('(color)', snippet);
- return it('(punctuator)', symbol);
+ return it('(punctuator)', snippet);
if (xmode === 'outer' && c === '&') {
character += 1;
- source_row = source_row.substr(1);
+ source_row = source_row.slice(1);
for (;;) {
c = source_row.charAt(0);
character += 1;
- source_row = source_row.substr(1);
+ source_row = source_row.slice(1);
if (c === ';') {
if (!((c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
@@ -2262,49 +1901,68 @@
- return it('(punctuator)', symbol);
+ return it('(punctuator)', snippet);
- function add_label(symbol, type) {
+ function add_label(token, kind, name) {
- if (option.safe && funct['(global)'] &&
- typeof predefined[symbol] !== 'boolean') {
- warn('adsafe_a', token, symbol);
- } else if (symbol === 'hasOwnProperty') {
- warn('bad_name_a', token, symbol);
- }
+// Define the symbol in the current function in the current scope.
-// Define symbol in the current function in the current scope.
+ name = name || token.string;
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(funct, symbol) && !funct['(global)']) {
- warn(funct[symbol] === true ?
- bundle.used_before_a :
- bundle.already_defined,
- next_token, symbol);
- }
- funct[symbol] = type;
- if (funct['(global)']) {
- if (global[symbol] === false) {
- warn('read_only');
+// Global variables cannot be created in the safe subset. If a global variable
+// already exists, do nothing. If it is predefined, define it.
+ if (funct === global_funct) {
+ if (option.safe) {
+ warn('adsafe_a', token, name);
- global[symbol] = true;
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(implied, symbol)) {
- warn('used_before_a', next_token, symbol);
- delete implied[symbol];
+ if (typeof global_funct[name] !== 'string') {
+ token.writeable = typeof predefined[name] === 'boolean'
+ ? predefined[name]
+ : true;
+ token.funct = funct;
+ global_scope[name] = token;
+ if (kind === 'becoming') {
+ kind = 'var';
+ }
+// Ordinary variables.
} else {
- scope[symbol] = funct;
+// Warn if the variable already exists.
+ if (typeof funct[name] === 'string') {
+ if (funct[name] === 'undef') {
+ if (!option.undef) {
+ warn('used_before_a', token, name);
+ }
+ kind = 'var';
+ } else {
+ warn('already_defined', token, name);
+ }
+ } else {
+// Add the symbol to the current function.
+ token.funct = funct;
+ token.writeable = true;
+ scope[name] = token;
+ }
+ funct[name] = kind;
function peek(distance) {
@@ -2323,38 +1981,17 @@
return found;
- function discard(it) {
-// The token will not be included in the parse tree, so move the comments
-// that are attached to the token to tokens that are in the tree.
- it = it || token;
- if (it.comments) {
- var prev = it.prev;
- while (prev.comments === null) {
- prev = prev.prev;
- }
- if (prev.comments) {
- prev.comments = prev.comments.concat(it.comments);
- } else {
- prev.comments = it.comments;
- }
- }
- it.comments = null;
- }
function advance(id, match) {
// Produce the next token, also looking for programming errors.
if (indent) {
-// In indentation checking was requested, then inspect all of the line breakings.
+// If indentation checking was requested, then inspect all of the line breakings.
// The var statement is tricky because the names might be aligned or not. We
// look at the first line break after the var to determine the programmer's
// intention.
if (var_mode && next_token.line !== token.line) {
@@ -2369,20 +2006,24 @@
dent = dent.was;
dent.open = false;
- var_mode = false;
+ var_mode = null;
+ if (next_token.id === '?' && indent.mode === ':' &&
+ token.line !== next_token.line) {
+ indent.at -= option.indent;
+ }
if (indent.open) {
// If the token is an edge.
if (next_token.edge) {
if (next_token.edge === 'label') {
- } else if (next_token.edge === 'case') {
+ } else if (next_token.edge === 'case' || indent.mode === 'statement') {
expected_at(indent.at - option.indent);
} else if (indent.mode !== 'array' || next_token.line !== token.line) {
@@ -2425,219 +2066,246 @@
if (next_token.id === '+' || next_token.id === '++') {
- if (token.arity === 'string' || token.identifier) {
- anonname = token.value;
+ if (token.id === '(string)' || token.identifier) {
+ anonname = token.string;
if (id && next_token.id !== id) {
if (match) {
warn('expected_a_b_from_c_d', next_token, id,
- match.id, match.line, next_token.value);
- } else if (!next_token.identifier || next_token.value !== id) {
- warn('expected_a_b', next_token, id, next_token.value);
+ match.id, match.line, artifact());
+ } else if (!next_token.identifier || next_token.string !== id) {
+ warn('expected_a_b', next_token, id, artifact());
prev_token = token;
token = next_token;
next_token = lookahead.shift() || lex.token();
- if (token.id === '(end)') {
- discard();
+ }
+ function advance_identifier(string) {
+ if (next_token.identifier && next_token.string === string) {
+ advance();
+ } else {
+ warn('expected_a_b', next_token, string, artifact());
- function directive() {
+ function do_safe() {
+ if (option.adsafe) {
+ option.safe = true;
+ }
+ if (option.safe) {
+ option.browser =
+ option['continue'] =
+ option.css =
+ option.debug =
+ option.devel =
+ option.evil =
+ option.forin =
+ option.newcap =
+ option.nomen =
+ option.on =
+ option.rhino =
+ option.sloppy =
+ option.sub =
+ option.undef =
+ option.widget =
+ option.windows = false;
+ delete predefined.Array;
+ delete predefined.Date;
+ delete predefined.Function;
+ delete predefined.Object;
+ delete predefined['eval'];
+ add_to_predefined({
+ ADSAFE: false,
+ lib: false
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ function do_globals() {
+ var name, writeable;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (next_token.id !== '(string)' && !next_token.identifier) {
+ return;
+ }
+ name = next_token.string;
+ advance();
+ writeable = false;
+ if (next_token.id === ':') {
+ advance(':');
+ switch (next_token.id) {
+ case 'true':
+ writeable = predefined[name] !== false;
+ advance('true');
+ break;
+ case 'false':
+ advance('false');
+ break;
+ default:
+ stop('unexpected_a');
+ }
+ }
+ predefined[name] = writeable;
+ if (next_token.id !== ',') {
+ return;
+ }
+ advance(',');
+ }
+ }
+ function do_jslint() {
+ var name, value;
+ while (next_token.id === '(string)' || next_token.identifier) {
+ name = next_token.string;
+ if (!allowed_option[name]) {
+ stop('unexpected_a');
+ }
+ advance();
+ if (next_token.id !== ':') {
+ stop('expected_a_b', next_token, ':', artifact());
+ }
+ advance(':');
+ if (typeof allowed_option[name] === 'number') {
+ value = next_token.number;
+ if (value > allowed_option[name] || value <= 0 ||
+ Math.floor(value) !== value) {
+ stop('expected_small_a');
+ }
+ option[name] = value;
+ } else {
+ if (next_token.id === 'true') {
+ option[name] = true;
+ } else if (next_token.id === 'false') {
+ option[name] = false;
+ } else {
+ stop('unexpected_a');
+ }
+ }
+ advance();
+ if (next_token.id === ',') {
+ advance(',');
+ }
+ }
+ assume();
+ }
+ function do_properties() {
+ var name;
+ option.properties = true;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (next_token.id !== '(string)' && !next_token.identifier) {
+ return;
+ }
+ name = next_token.string;
+ advance();
+ if (next_token.id === ':') {
+ for (;;) {
+ advance();
+ if (next_token.id !== '(string)' && !next_token.identifier) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ property[name] = 0;
+ if (next_token.id !== ',') {
+ return;
+ }
+ advance(',');
+ }
+ }
+ directive = function directive() {
var command = this.id,
- name,
old_comments_off = comments_off,
- old_option_white = option.white,
- value;
+ old_indent = indent;
+ comments_off = true;
+ indent = null;
if (next_token.line === token.line && next_token.from === token.thru) {
- warn('missing_space_a_b', next_token, token.value, next_token.value);
+ warn('missing_space_a_b', next_token, artifact(token), artifact());
- comments_off = true;
- option.white = false;
- if (lookahead.length > 0 || next_token.comments) {
+ if (lookahead.length > 0) {
warn('unexpected_a', this);
switch (command) {
case '/*properties':
case '/*property':
case '/*members':
case '/*member':
- command = '/*properties';
- if (!properties) {
- properties = {};
- }
+ do_properties();
case '/*jslint':
if (option.safe) {
warn('adsafe_a', this);
+ do_jslint();
case '/*globals':
case '/*global':
- command = '/*global';
if (option.safe) {
warn('adsafe_a', this);
+ do_globals();
- stop('unpexpected_a', this);
+ stop('unexpected_a', this);
-loop: for (;;) {
- for (;;) {
- if (next_token.id === '*/') {
- break loop;
- }
- if (next_token.id !== ',') {
- break;
- }
- advance();
- }
- if (next_token.arity !== 'string' && !next_token.identifier) {
- stop('unexpected_a', next_token);
- }
- name = next_token.value;
- advance();
- switch (command) {
- case '/*global':
- if (next_token.id === ':') {
- advance(':');
- switch (next_token.id) {
- case 'true':
- if (typeof scope[name] === 'object' ||
- global[name] === false) {
- stop('unexpected_a');
- }
- global[name] = true;
- advance('true');
- break;
- case 'false':
- if (typeof scope[name] === 'object') {
- stop('unexpected_a');
- }
- global[name] = false;
- advance('false');
- break;
- default:
- stop('unexpected_a');
- }
- } else {
- if (typeof scope[name] === 'object') {
- stop('unexpected_a');
- }
- global[name] = false;
- }
- break;
- case '/*jslint':
- if (next_token.id !== ':') {
- stop('expected_a_b', next_token, ':', next_token.value);
- }
- advance(':');
- switch (name) {
- case 'indent':
- value = +next_token.value;
- if (typeof value !== 'number' ||
- !isFinite(value) || value < 0 ||
- Math.floor(value) !== value) {
- stop('expected_small_a');
- }
- if (value > 0) {
- old_option_white = true;
- }
- option.indent = value;
- break;
- case 'maxerr':
- value = +next_token.value;
- if (typeof value !== 'number' ||
- !isFinite(value) ||
- value <= 0 ||
- Math.floor(value) !== value) {
- stop('expected_small_a', next_token);
- }
- option.maxerr = value;
- break;
- case 'maxlen':
- value = +next_token.value;
- if (typeof value !== 'number' || !isFinite(value) || value < 0 ||
- Math.floor(value) !== value) {
- stop('expected_small_a');
- }
- option.maxlen = value;
- break;
- case 'white':
- if (next_token.id === 'true') {
- old_option_white = true;
- } else if (next_token.id === 'false') {
- old_option_white = false;
- } else {
- stop('unexpected_a');
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (next_token.id === 'true') {
- option[name] = true;
- } else if (next_token.id === 'false') {
- option[name] = false;
- } else {
- stop('unexpected_a');
- }
- }
- advance();
- break;
- case '/*properties':
- properties[name] = true;
- break;
- default:
- stop('unexpected_a');
- }
- }
- if (command === '/*jslint') {
- assume();
- }
comments_off = old_comments_off;
- option.white = old_option_white;
- }
+ indent = old_indent;
+ };
// Indentation intention
function edge(mode) {
- next_token.edge = !indent || (indent.open && (mode || true));
+ next_token.edge = indent ? indent.open && (mode || 'edge') : '';
function step_in(mode) {
- var open, was;
+ var open;
if (typeof mode === 'number') {
indent = {
- at: mode,
+ at: +mode,
open: true,
- was: was
+ was: indent
} else if (!indent) {
indent = {
at: 1,
mode: 'statement',
open: true
+ } else if (mode === 'statement') {
+ indent = {
+ at: indent.at,
+ open: true,
+ was: indent
+ };
} else {
- was = indent;
- open = mode === 'var' ||
- (next_token.line !== token.line && mode !== 'statement');
+ open = mode === 'var' || next_token.line !== token.line;
indent = {
- at: (open || mode === 'control' ?
- was.at + option.indent : was.at) +
- (was.wrap ? option.indent : 0),
+ at: (open || mode === 'control'
+ ? indent.at + option.indent
+ : indent.at) + (indent.wrap ? option.indent : 0),
mode: mode,
open: open,
- was: was
+ was: indent
if (mode === 'var' && open) {
var_mode = indent;
@@ -2659,98 +2327,94 @@
// Functions for conformance of whitespace.
function one_space(left, right) {
left = left || token;
right = right || next_token;
- if (right.id !== '(end)' && option.white &&
+ if (right.id !== '(end)' && !option.white &&
(token.line !== right.line ||
token.thru + 1 !== right.from)) {
- warn('expected_space_a_b', right, token.value, right.value);
+ warn('expected_space_a_b', right, artifact(token), artifact(right));
function one_space_only(left, right) {
left = left || token;
right = right || next_token;
if (right.id !== '(end)' && (left.line !== right.line ||
- (option.white && left.thru + 1 !== right.from))) {
- warn('expected_space_a_b', right, left.value, right.value);
+ (!option.white && left.thru + 1 !== right.from))) {
+ warn('expected_space_a_b', right, artifact(left), artifact(right));
function no_space(left, right) {
left = left || token;
right = right || next_token;
- if ((option.white || xmode === 'styleproperty' || xmode === 'style') &&
+ if ((!option.white || xmode === 'styleproperty' || xmode === 'style') &&
left.thru !== right.from && left.line === right.line) {
- warn('unexpected_space_a_b', right, left.value, right.value);
+ warn('unexpected_space_a_b', right, artifact(left), artifact(right));
function no_space_only(left, right) {
left = left || token;
right = right || next_token;
if (right.id !== '(end)' && (left.line !== right.line ||
- (option.white && left.thru !== right.from))) {
- warn('unexpected_space_a_b', right, left.value, right.value);
+ (!option.white && left.thru !== right.from))) {
+ warn('unexpected_space_a_b', right, artifact(left), artifact(right));
function spaces(left, right) {
- if (option.white) {
+ if (!option.white) {
left = left || token;
right = right || next_token;
if (left.thru === right.from && left.line === right.line) {
- warn('missing_space_a_b', right, left.value, right.value);
+ warn('missing_space_a_b', right, artifact(left), artifact(right));
function comma() {
if (next_token.id !== ',') {
- warn_at('expected_a_b', token.line, token.thru, ',', next_token.value);
+ warn_at('expected_a_b', token.line, token.thru, ',', artifact());
} else {
- if (option.white) {
+ if (!option.white) {
- discard();
function semicolon() {
if (next_token.id !== ';') {
- warn_at('expected_a_b', token.line, token.thru, ';', next_token.value);
+ warn_at('expected_a_b', token.line, token.thru, ';', artifact());
} else {
- if (option.white) {
+ if (!option.white) {
- discard();
if (semicolon_coda[next_token.id] !== true) {
function use_strict() {
- if (next_token.value === 'use strict') {
+ if (next_token.string === 'use strict') {
if (strict_mode) {
strict_mode = true;
- option.newcap = true;
- option.undef = true;
+ option.undef = false;
return true;
- } else {
- return false;
+ return false;
function are_similar(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
@@ -2769,16 +2433,19 @@
return false;
if (Array.isArray(b)) {
return false;
- if (a.arity === b.arity && a.value === b.value) {
+ if (a.id === '(number)' && b.id === '(number)') {
+ return a.number === b.number;
+ }
+ if (a.arity === b.arity && a.string === b.string) {
switch (a.arity) {
case 'prefix':
case 'suffix':
case undefined:
- return are_similar(a.first, b.first);
+ return a.id === b.id && are_similar(a.first, b.first);
case 'infix':
return are_similar(a.first, b.first) &&
are_similar(a.second, b.second);
case 'ternary':
return are_similar(a.first, b.first) &&
@@ -2790,14 +2457,15 @@
return true;
} else {
if (a.id === '.' && b.id === '[' && b.arity === 'infix') {
- return a.second.value === b.second.value && b.second.arity === 'string';
- } else if (a.id === '[' && a.arity === 'infix' && b.id === '.') {
- return a.second.value === b.second.value && a.second.arity === 'string';
+ return a.second.string === b.second.string && b.second.id === '(string)';
+ if (a.id === '[' && a.arity === 'infix' && b.id === '.') {
+ return a.second.string === b.second.string && a.second.id === '(string)';
+ }
return false;
@@ -2823,32 +2491,31 @@
var left;
if (next_token.id === '(end)') {
stop('unexpected_a', token, next_token.id);
- if (option.safe && typeof predefined[token.value] === 'boolean' &&
+ if (option.safe && scope[token.string] &&
+ scope[token.string] === global_scope[token.string] &&
(next_token.id !== '(' && next_token.id !== '.')) {
- warn('adsafe', token);
+ warn('adsafe_a', token);
if (initial) {
anonname = 'anonymous';
- funct['(verb)'] = token.value;
+ funct['(verb)'] = token.string;
if (initial === true && token.fud) {
left = token.fud();
} else {
if (token.nud) {
left = token.nud();
} else {
- if (next_token.arity === 'number' && token.id === '.') {
- warn('leading_decimal_a', token,
- next_token.value);
+ if (next_token.id === '(number)' && token.id === '.') {
+ warn('leading_decimal_a', token, artifact());
return token;
- } else {
- stop('expected_identifier_a', token, token.id);
+ stop('expected_identifier_a', token, token.id);
while (rbp < next_token.lbp) {
if (token.led) {
left = token.led(left);
@@ -2867,41 +2534,35 @@
function symbol(s, p) {
var x = syntax[s];
if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') {
syntax[s] = x = {
id: s,
- lbp: p,
- value: s
+ lbp: p || 0,
+ string: s
return x;
- function delim(s) {
- return symbol(s, 0);
- }
function postscript(x) {
x.postscript = true;
return x;
function ultimate(s) {
var x = symbol(s, 0);
x.from = 1;
x.thru = 1;
x.line = 0;
- x.edge = true;
- s.value = s;
+ x.edge = 'edge';
+ s.string = s;
return postscript(x);
function stmt(s, f) {
- var x = delim(s);
+ var x = symbol(s);
x.identifier = x.reserved = true;
x.fud = f;
return x;
@@ -2926,52 +2587,62 @@
function prefix(s, f) {
var x = symbol(s, 150);
- x.nud = (typeof f === 'function') ? f : function () {
- if (s === 'typeof') {
- one_space();
- } else {
- no_space_only();
- }
- this.first = expression(150);
- this.arity = 'prefix';
- if (this.id === '++' || this.id === '--') {
- if (option.plusplus) {
- warn('unexpected_a', this);
- } else if ((!this.first.identifier || this.first.reserved) &&
- this.first.id !== '.' && this.first.id !== '[') {
- warn('bad_operand', this);
+ x.nud = typeof f === 'function'
+ ? f
+ : function () {
+ if (s === 'typeof') {
+ one_space();
+ } else {
+ no_space_only();
- }
- return this;
- };
+ this.first = expression(150);
+ this.arity = 'prefix';
+ if (this.id === '++' || this.id === '--') {
+ if (!option.plusplus) {
+ warn('unexpected_a', this);
+ } else if ((!this.first.identifier || this.first.reserved) &&
+ this.first.id !== '.' && this.first.id !== '[') {
+ warn('bad_operand', this);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
return x;
- function type(s, arity, nud) {
- var x = delim(s);
- x.arity = arity;
+ function type(s, t, nud) {
+ var x = symbol(s);
+ x.arity = t;
if (nud) {
x.nud = nud;
return x;
function reserve(s, f) {
- var x = delim(s);
+ var x = symbol(s);
x.identifier = x.reserved = true;
if (typeof f === 'function') {
x.nud = f;
return x;
+ function constant(name) {
+ var x = reserve(name);
+ x.string = name;
+ x.nud = return_this;
+ return x;
+ }
function reservevar(s, v) {
return reserve(s, function () {
if (typeof v === 'function') {
@@ -2987,17 +2658,19 @@
this.arity = 'infix';
if (!w) {
spaces(prev_token, token);
+ if (!option.bitwise && this.bitwise) {
+ warn('unexpected_a', this);
+ }
if (typeof f === 'function') {
return f(left, this);
- } else {
- this.first = left;
- this.second = expression(p);
- return this;
+ this.first = left;
+ this.second = expression(p);
+ return this;
return x;
function expected_relation(node, message) {
@@ -3028,11 +2701,11 @@
case '(string)':
case '{':
warn(message || bundle.weird_condition, node);
case '(':
- if (node.first.id === '.' && numbery[node.first.second.value] === true) {
+ if (node.first.id === '.' && numbery[node.first.second.string] === true) {
warn(message || bundle.weird_condition, node);
return node;
@@ -3055,106 +2728,106 @@
case 'regexp':
warn('unexpected_a', node);
if (node.id === 'NaN') {
- warn('isnan', node);
+ warn('isNaN', node);
return node;
function relation(s, eqeq) {
- var x = infix(s, 100, function (left, that) {
+ return infix(s, 100, function (left, that) {
- if (eqeq) {
+ if (eqeq && !option.eqeq) {
warn('expected_a_b', that, eqeq, that.id);
var right = expression(100);
if (are_similar(left, right) ||
- ((left.arity === 'string' || left.arity === 'number') &&
- (right.arity === 'string' || right.arity === 'number'))) {
+ ((left.id === '(string)' || left.id === '(number)') &&
+ (right.id === '(string)' || right.id === '(number)'))) {
warn('weird_relation', that);
that.first = left;
that.second = check_relation(right);
return that;
- return x;
- function assignop(s, bit) {
+ function assignop(s, op) {
var x = infix(s, 20, function (left, that) {
var l;
- if (option.bitwise && bit) {
- warn('unexpected_a', that);
- }
that.first = left;
- if (funct[left.value] === false) {
- warn('read_only', left);
- } else if (left['function']) {
- warn('a_function', left);
- }
- if (option.safe) {
+ if (left.identifier) {
+ if (scope[left.string]) {
+ if (scope[left.string].writeable === false) {
+ warn('read_only', left);
+ }
+ } else {
+ stop('read_only');
+ }
+ if (funct['(params)']) {
+ funct['(params)'].forEach(function (value) {
+ if (value.string === left.string) {
+ value.assign = true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ } else if (option.safe) {
l = left;
do {
- if (typeof predefined[l.value] === 'boolean') {
- warn('adsafe', l);
+ if (typeof predefined[l.string] === 'boolean') {
+ warn('adsafe_a', l);
l = l.first;
} while (l);
- if (left) {
- if (left === syntax['function']) {
- warn('identifier_function', token);
+ if (left === syntax['function']) {
+ warn('identifier_function', token);
+ }
+ if (left.id === '.' || left.id === '[') {
+ if (!left.first || left.first.string === 'arguments') {
+ warn('bad_assignment', that);
- if (left.id === '.' || left.id === '[') {
- if (!left.first || left.first.value === 'arguments') {
- warn('bad_assignment', that);
- }
- that.second = expression(19);
- if (that.id === '=' && are_similar(that.first, that.second)) {
- warn('weird_assignment', that);
- }
- return that;
- } else if (left.identifier && !left.reserved) {
- if (funct[left.value] === 'exception') {
- warn('assign_exception', left);
- }
- that.second = expression(19);
- if (that.id === '=' && are_similar(that.first, that.second)) {
- warn('weird_assignment', that);
- }
- return that;
+ } else if (left.identifier) {
+ if (!left.reserved && funct[left.string] === 'exception') {
+ warn('assign_exception', left);
+ } else {
+ warn('bad_assignment', that);
- stop('bad_assignment', that);
+ that.second = expression(19);
+ if (that.id === '=' && are_similar(that.first, that.second)) {
+ warn('weird_assignment', that);
+ }
+ return that;
x.assign = true;
+ if (op) {
+ if (syntax[op].bitwise) {
+ x.bitwise = true;
+ }
+ }
return x;
function bitwise(s, p) {
- return infix(s, p, function (left, that) {
- if (option.bitwise) {
- warn('unexpected_a', that);
- }
- that.first = left;
- that.second = expression(p);
- return that;
- });
+ var x = infix(s, p, 'number');
+ x.bitwise = true;
+ return x;
function suffix(s) {
var x = symbol(s, 150);
x.led = function (left) {
no_space_only(prev_token, token);
- if (option.plusplus) {
+ if (!option.plusplus) {
warn('unexpected_a', this);
} else if ((!left.identifier || left.reserved) &&
left.id !== '.' && left.id !== '[') {
warn('bad_operand', this);
@@ -3167,38 +2840,33 @@
function optional_identifier() {
if (next_token.identifier) {
- if (option.safe && banned[token.value]) {
+ if (option.safe && banned[token.string]) {
warn('adsafe_a', token);
} else if (token.reserved && !option.es5) {
warn('expected_identifier_a_reserved', token);
- return token.value;
+ return token.string;
function identifier() {
var i = optional_identifier();
- if (i) {
- return i;
+ if (!i) {
+ stop(token.id === 'function' && next_token.id === '('
+ ? 'name_function'
+ : 'expected_identifier_a');
- if (token.id === 'function' && next_token.id === '(') {
- warn('name_function');
- } else {
- stop('expected_identifier_a');
- }
+ return i;
function statement() {
-// Usually a statement starts a line. Exceptions include the var statement in the
-// initialization part of a for statement, and an if after an else.
var label, old_scope = scope, the_statement;
// We don't like the empty statement.
if (next_token.id === ';') {
@@ -3211,27 +2879,26 @@
if (next_token.identifier && !next_token.reserved && peek().id === ':') {
label = next_token;
- discard();
- discard();
scope = Object.create(old_scope);
- add_label(label.value, 'label');
- if (next_token.labeled !== true) {
- warn('label_a_b', next_token, label.value, next_token.value);
- }
- if (jx.test(label.value + ':')) {
+ add_label(label, 'label');
+ if (next_token.labeled !== true || funct === global_funct) {
+ stop('unexpected_label_a', label);
+ } else if (jx.test(label.string + ':')) {
warn('url', label);
next_token.label = label;
// Parse the statement.
- edge();
+ if (token.id !== 'else') {
+ edge();
+ }
the_statement = expression(0, true);
if (the_statement) {
// Look for the final semicolon.
@@ -3243,11 +2910,11 @@
} else {
} else {
-// If this is an expression statement, determine if it is acceptble.
+// If this is an expression statement, determine if it is acceptable.
// We do not like
// new Blah();
// statments. If it is to be used at all, new should only be used to make
// objects, not side effects. The expression statements we do like do
// assignment or invocation or delete.
@@ -3280,13 +2947,19 @@
while (next_token.postscript !== true) {
if (next_token.id === ';') {
warn('unexpected_a', next_token);
} else {
+ if (next_token.string === 'use strict') {
+ if ((!node_js && xmode !== 'script') || funct !== global_funct || array.length > 0) {
+ warn('function_strict');
+ }
+ use_strict();
+ }
if (disruptor) {
- warn('unreachable_a_b', next_token, next_token.value,
- disruptor.value);
+ warn('unreachable_a_b', next_token, next_token.string,
+ disruptor.string);
disruptor = null;
the_statement = statement();
if (the_statement) {
@@ -3307,189 +2980,170 @@
// ordinary is false for function bodies and try blocks.
// ordinary is true for if statements, while, etc.
var array,
curly = next_token,
- old_inblock = in_block,
+ old_in_block = in_block,
old_scope = scope,
old_strict_mode = strict_mode;
in_block = ordinary;
scope = Object.create(scope);
if (next_token.id === '{') {
if (!ordinary && !use_strict() && !old_strict_mode &&
- option.strict && funct['(context)']['(global)']) {
+ !option.sloppy && funct['(context)'] === global_funct) {
array = statements();
strict_mode = old_strict_mode;
step_out('}', curly);
- discard();
} else if (!ordinary) {
- stop('expected_a_b', next_token, '{', next_token.value);
+ stop('expected_a_b', next_token, '{', artifact());
} else {
- warn('expected_a_b', next_token, '{', next_token.value);
+ warn('expected_a_b', next_token, '{', artifact());
array = [statement()];
array.disrupt = array[0].disrupt;
funct['(verb)'] = null;
scope = old_scope;
- in_block = old_inblock;
+ in_block = old_in_block;
if (ordinary && array.length === 0) {
return array;
function tally_property(name) {
- if (properties && typeof properties[name] !== 'boolean') {
+ if (option.properties && typeof property[name] !== 'number') {
warn('unexpected_property_a', token, name);
- if (typeof member[name] === 'number') {
- member[name] += 1;
+ if (typeof property[name] === 'number') {
+ property[name] += 1;
} else {
- member[name] = 1;
+ property[name] = 1;
- function note_implied(token) {
- var name = token.value, line = token.line, a = implied[name];
- if (typeof a === 'function') {
- a = false;
- }
- if (!a) {
- a = [line];
- implied[name] = a;
- } else if (a[a.length - 1] !== line) {
- a.push(line);
- }
- }
// ECMAScript parser
syntax['(identifier)'] = {
- type: '(identifier)',
+ id: '(identifier)',
lbp: 0,
identifier: true,
nud: function () {
- var variable = this.value,
- site = scope[variable];
- if (typeof site === 'function') {
- site = undefined;
+ var name = this.string,
+ variable = scope[name],
+ site,
+ writeable;
+// If the variable is not in scope, then we may have an undeclared variable.
+// Check the predefined list. If it was predefined, create the global
+// variable.
+ if (typeof variable !== 'object') {
+ writeable = predefined[name];
+ if (typeof writeable === 'boolean') {
+ global_scope[name] = variable = {
+ string: name,
+ writeable: writeable,
+ funct: global_funct
+ };
+ global_funct[name] = 'var';
+// But if the variable is not in scope, and is not predefined, and if we are not
+// in the global scope, then we have an undefined variable error.
+ } else {
+ if (!option.undef) {
+ warn('used_before_a', token);
+ }
+ scope[name] = variable = {
+ string: name,
+ writeable: true,
+ funct: funct
+ };
+ funct[name] = 'undef';
+ }
+ site = variable.funct;
// The name is in scope and defined in the current function.
if (funct === site) {
// Change 'unused' to 'var', and reject labels.
- switch (funct[variable]) {
- case 'error':
+ switch (funct[name]) {
+ case 'becoming':
warn('unexpected_a', token);
- funct[variable] = 'var';
+ funct[name] = 'var';
case 'unused':
- funct[variable] = 'var';
+ funct[name] = 'var';
case 'unparam':
- funct[variable] = 'parameter';
+ funct[name] = 'parameter';
case 'unction':
- funct[variable] = 'function';
- this['function'] = true;
+ funct[name] = 'function';
- case 'function':
- this['function'] = true;
- break;
case 'label':
- warn('a_label', token, variable);
+ warn('a_label', token, name);
-// The name is not defined in the function. If we are in the global scope,
-// then we have an undefined variable.
- } else if (funct['(global)']) {
- if (typeof global[variable] === 'boolean') {
- funct[variable] = global[variable];
- } else {
- if (option.undef) {
- warn('not_a_defined', token, variable);
- } else {
- note_implied(token);
- }
- }
// If the name is already defined in the current
// function, but not as outer, then there is a scope error.
} else {
- switch (funct[variable]) {
+ switch (funct[name]) {
case 'closure':
case 'function':
case 'var':
case 'unused':
- warn('a_scope', token, variable);
+ warn('a_scope', token, name);
case 'label':
- warn('a_label', token, variable);
+ warn('a_label', token, name);
case 'outer':
- case true:
- case false:
+ case 'global':
// If the name is defined in an outer function, make an outer entry, and if
// it was unused, make it var.
- if (typeof site === 'boolean') {
- funct[variable] = site;
- functions[0][variable] = true;
- } else if (site === null) {
- warn('a_not_allowed', token, variable);
- note_implied(token);
- } else if (typeof site !== 'object') {
- if (option.undef) {
- warn('a_not_defined', token, variable);
- } else {
- funct[variable] = true;
- }
- note_implied(token);
- } else {
- switch (site[variable]) {
- case 'function':
- case 'unction':
- this['function'] = true;
- site[variable] = 'closure';
- funct[variable] = site['(global)'] ? false : 'outer';
- break;
- case 'var':
- case 'unused':
- case 'closure':
- case 'parameter':
- site[variable] = 'closure';
- funct[variable] = site['(global)'] ? true : 'outer';
- break;
- case 'unparam':
- site[variable] = 'parameter';
- funct[variable] = site['(global)'] ? false : 'outer';
- break;
- case 'error':
- warn('not_a_defined', token);
- break;
- case 'label':
- warn('a_label', token, variable);
- break;
- }
+ switch (site[name]) {
+ case 'becoming':
+ case 'closure':
+ case 'function':
+ case 'parameter':
+ case 'unction':
+ case 'unused':
+ case 'var':
+ site[name] = 'closure';
+ funct[name] = site === global_funct
+ ? 'global'
+ : 'outer';
+ break;
+ case 'unparam':
+ site[name] = 'parameter';
+ funct[name] = 'outer';
+ break;
+ case 'undef':
+ funct[name] = 'undef';
+ break;
+ case 'label':
+ warn('a_label', token, name);
+ break;
return this;
@@ -3498,94 +3152,90 @@
// Build the syntax table by declaring the syntactic elements.
+ type('(array)', 'array');
type('(color)', 'color');
+ type('(function)', 'function');
type('(number)', 'number', return_this);
+ type('(object)', 'object');
type('(string)', 'string', return_this);
+ type('(boolean)', 'boolean', return_this);
type('(range)', 'range');
type('(regexp)', 'regexp', return_this);
- postscript(delim('</'));
- delim('<!');
- delim('<!--');
- delim('-->');
- postscript(delim('}'));
- delim(')');
- delim(']');
- postscript(delim('"'));
- postscript(delim('\''));
- delim(';');
- delim(':');
- delim(',');
- delim('#');
- delim('@');
- delim('*/');
+ postscript(symbol('</'));
+ symbol('<!');
+ symbol('<!--');
+ symbol('-->');
+ postscript(symbol('}'));
+ symbol(')');
+ symbol(']');
+ postscript(symbol('"'));
+ postscript(symbol('\''));
+ symbol(';');
+ symbol(':');
+ symbol(',');
+ symbol('#');
+ symbol('@');
+ symbol('*/');
reservevar('arguments', function (x) {
- if (strict_mode && funct['(global)']) {
+ if (strict_mode && funct === global_funct) {
warn('strict', x);
} else if (option.safe) {
- warn('adsafe', x);
+ warn('adsafe_a', x);
+ funct['(arguments)'] = true;
reservevar('eval', function (x) {
if (option.safe) {
- warn('adsafe', x);
+ warn('adsafe_a', x);
- reservevar('false');
- reservevar('Infinity');
- reservevar('NaN');
- reservevar('null');
+ constant('false', 'boolean');
+ constant('Infinity', 'number');
+ constant('NaN', 'number');
+ constant('null', '');
reservevar('this', function (x) {
- if (strict_mode && ((funct['(statement)'] &&
- funct['(name)'].charAt(0) > 'Z') || funct['(global)'])) {
+ if (option.safe) {
+ warn('adsafe_a', x);
+ } else if (strict_mode && funct['(token)'].arity === 'statement' &&
+ funct['(name)'].charAt(0) > 'Z') {
warn('strict', x);
- } else if (option.safe) {
- warn('adsafe', x);
- reservevar('true');
- reservevar('undefined');
+ constant('true', 'boolean');
+ constant('undefined', '');
- assignop('=');
- assignop('+=');
- assignop('-=');
- assignop('*=');
- assignop('/=').nud = function () {
- stop('slash_equal');
- };
- assignop('%=');
- assignop('&=', true);
- assignop('|=', true);
- assignop('^=', true);
- assignop('<<=', true);
- assignop('>>=', true);
- assignop('>>>=', true);
infix('?', 30, function (left, that) {
+ step_in('?');
that.first = expected_condition(expected_relation(left));
that.second = expression(0);
+ step_out();
+ var colon = next_token;
- discard();
+ step_in(':');
that.third = expression(10);
that.arity = 'ternary';
if (are_similar(that.second, that.third)) {
- warn('weird_ternary', that);
+ warn('weird_ternary', colon);
+ } else if (are_similar(that.first, that.second)) {
+ warn('use_or', that);
+ step_out();
return that;
infix('||', 40, function (left, that) {
function paren_check(that) {
@@ -3612,13 +3262,15 @@
return that;
prefix('void', function () {
this.first = expression(0);
- if (this.first.arity !== 'number' || this.first.value) {
- warn('unexpected_a', this);
- return this;
+ this.arity = 'prefix';
+ if (option.es5) {
+ warn('expected_a_b', this, 'undefined', 'void');
+ } else if (this.first.number !== 0) {
+ warn('expected_a_b', this.first, '0', artifact(this.first));
return this;
bitwise('|', 70);
@@ -3644,35 +3296,42 @@
that.right = expression(130);
return that;
infix('instanceof', 120);
infix('+', 130, function (left, that) {
- if (!left.value) {
- if (left.arity === 'number') {
- warn('unexpected_a', left);
- } else if (left.arity === 'string') {
+ if (left.id === '(number)') {
+ if (left.number === 0) {
+ warn('unexpected_a', left, '0');
+ }
+ } else if (left.id === '(string)') {
+ if (left.string === '') {
warn('expected_a_b', left, 'String', '\'\'');
var right = expression(130);
- if (!right.value) {
- if (right.arity === 'number') {
- warn('unexpected_a', right);
- } else if (right.arity === 'string') {
+ if (right.id === '(number)') {
+ if (right.number === 0) {
+ warn('unexpected_a', right, '0');
+ }
+ } else if (right.id === '(string)') {
+ if (right.string === '') {
warn('expected_a_b', right, 'String', '\'\'');
- if (left.arity === right.arity &&
- (left.arity === 'string' || left.arity === 'number')) {
- left.value += right.value;
- left.thru = right.thru;
- if (left.arity === 'string' && jx.test(left.value)) {
- warn('url', left);
+ if (left.id === right.id) {
+ if (left.id === '(string)' || left.id === '(number)') {
+ if (left.id === '(string)') {
+ left.string += right.string;
+ if (jx.test(left.string)) {
+ warn('url', left);
+ }
+ } else {
+ left.number += right.number;
+ }
+ left.thru = right.thru;
+ return left;
- discard(right);
- discard(that);
- return left;
that.first = left;
that.second = right;
return that;
@@ -3688,22 +3347,20 @@
this.first = left;
this.second = expression(130);
return this;
infix('-', 130, function (left, that) {
- if ((left.arity === 'number' && left.value === 0) || left.arity === 'string') {
+ if ((left.id === '(number)' && left.number === 0) || left.id === '(string)') {
warn('unexpected_a', left);
var right = expression(130);
- if ((right.arity === 'number' && right.value === 0) || right.arity === 'string') {
- warn('unexpected_a', left);
+ if ((right.id === '(number)' && right.number === 0) || right.id === '(string)') {
+ warn('unexpected_a', right);
- if (left.arity === right.arity && left.arity === 'number') {
- left.value -= right.value;
+ if (left.id === right.id && left.id === '(number)') {
+ left.number -= right.number;
left.thru = right.thru;
- discard(right);
- discard(that);
return left;
that.first = left;
that.second = right;
return that;
@@ -3720,60 +3377,54 @@
this.first = left;
this.second = expression(130);
return this;
infix('*', 140, function (left, that) {
- if ((left.arity === 'number' && (left.value === 0 || left.value === 1)) || left.arity === 'string') {
+ if ((left.id === '(number)' && (left.number === 0 || left.number === 1)) || left.id === '(string)') {
warn('unexpected_a', left);
var right = expression(140);
- if ((right.arity === 'number' && (right.value === 0 || right.value === 1)) || right.arity === 'string') {
+ if ((right.id === '(number)' && (right.number === 0 || right.number === 1)) || right.id === '(string)') {
warn('unexpected_a', right);
- if (left.arity === right.arity && left.arity === 'number') {
- left.value *= right.value;
+ if (left.id === right.id && left.id === '(number)') {
+ left.number *= right.number;
left.thru = right.thru;
- discard(right);
- discard(that);
return left;
that.first = left;
that.second = right;
return that;
infix('/', 140, function (left, that) {
- if ((left.arity === 'number' && left.value === 0) || left.arity === 'string') {
+ if ((left.id === '(number)' && left.number === 0) || left.id === '(string)') {
warn('unexpected_a', left);
var right = expression(140);
- if ((right.arity === 'number' && (right.value === 0 || right.value === 1)) || right.arity === 'string') {
+ if ((right.id === '(number)' && (right.number === 0 || right.number === 1)) || right.id === '(string)') {
warn('unexpected_a', right);
- if (left.arity === right.arity && left.arity === 'number') {
- left.value /= right.value;
+ if (left.id === right.id && left.id === '(number)') {
+ left.number /= right.number;
left.thru = right.thru;
- discard(right);
- discard(that);
return left;
that.first = left;
that.second = right;
return that;
infix('%', 140, function (left, that) {
- if ((left.arity === 'number' && (left.value === 0 || left.value === 1)) || left.arity === 'string') {
+ if ((left.id === '(number)' && (left.number === 0 || left.number === 1)) || left.id === '(string)') {
warn('unexpected_a', left);
var right = expression(140);
- if ((right.arity === 'number' && right.value === 0) || right.arity === 'string') {
+ if ((right.id === '(number)' && right.number === 0) || right.id === '(string)') {
warn('unexpected_a', right);
- if (left.arity === right.arity && left.arity === 'number') {
- left.value %= right.value;
+ if (left.id === right.id && left.id === '(number)') {
+ left.number %= right.number;
left.thru = right.thru;
- discard(right);
- discard(that);
return left;
that.first = left;
that.second = right;
return that;
@@ -3795,61 +3446,55 @@
prefix('~', function () {
- if (option.bitwise) {
+ if (!option.bitwise) {
warn('unexpected_a', this);
return this;
prefix('!', function () {
this.first = expected_condition(expression(150));
this.arity = 'prefix';
- if (bang[this.first.id] === true) {
+ if (bang[this.first.id] === true || this.first.assign) {
warn('confusing_a', this);
return this;
- prefix('typeof');
+ prefix('typeof', null);
prefix('new', function () {
- var c = expression(160), i, p;
+ var c = expression(160), n, p, v;
this.first = c;
if (c.id !== 'function') {
if (c.identifier) {
- switch (c.value) {
+ switch (c.string) {
case 'Object':
warn('use_object', token);
case 'Array':
if (next_token.id === '(') {
p = next_token;
p.first = this;
if (next_token.id !== ')') {
- p.second = expression(0);
- if (p.second.arity !== 'number' || !p.second.value) {
- expected_condition(p.second, bundle.use_array);
- i = false;
- } else {
- i = true;
+ n = expression(0);
+ p.second = [n];
+ if (n.id !== '(number)' || next_token.id === ',') {
+ warn('use_array', p);
- while (next_token.id !== ')' && next_token.id !== '(end)') {
- if (i) {
- warn('use_array', p);
- i = false;
- }
- advance();
+ while (next_token.id === ',') {
+ advance(',');
+ p.second.push(expression(0));
} else {
warn('use_array', token);
advance(')', p);
- discard();
return p;
warn('use_array', token);
case 'Number':
@@ -3864,15 +3509,16 @@
case 'Date':
case 'RegExp':
+ case 'this':
if (c.id !== 'function') {
- i = c.value.substr(0, 1);
- if (option.newcap && (i < 'A' || i > 'Z')) {
+ v = c.string.charAt(0);
+ if (!option.newcap && (v < 'A' || v > 'Z')) {
warn('constructor_name_a', token);
} else {
@@ -3888,42 +3534,41 @@
return this;
infix('(', 160, function (left, that) {
+ var p;
if (indent && indent.mode === 'expression') {
no_space(prev_token, token);
} else {
no_space_only(prev_token, token);
if (!left.immed && left.id === 'function') {
- var p = [];
- if (left) {
- if (left.identifier) {
- if (left.value.match(/^[A-Z]([A-Z0-9_$]*[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)?$/)) {
- if (left.value !== 'Number' && left.value !== 'String' &&
- left.value !== 'Boolean' && left.value !== 'Date') {
- if (left.value === 'Math' || left.value === 'JSON') {
- warn('not_a_function', left);
- } else if (left.value === 'Object') {
- warn('use_object', token);
- } else if (left.value === 'Array' || option.newcap) {
- warn('missing_a', left, 'new');
- }
+ p = [];
+ if (left.identifier) {
+ if (left.string.match(/^[A-Z]([A-Z0-9_$]*[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)?$/)) {
+ if (left.string !== 'Number' && left.string !== 'String' &&
+ left.string !== 'Boolean' && left.string !== 'Date') {
+ if (left.string === 'Math' || left.string === 'JSON') {
+ warn('not_a_function', left);
+ } else if (left.string === 'Object') {
+ warn('use_object', token);
+ } else if (left.string === 'Array' || !option.newcap) {
+ warn('missing_a', left, 'new');
- } else if (left.id === '.') {
- if (option.safe && left.first.value === 'Math' &&
- left.second === 'random') {
- warn('adsafe', left);
- } else if (left.second.value === 'split' &&
- left.first.id === '(string)') {
- warn('use_array', left.second);
- }
+ } else if (left.id === '.') {
+ if (option.safe && left.first.string === 'Math' &&
+ left.second === 'random') {
+ warn('adsafe_a', left);
+ } else if (left.second.string === 'split' &&
+ left.first.id === '(string)') {
+ warn('use_array', left.second);
+ }
if (next_token.id !== ')') {
for (;;) {
@@ -3936,20 +3581,20 @@
step_out(')', that);
if (typeof left === 'object') {
- if (left.value === 'parseInt' && p.length === 1) {
+ if (left.string === 'parseInt' && p.length === 1) {
warn('radix', left);
if (!option.evil) {
- if (left.value === 'eval' || left.value === 'Function' ||
- left.value === 'execScript') {
+ if (left.string === 'eval' || left.string === 'Function' ||
+ left.string === 'execScript') {
warn('evil', left);
- } else if (p[0] && p[0].arity === 'string' &&
- (left.value === 'setTimeout' ||
- left.value === 'setInterval')) {
+ } else if (p[0] && p[0].id === '(string)' &&
+ (left.string === 'setTimeout' ||
+ left.string === 'setInterval')) {
warn('implied_evil', left);
if (!left.identifier && left.id !== '.' && left.id !== '[' &&
left.id !== '(' && left.id !== '&&' && left.id !== '||' &&
@@ -3962,25 +3607,29 @@
return that;
}, true);
prefix('(', function () {
- discard();
if (next_token.id === 'function') {
next_token.immed = true;
var value = expression(0);
value.paren = true;
step_out(')', this);
- discard();
if (value.id === 'function') {
- if (next_token.id === '(') {
+ switch (next_token.id) {
+ case '(':
- } else {
+ break;
+ case '.':
+ case '[':
+ warn('unexpected_a');
+ break;
+ default:
warn('bad_wrap', this);
return value;
@@ -3992,26 +3641,28 @@
if (typeof name === 'string') {
that.first = left;
that.second = token;
- if (left && left.value === 'arguments' &&
+ if (left && left.string === 'arguments' &&
(name === 'callee' || name === 'caller')) {
warn('avoid_a', left, 'arguments.' + name);
- } else if (!option.evil && left && left.value === 'document' &&
+ } else if (!option.evil && left && left.string === 'document' &&
(name === 'write' || name === 'writeln')) {
warn('write_is_wrong', left);
+ } else if (!option.stupid && name.indexOf('Sync') > 0) {
+ warn('sync_a', token);
} else if (option.adsafe) {
- if (!adsafe_top && left.value === 'ADSAFE') {
+ if (!adsafe_top && left.string === 'ADSAFE') {
if (name === 'id' || name === 'lib') {
- warn('adsafe', that);
+ warn('adsafe_a', that);
} else if (name === 'go') {
if (xmode !== 'script') {
- warn('adsafe', that);
+ warn('adsafe_a', that);
} else if (adsafe_went || next_token.id !== '(' ||
- peek(0).arity !== 'string' ||
- peek(0).value !== adsafe_id ||
+ peek(0).id !== '(string)' ||
+ peek(0).string !== adsafe_id ||
peek(1).id !== ',') {
stop('adsafe_a', that, 'go');
adsafe_went = true;
adsafe_may = false;
@@ -4024,22 +3675,16 @@
} else if (option.safe) {
for (;;) {
if (banned[name] === true) {
warn('adsafe_a', token, name);
- if (typeof predefined[left.value] !== 'boolean' ||
+ if (typeof predefined[left.string] !== 'boolean' || //// check for writeable
next_token.id === '(') {
- if (standard_property[name] === true) {
- if (next_token.id === '.') {
- warn('adsafe', that);
- }
- break;
- }
if (next_token.id !== '.') {
- warn('adsafe', that);
+ warn('adsafe_a', that);
token.first = that;
token.second = name;
@@ -4052,42 +3697,43 @@
return that;
}, true);
infix('[', 170, function (left, that) {
+ var e, s;
no_space_only(prev_token, token);
- var e = expression(0), s;
- if (e.arity === 'number') {
- if (left.id === 'arguments') {
+ e = expression(0);
+ switch (e.id) {
+ case '(number)':
+ if (e.id === '(number)' && left.id === 'arguments') {
warn('use_param', left);
- } else if (e.arity === 'string') {
- if (option.safe && (banned[e.value] ||
- e.value.charAt(0) === '_' || e.value.slice(-1) === '_')) {
+ break;
+ case '(string)':
+ if (option.safe && (banned[e.string] ||
+ e.string.charAt(0) === '_' || e.string.slice(-1) === '_')) {
warn('adsafe_subscript_a', e);
} else if (!option.evil &&
- (e.value === 'eval' || e.value === 'execScript')) {
+ (e.string === 'eval' || e.string === 'execScript')) {
warn('evil', e);
- }
- tally_property(e.value);
- if (!option.sub && ix.test(e.value)) {
- s = syntax[e.value];
+ } else if (!option.sub && ix.test(e.string)) {
+ s = syntax[e.string];
if (!s || !s.reserved) {
warn('subscript', e);
- } else if (option.safe) {
- if (!((e.arity === 'prefix' && adsafe_prefix[e.id] === true) ||
- (e.arity === 'infix' && adsafe_infix[e.id] === true))) {
+ tally_property(e.string);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (option.safe) {
warn('adsafe_subscript_a', e);
step_out(']', that);
- discard();
no_space(prev_token, token);
that.first = left;
that.second = e;
return that;
}, true);
@@ -4098,11 +3744,10 @@
while (next_token.id !== '(end)') {
while (next_token.id === ',') {
warn('unexpected_a', next_token);
- discard();
if (next_token.id === ']') {
indent.wrap = false;
@@ -4117,31 +3762,30 @@
} else {
step_out(']', this);
- discard();
return this;
}, 170);
function property_name() {
var id = optional_identifier(true);
if (!id) {
- if (next_token.arity === 'string') {
- id = next_token.value;
+ if (next_token.id === '(string)') {
+ id = next_token.string;
if (option.safe) {
if (banned[id]) {
} else if (id.charAt(0) === '_' ||
id.charAt(id.length - 1) === '_') {
- } else if (next_token.arity === 'number') {
- id = next_token.value.toString();
+ } else if (next_token.id === '(number)') {
+ id = next_token.number.toString();
return id;
@@ -4149,141 +3793,86 @@
function function_params() {
var id, paren = next_token, params = [];
- discard();
if (next_token.id === ')') {
step_out(')', paren);
- discard();
- return;
+ return params;
for (;;) {
id = identifier();
- add_label(id, option.unparam ? 'parameter' : 'unparam');
+ add_label(token, option.unparam ? 'parameter' : 'unparam');
if (next_token.id === ',') {
} else {
step_out(')', paren);
- discard();
return params;
- function complexity(exp) {
- var score = 0;
- if (exp) {
- if (Array.isArray(exp)) {
- exp.forEach(function (tok) {
- score += complexity(tok);
- });
- } else {
- switch (exp.arity) {
- case 'statement':
- switch (exp.id) {
- case 'if':
- score += complexity(exp.first) + complexity(exp.block) +
- complexity(exp['else']) + 1;
- break;
- case 'while':
- case 'do':
- if (exp.first.id !== 'true' && exp.first.value !== 1) {
- score += 1;
- }
- score += complexity(exp.first) + complexity(exp.block);
- break;
- case 'for':
- if (exp.second !== undefined &&
- exp.second.id !== 'true' &&
- exp.second.value !== 1) {
- score += 1;
- }
- score += complexity(exp.first) + complexity(exp.second) +
- complexity(exp.third) + complexity(exp.block);
- break;
- case 'switch':
- score += complexity(exp.first) +
- complexity(exp.second) + exp.second.length;
- if (exp.second[exp.second.length - 1].id === 'default') {
- score -= 1;
- }
- break;
- case 'try':
- if (exp.second) {
- score += 1;
- }
- if (exp.third) {
- score += 1;
- }
- score += complexity(exp.first) + complexity(exp.second) +
- complexity(exp.third) + complexity(exp.block);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'prefix':
- score += complexity(exp.first);
- break;
- case 'case':
- case 'infix':
- score += complexity(exp.first) + complexity(exp.second);
- if (exp.id === '&&' || exp.id === '||') {
- score += 1;
- }
- break;
- case 'ternary':
- score += complexity(exp.first) + complexity(exp.second) + complexity(exp.third);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return score;
- }
function do_function(func, name) {
- var old_properties = properties,
+ var old_funct = funct,
old_option = option,
- old_global = global,
old_scope = scope;
funct = {
'(name)' : name || '\'' + (anonname || '').replace(nx, sanitize) + '\'',
'(line)' : next_token.line,
- '(context)' : funct,
+ '(context)' : old_funct,
'(breakage)' : 0,
'(loopage)' : 0,
'(scope)' : scope,
'(token)' : func
- properties = old_properties && Object.create(old_properties);
- option = Object.create(old_option);
- global = Object.create(old_global);
- scope = Object.create(old_scope);
- token.funct = funct;
+ option = Object.create(old_option);
+ scope = Object.create(old_scope);
+ func.name = name;
if (name) {
- add_label(name, 'function');
+ add_label(func, 'function', name);
- func.name = name || '';
+ func.writeable = false;
func.first = funct['(params)'] = function_params();
func.block = block(false);
- funct['(complexity)'] = complexity(func.block) + 1;
- funct = funct['(context)'];
- properties = old_properties;
+ if (funct['(arguments)']) {
+ func.first.forEach(function (value) {
+ if (value.assign) {
+ warn('parameter_arguments_a', value, value.string);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ funct = old_funct;
option = old_option;
- global = old_global;
scope = old_scope;
+ assignop('=');
+ assignop('+=', '+');
+ assignop('-=', '-');
+ assignop('*=', '*');
+ assignop('/=', '/').nud = function () {
+ stop('slash_equal');
+ };
+ assignop('%=', '%');
+ assignop('&=', '&');
+ assignop('|=', '|');
+ assignop('^=', '^');
+ assignop('<<=', '<<');
+ assignop('>>=', '>>');
+ assignop('>>>=', '>>>');
prefix('{', function () {
var get, i, j, name, p, set, seen = {};
this.arity = 'prefix';
this.first = [];
@@ -4292,11 +3881,11 @@
// JSLint recognizes the ES5 extension for get/set in object literals,
// but requires that they be used in pairs.
- if (next_token.value === 'get' && peek().id !== ':') {
+ if (next_token.string === 'get' && peek().id !== ':') {
if (!option.es5) {
get = next_token;
@@ -4304,44 +3893,48 @@
name = next_token;
i = property_name();
if (!i) {
- do_function(get, '');
+ get.string = '';
+ do_function(get);
if (funct['(loopage)']) {
warn('function_loop', get);
p = get.first;
- if (p) {
- warn('parameter_a_get_b', p[0], p[0].value, i);
+ if (p && p.length) {
+ warn('parameter_a_get_b', p[0], p[0].string, i);
set = next_token;
+ set.string = '';
j = property_name();
if (i !== j) {
- stop('expected_a_b', token, i, j || next_token.value);
+ stop('expected_a_b', token, i, j || next_token.string);
- do_function(set, '');
+ do_function(set);
+ if (set.block.length === 0) {
+ warn('missing_a', token, 'throw');
+ }
p = set.first;
if (!p || p.length !== 1) {
stop('parameter_set_a', set, 'value');
- } else if (p[0].value !== 'value') {
- stop('expected_a_b', p[0], 'value', p[0].value);
+ } else if (p[0].string !== 'value') {
+ stop('expected_a_b', p[0], 'value', p[0].string);
name.first = [get, set];
} else {
name = next_token;
i = property_name();
if (typeof i !== 'string') {
- discard();
name.first = expression(10);
if (seen[i] === true) {
@@ -4362,22 +3955,19 @@
if (next_token.id === '}' && !option.es5) {
warn('unexpected_a', token);
step_out('}', this);
- discard();
return this;
stmt('{', function () {
- discard();
this.arity = 'statement';
this.block = statements();
this.disrupt = this.block.disrupt;
advance('}', this);
- discard();
return this;
stmt('/*global', directive);
stmt('/*globals', directive);
@@ -4395,25 +3985,22 @@
// var.first will contain an array, the array containing name tokens
// and assignment tokens.
var assign, id, name;
- if (funct['(onevar)'] && option.onevar) {
+ if (funct['(vars)'] && !option.vars) {
- } else if (!funct['(global)']) {
- funct['(onevar)'] = true;
+ } else if (funct !== global_funct) {
+ funct['(vars)'] = true;
this.arity = 'statement';
this.first = [];
for (;;) {
name = next_token;
id = identifier();
- if (funct['(global)'] && predefined[id] === false) {
- warn('redefinition_a', token, id);
- }
- add_label(id, 'error');
+ add_label(name, 'becoming');
if (next_token.id === '=') {
assign = next_token;
assign.first = name;
@@ -4429,84 +4016,103 @@
assign.arity = 'infix';
} else {
- funct[id] = 'unused';
+ if (funct[id] === 'becoming') {
+ funct[id] = 'unused';
+ }
if (next_token.id !== ',') {
indent.wrap = false;
if (var_mode && next_token.line === token.line &&
this.first.length === 1) {
- var_mode = false;
+ var_mode = null;
indent.open = false;
indent.at -= option.indent;
- var_mode = false;
+ var_mode = null;
return this;
stmt('function', function () {
if (in_block) {
warn('function_block', token);
- var i = identifier();
- if (i) {
- add_label(i, 'unction');
- no_space();
- }
- do_function(this, i, true);
+ var name = next_token, id = identifier();
+ add_label(name, 'unction');
+ no_space();
+ this.arity = 'statement';
+ do_function(this, id);
if (next_token.id === '(' && next_token.line === token.line) {
- this.arity = 'statement';
return this;
prefix('function', function () {
- one_space();
- var i = optional_identifier();
- if (i) {
+ if (!option.anon) {
+ one_space();
+ }
+ var id = optional_identifier();
+ if (id) {
+ } else {
+ id = '';
- do_function(this, i);
+ do_function(this, id);
if (funct['(loopage)']) {
+ switch (next_token.id) {
+ case ';':
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ case ',':
+ case ']':
+ case '}':
+ case ':':
+ break;
+ case '.':
+ if (peek().string !== 'bind' || peek(1).id !== '(') {
+ warn('unexpected_a');
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ stop('unexpected_a');
+ }
this.arity = 'function';
return this;
stmt('if', function () {
var paren = next_token;
- discard();
this.arity = 'statement';
this.first = expected_condition(expected_relation(expression(0)));
step_out(')', paren);
- discard();
this.block = block(true);
if (next_token.id === 'else') {
- discard();
- this['else'] = next_token.id === 'if' || next_token.id === 'switch' ?
- statement(true) : block(true);
+ this['else'] = next_token.id === 'if' || next_token.id === 'switch'
+ ? statement(true)
+ : block(true);
if (this['else'].disrupt && this.block.disrupt) {
this.disrupt = true;
return this;
@@ -4527,44 +4133,39 @@
this.arity = 'statement';
this.block = block(false);
if (next_token.id === 'catch') {
- discard();
paren = next_token;
- discard();
old_scope = scope;
scope = Object.create(old_scope);
- exception_variable = next_token.value;
+ exception_variable = next_token.string;
this.first = exception_variable;
if (!next_token.identifier) {
warn('expected_identifier_a', next_token);
} else {
- add_label(exception_variable, 'exception');
+ add_label(next_token, 'exception');
step_out(')', paren);
- discard();
this.second = block(false);
scope = old_scope;
if (next_token.id === 'finally') {
- discard();
- discard();
this.third = block(false);
} else if (!this.second) {
- stop('expected_a_b', next_token, 'catch', next_token.value);
+ stop('expected_a_b', next_token, 'catch', artifact());
return this;
labeled_stmt('while', function () {
@@ -4572,21 +4173,19 @@
var paren = next_token;
funct['(breakage)'] += 1;
funct['(loopage)'] += 1;
- discard();
this.arity = 'statement';
this.first = expected_relation(expression(0));
if (this.first.id !== 'true') {
expected_condition(this.first, bundle.unexpected_a);
step_out(')', paren);
- discard();
this.block = block(true);
if (this.block.disrupt) {
warn('strange_loop', prev_token);
@@ -4597,58 +4196,67 @@
labeled_stmt('switch', function () {
-// switch.first the switch expression
-// switch.second the array of cases. A case is 'case' or 'default' token:
-// case.first the array of case expressions
-// case.second the array of statements
+// switch.first the switch expression
+// switch.second the array of cases. A case is 'case' or 'default' token:
+// case.first the array of case expressions
+// case.second the array of statements
// If all of the arrays of statements are disrupt, then the switch is disrupt.
- var particular,
+ var cases = [],
+ old_in_block = in_block,
+ particular,
the_case = next_token,
unbroken = true;
+ function find_duplicate_case(value) {
+ if (are_similar(particular, value)) {
+ warn('duplicate_a', value);
+ }
+ }
funct['(breakage)'] += 1;
- discard();
this.arity = 'statement';
this.first = expected_condition(expected_relation(expression(0)));
step_out(')', the_case);
- discard();
+ in_block = true;
this.second = [];
while (next_token.id === 'case') {
the_case = next_token;
+ cases.forEach(find_duplicate_case);
the_case.first = [];
the_case.arity = 'case';
for (;;) {
particular = expression(0);
+ cases.forEach(find_duplicate_case);
+ cases.push(particular);
if (particular.id === 'NaN') {
warn('unexpected_a', particular);
- discard();
if (next_token.id !== 'case') {
- discard();
the_case.second = statements();
if (the_case.second && the_case.second.length > 0) {
particular = the_case.second[the_case.second.length - 1];
@@ -4671,14 +4279,12 @@
the_case = next_token;
the_case.arity = 'case';
- discard();
- discard();
the_case.second = statements();
if (the_case.second && the_case.second.length > 0) {
particular = the_case.second[the_case.second.length - 1];
if (unbroken && particular.disrupt && particular.id !== 'break') {
@@ -4688,10 +4294,11 @@
funct['(breakage)'] -= 1;
step_out('}', this);
+ in_block = old_in_block;
return this;
stmt('debugger', function () {
if (!option.debug) {
@@ -4710,149 +4317,145 @@
if (this.block.disrupt) {
warn('strange_loop', prev_token);
- discard();
var paren = next_token;
- discard();
this.first = expected_condition(expected_relation(expression(0)), bundle.unexpected_a);
step_out(')', paren);
- discard();
funct['(breakage)'] -= 1;
funct['(loopage)'] -= 1;
return this;
labeled_stmt('for', function () {
- var blok, filter, ok = false, paren = next_token, the_in, value;
+ var blok, filter, ok = false, paren = next_token, value;
this.arity = 'statement';
funct['(breakage)'] += 1;
funct['(loopage)'] += 1;
- step_in('control');
- discard();
- spaces(this, paren);
- no_space();
- if (next_token.id === 'var') {
- stop('move_var');
- }
- edge();
- if (peek(0).id === 'in') {
- value = next_token;
- switch (funct[value.value]) {
- case 'unused':
- funct[value.value] = 'var';
- break;
- case 'closure':
- case 'var':
- break;
- default:
- warn('bad_in_a', value);
- }
- advance();
- the_in = next_token;
- advance('in');
- the_in.first = value;
- the_in.second = expression(20);
- step_out(')', paren);
- discard();
- this.first = the_in;
+ if (next_token.id === ';') {
+ no_space();
+ advance(';');
+ no_space();
+ advance(';');
+ no_space();
+ advance(')');
blok = block(true);
- if (!option.forin) {
- if (blok.length === 1 && typeof blok[0] === 'object' &&
- blok[0].value === 'if' && !blok[0]['else']) {
- filter = blok[0].first;
- while (filter.id === '&&') {
- filter = filter.first;
+ } else {
+ step_in('control');
+ spaces(this, paren);
+ no_space();
+ if (next_token.id === 'var') {
+ stop('move_var');
+ }
+ edge();
+ if (peek(0).id === 'in') {
+ this.forin = true;
+ value = next_token;
+ switch (funct[value.string]) {
+ case 'unused':
+ funct[value.string] = 'var';
+ break;
+ case 'closure':
+ case 'var':
+ break;
+ default:
+ warn('bad_in_a', value);
+ }
+ advance();
+ advance('in');
+ this.first = value;
+ this.second = expression(20);
+ step_out(')', paren);
+ blok = block(true);
+ if (!option.forin) {
+ if (blok.length === 1 && typeof blok[0] === 'object' &&
+ blok[0].string === 'if' && !blok[0]['else']) {
+ filter = blok[0].first;
+ while (filter.id === '&&') {
+ filter = filter.first;
+ }
+ switch (filter.id) {
+ case '===':
+ case '!==':
+ ok = filter.first.id === '['
+ ? filter.first.first.string === this.second.string &&
+ filter.first.second.string === this.first.string
+ : filter.first.id === 'typeof' &&
+ filter.first.first.id === '[' &&
+ filter.first.first.first.string === this.second.string &&
+ filter.first.first.second.string === this.first.string;
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ ok = filter.first.id === '.' && ((
+ filter.first.first.string === this.second.string &&
+ filter.first.second.string === 'hasOwnProperty' &&
+ filter.second[0].string === this.first.string
+ ) || (
+ filter.first.first.string === 'ADSAFE' &&
+ filter.first.second.string === 'has' &&
+ filter.second[0].string === this.second.string &&
+ filter.second[1].string === this.first.string
+ ) || (
+ filter.first.first.id === '.' &&
+ filter.first.first.first.id === '.' &&
+ filter.first.first.first.first.string === 'Object' &&
+ filter.first.first.first.second.string === 'prototype' &&
+ filter.first.first.second.string === 'hasOwnProperty' &&
+ filter.first.second.string === 'call' &&
+ filter.second[0].string === this.second.string &&
+ filter.second[1].string === this.first.string
+ ));
+ break;
+ }
- switch (filter.id) {
- case '===':
- case '!==':
- ok = filter.first.id === '[' ? (
- filter.first.first.value === the_in.second.value &&
- filter.first.second.value === the_in.first.value
- ) : (
- filter.first.id === 'typeof' &&
- filter.first.first.id === '[' &&
- filter.first.first.first.value === the_in.second.value &&
- filter.first.first.second.value === the_in.first.value
- );
- break;
- case '(':
- ok = filter.first.id === '.' && ((
- filter.first.first.value === the_in.second.value &&
- filter.first.second.value === 'hasOwnProperty' &&
- filter.second[0].value === the_in.first.value
- ) || (
- filter.first.first.value === 'ADSAFE' &&
- filter.first.second.value === 'has' &&
- filter.second[0].value === the_in.second.value &&
- filter.second[1].value === the_in.first.value
- ) || (
- filter.first.first.id === '.' &&
- filter.first.first.first.id === '.' &&
- filter.first.first.first.first.value === 'Object' &&
- filter.first.first.first.second.value === 'prototype' &&
- filter.first.first.second.value === 'hasOwnProperty' &&
- filter.first.second.value === 'call' &&
- filter.second[0].value === the_in.second.value &&
- filter.second[1].value === the_in.first.value
- ));
- break;
+ if (!ok) {
+ warn('for_if', this);
- if (!ok) {
- warn('for_if', this);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (next_token.id !== ';') {
+ } else {
this.first = [];
for (;;) {
this.first.push(expression(0, 'for'));
if (next_token.id !== ',') {
- }
- semicolon();
- if (next_token.id !== ';') {
+ semicolon();
this.second = expected_relation(expression(0));
if (this.second.id !== 'true') {
expected_condition(this.second, bundle.unexpected_a);
- }
- semicolon(token);
- if (next_token.id === ';') {
- stop('expected_a_b', next_token, ')', ';');
- }
- if (next_token.id !== ')') {
+ semicolon(token);
+ if (next_token.id === ';') {
+ stop('expected_a_b', next_token, ')', ';');
+ }
this.third = [];
for (;;) {
this.third.push(expression(0, 'for'));
if (next_token.id !== ',') {
+ no_space();
+ step_out(')', paren);
+ one_space();
+ blok = block(true);
- no_space();
- step_out(')', paren);
- discard();
- one_space();
- blok = block(true);
if (blok.disrupt) {
warn('strange_loop', prev_token);
this.block = blok;
@@ -4860,20 +4463,20 @@
funct['(loopage)'] -= 1;
return this;
disrupt_stmt('break', function () {
- var label = next_token.value;
+ var label = next_token.string;
this.arity = 'statement';
if (funct['(breakage)'] === 0) {
warn('unexpected_a', this);
if (next_token.identifier && token.line === next_token.line) {
if (funct[label] !== 'label') {
warn('not_a_label', next_token);
- } else if (scope[label] !== funct) {
+ } else if (scope[label].funct !== funct) {
warn('not_a_scope', next_token);
this.first = next_token;
@@ -4882,37 +4485,43 @@
disrupt_stmt('continue', function () {
if (!option['continue']) {
warn('unexpected_a', this);
- var label = next_token.value;
+ var label = next_token.string;
this.arity = 'statement';
if (funct['(breakage)'] === 0) {
warn('unexpected_a', this);
if (next_token.identifier && token.line === next_token.line) {
if (funct[label] !== 'label') {
warn('not_a_label', next_token);
- } else if (scope[label] !== funct) {
+ } else if (scope[label].funct !== funct) {
warn('not_a_scope', next_token);
this.first = next_token;
return this;
disrupt_stmt('return', function () {
+ if (funct === global_funct && xmode !== 'scriptstring') {
+ warn('unexpected_a', this);
+ }
this.arity = 'statement';
if (next_token.id !== ';' && next_token.line === token.line) {
if (next_token.id === '/' || next_token.id === '(regexp)') {
this.first = expression(20);
+ if (peek(0).id === '}' && peek(1).id === 'else') {
+ warn('unexpected_else', this);
+ }
return this;
disrupt_stmt('throw', function () {
this.arity = 'statement';
@@ -4932,19 +4541,19 @@
// Harmony reserved words
- reserve('let');
- reserve('yield');
+ reserve('let');
+ reserve('yield');
// Parse JSON
function json_value() {
@@ -4954,29 +4563,29 @@
if (next_token.id !== '}') {
while (next_token.id !== '(end)') {
while (next_token.id === ',') {
warn('unexpected_a', next_token);
- comma();
+ advance(',');
- if (next_token.arity !== 'string') {
+ if (next_token.id !== '(string)') {
- if (object[next_token.value] === true) {
+ if (object[next_token.string] === true) {
- } else if (next_token.value === '__proto__') {
+ } else if (next_token.string === '__proto__') {
} else {
- object[next_token.value] = true;
+ object[next_token.string] = true;
if (next_token.id !== ',') {
- comma();
+ advance(',');
if (next_token.id === '}') {
warn('unexpected_a', token);
@@ -4989,17 +4598,17 @@
if (next_token.id !== ']') {
while (next_token.id !== '(end)') {
while (next_token.id === ',') {
warn('unexpected_a', next_token);
- comma();
+ advance(',');
if (next_token.id !== ',') {
- comma();
+ advance(',');
if (next_token.id === ']') {
warn('unexpected_a', token);
@@ -5045,38 +4654,38 @@
function css_number() {
if (next_token.id === '-') {
- if (next_token.arity === 'number') {
+ if (next_token.id === '(number)') {
return true;
function css_string() {
- if (next_token.arity === 'string') {
+ if (next_token.id === '(string)') {
return true;
function css_color() {
var i, number, paren, value;
if (next_token.identifier) {
- value = next_token.value;
+ value = next_token.string;
if (value === 'rgb' || value === 'rgba') {
paren = next_token;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
if (i) {
- number = next_token.value;
- if (next_token.arity !== 'number' || number < 0) {
+ number = next_token.number;
+ if (next_token.id !== '(number)' || number < 0) {
warn('expected_positive_a', next_token);
} else {
if (next_token.id === '%') {
@@ -5091,23 +4700,24 @@
if (value === 'rgba') {
- number = +next_token.value;
- if (next_token.arity !== 'number' || number < 0 || number > 1) {
+ number = next_token.number;
+ if (next_token.id !== '(number)' || number < 0 || number > 1) {
warn('expected_fraction_a', next_token);
if (next_token.id === '%') {
advance(')', paren);
return true;
- } else if (css_colorData[next_token.value] === true) {
+ }
+ if (css_colorData[next_token.string] === true) {
return true;
} else if (next_token.id === '(color)') {
@@ -5120,17 +4730,17 @@
function css_length() {
if (next_token.id === '-') {
- if (next_token.arity === 'number') {
+ if (next_token.id === '(number)') {
- if (next_token.arity !== 'string' &&
- css_lengthData[next_token.value] === true) {
+ if (next_token.id !== '(string)' &&
+ css_lengthData[next_token.string] === true) {
- } else if (+token.value !== 0) {
+ } else if (+token.number !== 0) {
return true;
return false;
@@ -5140,14 +4750,14 @@
function css_line_height() {
if (next_token.id === '-') {
- if (next_token.arity === 'number') {
+ if (next_token.id === '(number)') {
- if (next_token.arity !== 'string' &&
- css_lengthData[next_token.value] === true) {
+ if (next_token.id !== '(string)' &&
+ css_lengthData[next_token.string] === true) {
return true;
@@ -5155,11 +4765,11 @@
function css_width() {
if (next_token.identifier) {
- switch (next_token.value) {
+ switch (next_token.string) {
case 'thin':
case 'medium':
case 'thick':
return true;
@@ -5170,21 +4780,21 @@
function css_margin() {
if (next_token.identifier) {
- if (next_token.value === 'auto') {
+ if (next_token.string === 'auto') {
return true;
} else {
return css_length();
function css_attr() {
- if (next_token.identifier && next_token.value === 'attr') {
+ if (next_token.identifier && next_token.string === 'attr') {
if (!next_token.identifier) {
@@ -5208,41 +4818,41 @@
function css_counter() {
- if (next_token.identifier && next_token.value === 'counter') {
+ if (next_token.identifier && next_token.string === 'counter') {
if (next_token.id === ',') {
- if (next_token.arity !== 'string') {
+ if (next_token.id !== '(string)') {
return true;
- if (next_token.identifier && next_token.value === 'counters') {
+ if (next_token.identifier && next_token.string === 'counters') {
if (!next_token.identifier) {
if (next_token.id === ',') {
- if (next_token.arity !== 'string') {
+ if (next_token.id !== '(string)') {
if (next_token.id === ',') {
- if (next_token.arity !== 'string') {
+ if (next_token.id !== '(string)') {
@@ -5250,13 +4860,18 @@
return false;
+ function css_radius() {
+ return css_length() && (next_token.id !== '(number)' || css_length());
+ }
function css_shape() {
var i;
- if (next_token.identifier && next_token.value === 'rect') {
+ if (next_token.identifier && next_token.string === 'rect') {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) {
if (!css_length()) {
@@ -5270,29 +4885,29 @@
function css_url() {
var c, url;
- if (next_token.identifier && next_token.value === 'url') {
+ if (next_token.identifier && next_token.string === 'url') {
next_token = lex.range('(', ')');
- url = next_token.value;
+ url = next_token.string;
c = url.charAt(0);
if (c === '"' || c === '\'') {
if (url.slice(-1) !== c) {
- warn('bad_url');
+ warn('bad_url_a');
} else {
url = url.slice(1, -1);
if (url.indexOf(c) >= 0) {
- warn('bad_url');
+ warn('bad_url_a');
if (!url) {
- if (option.safe && ux.test(url)) {
- stop('adsafe_a', next_token, url);
+ if (ux.test(url)) {
+ stop('bad_url_a');
return true;
@@ -5301,11 +4916,11 @@
css_any = [css_url, function () {
for (;;) {
if (next_token.identifier) {
- switch (next_token.value.toLowerCase()) {
+ switch (next_token.string.toLowerCase()) {
case 'url':
case 'expression':
@@ -5323,10 +4938,43 @@
+ function font_face() {
+ advance_identifier('font-family');
+ advance(':');
+ if (!css_name() && !css_string()) {
+ stop('expected_name_a');
+ }
+ semicolon();
+ advance_identifier('src');
+ advance(':');
+ while (true) {
+ if (next_token.string === 'local') {
+ advance_identifier('local');
+ advance('(');
+ if (ux.test(next_token.string)) {
+ stop('bad_url_a');
+ }
+ if (!css_name() && !css_string()) {
+ stop('expected_name_a');
+ }
+ advance(')');
+ } else if (!css_url()) {
+ stop('expected_a_b', next_token, 'url', artifact());
+ }
+ if (next_token.id !== ',') {
+ break;
+ }
+ comma();
+ }
+ semicolon();
+ }
css_border_style = [
'none', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'double', 'groove',
'hidden', 'inset', 'outset', 'ridge', 'solid'
@@ -5369,20 +5017,45 @@
'border-bottom': [
true, 'border-bottom-color', 'border-bottom-style',
'border-bottom-color': css_color,
+ 'border-bottom-left-radius': css_radius,
+ 'border-bottom-right-radius': css_radius,
'border-bottom-style': css_border_style,
'border-bottom-width': css_width,
'border-collapse': ['collapse', 'separate'],
'border-color': ['transparent', 4, css_color],
'border-left': [
true, 'border-left-color', 'border-left-style', 'border-left-width'
'border-left-color': css_color,
'border-left-style': css_border_style,
'border-left-width': css_width,
+ 'border-radius': function () {
+ function count(separator) {
+ var n = 1;
+ if (separator) {
+ advance(separator);
+ }
+ if (!css_length()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (next_token.id === '(number)') {
+ if (!css_length()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ n += 1;
+ }
+ if (n > 4) {
+ warn('bad_style');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return count() && (next_token.id !== '/' || count('/'));
+ },
'border-right': [
true, 'border-right-color', 'border-right-style',
'border-right-color': css_color,
@@ -5392,10 +5065,12 @@
'border-style': [4, css_border_style],
'border-top': [
true, 'border-top-color', 'border-top-style', 'border-top-width'
'border-top-color': css_color,
+ 'border-top-left-radius': css_radius,
+ 'border-top-right-radius': css_radius,
'border-top-style': css_border_style,
'border-top-width': css_width,
'border-width': [4, css_width],
bottom: [css_length, 'auto'],
'caption-side' : ['bottom', 'left', 'right', 'top'],
@@ -5523,11 +5198,11 @@
function style_attribute() {
var v;
while (next_token.id === '*' || next_token.id === '#' ||
- next_token.value === '_') {
+ next_token.string === '_') {
if (!option.css) {
@@ -5539,26 +5214,26 @@
if (!next_token.identifier) {
return css_any;
+ }
+ if (!next_token.identifier) {
+ warn('expected_style_attribute');
} else {
- if (!next_token.identifier) {
- warn('expected_style_attribute');
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(css_attribute_data,
+ next_token.string)) {
+ v = css_attribute_data[next_token.string];
} else {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(css_attribute_data, next_token.value)) {
- v = css_attribute_data[next_token.value];
- } else {
- v = css_any;
- if (!option.css) {
- warn('unrecognized_style_attribute_a');
- }
+ v = css_any;
+ if (!option.css) {
+ warn('unrecognized_style_attribute_a');
- advance();
- return v;
+ advance();
+ return v;
function style_value(v) {
var i = 0,
@@ -5570,11 +5245,11 @@
switch (typeof v) {
case 'function':
return v();
case 'string':
- if (next_token.identifier && next_token.value === v) {
+ if (next_token.identifier && next_token.string === v) {
return true;
return false;
@@ -5582,11 +5257,11 @@
if (i >= v.length) {
return false;
vi = v[i];
i += 1;
- if (vi === true) {
+ if (typeof vi === 'boolean') {
} else if (typeof vi === 'number') {
n = vi;
vi = v[i];
i += 1;
@@ -5625,76 +5300,72 @@
function style_child() {
- if (next_token.arity === 'number') {
+ if (next_token.id === '(number)') {
- if (next_token.value === 'n' && next_token.identifier) {
+ if (next_token.string === 'n' && next_token.identifier) {
if (next_token.id === '+') {
- } else {
- if (next_token.identifier &&
- (next_token.value === 'odd' || next_token.value === 'even')) {
- advance();
- return;
- }
+ if (next_token.identifier &&
+ (next_token.string === 'odd' || next_token.string === 'even')) {
+ advance();
+ return;
+ }
function substyle() {
var v;
for (;;) {
if (next_token.id === '}' || next_token.id === '(end)' ||
(xquote && next_token.id === xquote)) {
- while (next_token.id === ';') {
- warn('unexpected_a');
- semicolon();
- }
v = style_attribute();
- if (next_token.identifier && next_token.value === 'inherit') {
+ if (next_token.identifier && next_token.string === 'inherit') {
} else {
if (!style_value(v)) {
if (next_token.id === '!') {
- if (next_token.identifier && next_token.value === 'important') {
+ if (next_token.identifier && next_token.string === 'important') {
} else {
- next_token, 'important', next_token.value);
+ next_token, 'important', artifact());
if (next_token.id === '}' || next_token.id === xquote) {
- warn('expected_a_b', next_token, ';', next_token.value);
+ warn('expected_a_b', next_token, ';', artifact());
} else {
function style_selector() {
if (next_token.identifier) {
- if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(html_tag, option.cap ?
- next_token.value.toLowerCase() : next_token.value)) {
+ if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(html_tag, option.cap
+ ? next_token.string.toLowerCase()
+ : next_token.string)) {
} else {
switch (next_token.id) {
@@ -5703,11 +5374,11 @@
case ':':
- switch (next_token.value) {
+ switch (next_token.string) {
case 'active':
case 'after':
case 'before':
case 'checked':
case 'disabled':
@@ -5724,33 +5395,33 @@
case 'link':
case 'only-of-type':
case 'root':
case 'target':
case 'visited':
- advance();
+ advance_identifier(next_token.string);
case 'lang':
- advance();
+ advance_identifier('lang');
if (!next_token.identifier) {
case 'nth-child':
case 'nth-last-child':
case 'nth-last-of-type':
case 'nth-of-type':
- advance();
+ advance_identifier(next_token.string);
case 'not':
- advance();
+ advance_identifier('not');
- if (next_token.id === ':' && peek(0).value === 'not') {
+ if (next_token.id === ':' && peek(0).string === 'not') {
@@ -5779,17 +5450,17 @@
if (!next_token.identifier) {
- if (next_token.id === '=' || next_token.value === '~=' ||
- next_token.value === '$=' ||
- next_token.value === '|=' ||
+ if (next_token.id === '=' || next_token.string === '~=' ||
+ next_token.string === '$=' ||
+ next_token.string === '|=' ||
next_token.id === '*=' ||
next_token.id === '^=') {
- if (next_token.arity !== 'string') {
+ if (next_token.id !== '(string)') {
@@ -5805,21 +5476,22 @@
for (;;) {
if (next_token.id === '</' || next_token.id === '{' ||
- next_token.id === '(end)') {
+ next_token.id === '}' || next_token.id === '(end)') {
return '';
if (next_token.id === ',') {
function style_list() {
- while (next_token.id !== '</' && next_token.id !== '(end)') {
+ while (next_token.id !== '}' && next_token.id !== '</' &&
+ next_token.id !== '(end)') {
xmode = 'styleproperty';
if (next_token.id === ';') {
} else {
@@ -5834,42 +5506,44 @@
function styles() {
var i;
while (next_token.id === '@') {
i = peek();
- if (next_token.identifier) {
- switch (next_token.value) {
- case 'import':
+ switch (next_token.string) {
+ case 'import':
+ advance_identifier('import');
+ if (!css_url()) {
+ warn('expected_a_b',
+ next_token, 'url', artifact());
- if (!css_url()) {
- warn('expected_a_b',
- next_token, 'url', next_token.value);
- advance();
+ }
+ semicolon();
+ break;
+ case 'media':
+ advance_identifier('media');
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!next_token.identifier || css_media[next_token.string] !== true) {
+ stop('expected_media_a');
- semicolon();
- break;
- case 'media':
- for (;;) {
- if (!next_token.identifier || css_media[next_token.value] === true) {
- stop('expected_media_a');
- }
- advance();
- if (next_token.id !== ',') {
- break;
- }
- comma();
+ if (next_token.id !== ',') {
+ break;
- advance('{');
- style_list();
- advance('}');
- break;
- default:
- warn('expected_at_a');
+ comma();
- } else {
- warn('expected_at_a');
+ advance('{');
+ style_list();
+ advance('}');
+ break;
+ case 'font-face':
+ advance_identifier('font-face');
+ advance('{');
+ font_face();
+ advance('}');
+ break;
+ default:
+ stop('expected_at_a');
@@ -5895,11 +5569,10 @@
} else {
stop('adsafe_fragment', token);
option.browser = true;
- assume();
function do_attribute(a, v) {
var u, x;
if (a === 'id') {
@@ -5936,11 +5609,11 @@
ids[u] = true;
} else if (a === 'href' || a === 'background' ||
a === 'content' || a === 'data' ||
a.indexOf('src') >= 0 || a.indexOf('url') >= 0) {
if (option.safe && ux.test(v)) {
- stop('bad_url', next_token, v);
+ stop('bad_url_a', next_token, v);
} else if (a === 'for') {
if (option.adsafe) {
if (adsafe_id) {
@@ -5965,11 +5638,13 @@
src = false;
if (!tag) {
- name === name.toLowerCase() ? name : name + ' (capitalization error)'
+ name === name.toLowerCase()
+ ? name
+ : name + ' (capitalization error)'
if (stack.length > 0) {
if (name === 'html') {
stop('unexpected_a', token, name);
@@ -6006,13 +5681,10 @@
if (attribute.src) {
if (option.adsafe && (!adsafe_may || !approved[attribute.src])) {
warn('adsafe_source', token);
- if (attribute.type) {
- warn('type', token);
- }
} else {
adsafe_top = true;
@@ -6023,17 +5695,17 @@
if (option.adsafe) {
if (adsafe_went) {
stop('adsafe_script', token);
if (script.length !== 1 ||
- aint(script[0], 'id', '(') ||
- aint(script[0].first, 'id', '.') ||
- aint(script[0].first.first, 'value', 'ADSAFE') ||
- aint(script[0].second[0], 'value', adsafe_id)) {
+ aint(script[0], 'id', '(') ||
+ aint(script[0].first, 'id', '.') ||
+ aint(script[0].first.first, 'string', 'ADSAFE') ||
+ aint(script[0].second[0], 'string', adsafe_id)) {
- switch (script[0].first.second.value) {
+ switch (script[0].first.second.string) {
case 'id':
if (adsafe_may || adsafe_went ||
script[0].second.length !== 1) {
stop('adsafe_id', next_token);
@@ -6044,13 +5716,14 @@
if (script[0].second.length !== 2 ||
aint(script[0].second[1], 'id', 'function') ||
!script[0].second[1].first ||
- script[0].second[1].first.length !== 2 ||
- aint(script[0].second[1].first[0], 'value', 'dom') ||
- aint(script[0].second[1].first[1], 'value', 'lib')) {
+ aint(script[0].second[1].first[0], 'string', 'dom') ||
+ script[0].second[1].first.length > 2 ||
+ (script[0].second[1].first.length === 2 &&
+ aint(script[0].second[1].first[1], 'string', 'lib'))) {
stop('adsafe_go', next_token);
adsafe_went = true;
@@ -6059,42 +5732,34 @@
indent = null;
xmode = 'html';
- if (!next_token.identifier && next_token.value !== 'script') {
- warn('expected_a_b', next_token, 'script', next_token.value);
- }
- advance();
+ advance_identifier('script');
xmode = 'outer';
case 'style':
xmode = 'style';
xmode = 'html';
- if (!next_token.identifier && next_token.value !== 'style') {
- warn('expected_a_b', next_token, 'style', next_token.value);
- }
- advance();
- xmode = 'outer';
+ advance_identifier('style');
case 'input':
switch (attribute.type) {
- case 'radio':
- case 'checkbox':
case 'button':
+ case 'checkbox':
+ case 'radio':
case 'reset':
case 'submit':
- case 'text':
case 'file':
- case 'password':
- case 'file':
case 'hidden':
case 'image':
+ case 'password':
+ case 'text':
if (option.adsafe && attribute.autocomplete !== 'off') {
@@ -6129,25 +5794,22 @@
quote, tag_name, tag, wmode;
xmode = 'html';
xquote = '';
stack = null;
for (;;) {
- switch (next_token.value) {
+ switch (next_token.string) {
case '<':
xmode = 'html';
attributes = {};
tag_name = next_token;
- if (!tag_name.identifier) {
- warn('bad_name_a', tag_name);
- }
- name = tag_name.value;
+ name = tag_name.string;
+ advance_identifier(name);
if (option.cap) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
tag_name.name = name;
- advance();
if (!stack) {
stack = [];
tag = html_tag[name];
@@ -6158,26 +5820,26 @@
tag_name.type = name;
for (;;) {
if (next_token.id === '/') {
if (next_token.id !== '>') {
- warn('expected_a_b', next_token, '>', next_token.value);
+ warn('expected_a_b', next_token, '>', artifact());
- if (next_token.id && next_token.id.substr(0, 1) === '>') {
+ if (next_token.id && next_token.id.charAt(0) === '>') {
if (!next_token.identifier) {
if (next_token.id === '(end)' || next_token.id === '(error)') {
- warn('expected_a_b', next_token, '>', next_token.value);
+ warn('expected_a_b', next_token, '>', artifact());
- option.white = true;
+ option.white = false;
- attribute = next_token.value;
+ attribute = next_token.string;
option.white = old_white;
if (!option.cap && attribute !== attribute.toLowerCase()) {
warn('attribute_case_a', token);
@@ -6192,32 +5854,32 @@
xmode = 'scriptstring';
quote = next_token.id;
if (quote !== '"' && quote !== '\'') {
- stop('expected_a_b', next_token, '"', next_token.value);
+ stop('expected_a_b', next_token, '"', artifact());
xquote = quote;
wmode = option.white;
- option.white = false;
+ option.white = true;
option.white = wmode;
if (next_token.id !== quote) {
- stop('expected_a_b', next_token, quote, next_token.value);
+ stop('expected_a_b', next_token, quote, artifact());
xmode = 'html';
xquote = '';
tag = false;
} else if (attribute === 'style') {
xmode = 'scriptstring';
quote = next_token.id;
if (quote !== '"' && quote !== '\'') {
- stop('expected_a_b', next_token, '"', next_token.value);
+ stop('expected_a_b', next_token, '"', artifact());
xmode = 'styleproperty';
xquote = quote;
@@ -6226,16 +5888,16 @@
tag = false;
} else {
if (next_token.id === '=') {
- tag = next_token.value;
+ tag = next_token.string;
if (!next_token.identifier &&
next_token.id !== '"' &&
next_token.id !== '\'' &&
- next_token.arity !== 'string' &&
- next_token.arity !== 'number' &&
+ next_token.id !== '(string)' &&
+ next_token.id !== '(string)' &&
next_token.id !== '(color)') {
warn('expected_attribute_value_a', token, attribute);
} else {
@@ -6256,11 +5918,11 @@
xmode = 'html';
if (!next_token.identifier) {
- name = next_token.value;
+ name = next_token.string;
if (option.cap) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
if (!stack) {
@@ -6273,11 +5935,11 @@
if (tag_name.name !== name) {
next_token, closetag(tag_name.name), closetag(name));
if (next_token.id !== '>') {
- stop('expected_a_b', next_token, '>', next_token.value);
+ stop('expected_a_b', next_token, '>', artifact());
xmode = 'outer';
case '<!':
@@ -6288,29 +5950,32 @@
for (;;) {
if (next_token.id === '>' || next_token.id === '(end)') {
- if (next_token.value.indexOf('--') >= 0) {
+ if (next_token.string.indexOf('--') >= 0) {
stop('unexpected_a', next_token, '--');
- if (next_token.value.indexOf('<') >= 0) {
+ if (next_token.string.indexOf('<') >= 0) {
stop('unexpected_a', next_token, '<');
- if (next_token.value.indexOf('>') >= 0) {
+ if (next_token.string.indexOf('>') >= 0) {
stop('unexpected_a', next_token, '>');
xmode = 'outer';
case '(end)':
+ if (stack.length !== 0) {
+ warn('missing_a', next_token, '</' + stack.pop().string + '>');
+ }
if (next_token.id === '(end)') {
stop('missing_a', next_token,
- '</' + stack[stack.length - 1].value + '>');
+ '</' + stack[stack.length - 1].string + '>');
} else {
if (stack && stack.length === 0 && (option.adsafe ||
@@ -6324,67 +5989,38 @@
// The actual JSLINT function itself.
- var itself = function (the_source, the_option) {
- var i, keys, predef, tree;
- JSLINT.comments = [];
+ itself = function JSLint(the_source, the_option) {
+ var i, predef, tree;
JSLINT.errors = [];
JSLINT.tree = '';
- begin = older_token = prev_token = token = next_token =
+ begin = prev_token = token = next_token =
- predefined = Object.create(standard);
+ predefined = {};
+ add_to_predefined(standard);
+ property = {};
if (the_option) {
option = Object.create(the_option);
predef = option.predef;
if (predef) {
if (Array.isArray(predef)) {
for (i = 0; i < predef.length; i += 1) {
predefined[predef[i]] = true;
} else if (typeof predef === 'object') {
- keys = Object.keys(predef);
- for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
- predefined[keys[i]] = !!predef[keys];
- }
+ add_to_predefined(predef);
- if (option.adsafe) {
- option.safe = true;
- }
- if (option.safe) {
- option.browser =
- option['continue'] =
- option.css =
- option.debug =
- option.devel =
- option.evil =
- option.forin =
- option.on =
- option.rhino =
- option.sub =
- option.widget =
- option.windows = false;
- option.nomen =
- option.strict =
- option.undef = true;
- predefined.Date =
- predefined['eval'] =
- predefined.Function =
- predefined.Object = null;
- predefined.ADSAFE =
- predefined.lib = false;
- }
+ do_safe();
} else {
option = {};
- option.indent = +option.indent || 0;
- option.maxerr = option.maxerr || 50;
+ option.indent = +option.indent || 4;
+ option.maxerr = +option.maxerr || 50;
adsafe_id = '';
adsafe_may = adsafe_top = adsafe_went = false;
approved = {};
if (option.approved) {
for (i = 0; i < option.approved.length; i += 1) {
@@ -6395,47 +6031,42 @@
tab = '';
for (i = 0; i < option.indent; i += 1) {
tab += ' ';
- global = Object.create(predefined);
- scope = global;
- funct = {
- '(global)': true,
- '(name)': '(global)',
+ global_scope = scope = {};
+ global_funct = funct = {
'(scope)': scope,
'(breakage)': 0,
'(loopage)': 0
functions = [funct];
comments_off = false;
ids = {};
- implied = {};
in_block = false;
- indent = false;
+ indent = null;
json_mode = false;
lookahead = [];
- member = {};
- properties = null;
+ node_js = false;
prereg = true;
src = false;
stack = null;
strict_mode = false;
urls = [];
- var_mode = false;
+ var_mode = null;
warnings = 0;
- xmode = false;
+ xmode = '';
try {
- if (next_token.arity === 'number') {
+ if (next_token.id === '(number)') {
- } else if (next_token.value.charAt(0) === '<') {
+ } else if (next_token.string.charAt(0) === '<') {
if (option.adsafe && !adsafe_went) {
warn('adsafe_go', this);
} else {
@@ -6451,53 +6082,50 @@
case '.':
case ':':
xmode = 'style';
if (token.id !== '@' || !next_token.identifier ||
- next_token.value !== 'charset' || token.line !== 1 ||
+ next_token.string !== 'charset' || token.line !== 1 ||
token.from !== 1) {
- if (next_token.arity !== 'string' &&
- next_token.value !== 'UTF-8') {
+ if (next_token.id !== '(string)' &&
+ next_token.string !== 'UTF-8') {
if (option.adsafe && option.fragment) {
- next_token, '<div>', next_token.value);
+ next_token, '<div>', artifact());
-// If the first token is predef semicolon, ignore it. This is sometimes used when
-// files are intended to be appended to files that may be sloppy. predef sloppy
+// If the first token is a semicolon, ignore it. This is sometimes used when
+// files are intended to be appended to files that may be sloppy. A sloppy
// file may be depending on semicolon insertion on its last line.
- if (next_token.id === ';') {
+ if (next_token.id === ';' && !node_js) {
- if (next_token.value === 'use strict') {
- warn('function_strict');
- use_strict();
- }
adsafe_top = true;
tree = statements();
begin.first = tree;
JSLINT.tree = begin;
+ // infer_types(tree);
if (option.adsafe && (tree.length !== 1 ||
aint(tree[0], 'id', '(') ||
aint(tree[0].first, 'id', '.') ||
- aint(tree[0].first.first, 'value', 'ADSAFE') ||
- aint(tree[0].first.second, 'value', 'lib') ||
+ aint(tree[0].first.first, 'string', 'ADSAFE') ||
+ aint(tree[0].first.second, 'string', 'lib') ||
tree[0].second.length !== 2 ||
- tree[0].second[0].arity !== 'string' ||
+ tree[0].second[0].id !== '(string)' ||
aint(tree[0].second[1], 'id', 'function'))) {
if (tree.disrupt) {
warn('weird_program', prev_token);
@@ -6505,11 +6133,11 @@
indent = null;
} catch (e) {
- if (e) { // `~
+ if (e) { // ~~
reason : e.message,
line : e.line || next_token.line,
character : e.character || next_token.from
}, null);
@@ -6524,43 +6152,31 @@
itself.data = function () {
var data = {functions: []},
- implieds = [],
members = [],
+ undef = [],
unused = [];
if (itself.errors.length) {
data.errors = itself.errors;
if (json_mode) {
data.json = true;
- for (name in implied) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(implied, name)) {
- implieds.push({
- name: name,
- line: implied[name]
- });
- }
- }
- if (implieds.length > 0) {
- data.implieds = implieds;
- }
if (urls.length > 0) {
data.urls = urls;
- globals = Object.keys(functions[0]).filter(function (value) {
- return value.charAt(0) !== '(' ? value : undefined;
+ globals = Object.keys(global_scope).filter(function (value) {
+ return value.charAt(0) !== '(' && typeof standard[value] !== 'boolean';
if (globals.length > 0) {
data.globals = globals;
@@ -6574,21 +6190,25 @@
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(the_function, name)) {
if (name.charAt(0) !== '(') {
kind = the_function[name];
if (kind === 'unction' || kind === 'unparam') {
kind = 'unused';
- } else if (typeof kind === 'boolean') {
- kind = 'global';
if (Array.isArray(function_data[kind])) {
if (kind === 'unused') {
name: name,
line: the_function['(line)'],
'function': the_function['(name)']
+ } else if (kind === 'undef') {
+ undef.push({
+ name: name,
+ line: the_function['(line)'],
+ 'function': the_function['(name)']
+ });
@@ -6596,43 +6216,44 @@
if (function_data[functionicity[j]].length === 0) {
delete function_data[functionicity[j]];
function_data.name = the_function['(name)'];
- function_data.param = the_function['(params)'];
+ function_data.params = the_function['(params)'];
function_data.line = the_function['(line)'];
- function_data['(complexity)'] = the_function['(complexity)'];
if (unused.length > 0) {
data.unused = unused;
+ if (undef.length > 0) {
+ data['undefined'] = undef;
+ }
members = [];
- for (name in member) {
- if (typeof member[name] === 'number') {
- data.member = member;
+ for (name in property) {
+ if (typeof property[name] === 'number') {
+ data.member = property;
return data;
itself.report = function (errors_only) {
- var data = itself.data();
+ var data = itself.data(), err, evidence, i, italics, j, key, keys,
+ length, mem = '', name, names, not_first, output = [], snippets,
+ the_function, warning;
- var err, evidence, i, j, key, keys, length, mem = '', name, names,
- output = [], snippets, the_function, warning;
function detail(h, value) {
var comma_needed, singularity;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
output.push('<div><i>' + h + '</i> ');
- value = value.sort().forEach(function (item) {
+ value.sort().forEach(function (item) {
if (item !== singularity) {
singularity = item;
output.push((comma_needed ? ', ' : '') + singularity);
comma_needed = true;
@@ -6641,42 +6262,45 @@
} else if (value) {
output.push('<div><i>' + h + '</i> ' + value + '</div>');
- if (data.errors || data.implieds || data.unused) {
+ if (data.errors || data.unused || data['undefined']) {
err = true;
output.push('<div id=errors><i>Error:</i>');
if (data.errors) {
for (i = 0; i < data.errors.length; i += 1) {
warning = data.errors[i];
if (warning) {
evidence = warning.evidence || '';
- output.push('<p>Problem' + (isFinite(warning.line) ? ' at line ' +
- warning.line + ' character ' + warning.character : '') +
+ output.push('<p>Problem' + (isFinite(warning.line)
+ ? ' at line ' + String(warning.line) +
+ ' character ' + String(warning.character)
+ : '') +
': ' + warning.reason.entityify() +
'</p><p class=evidence>' +
- (evidence && (evidence.length > 80 ? evidence.slice(0, 77) + '...' :
- evidence).entityify()) + '</p>');
+ (evidence && (evidence.length > 80
+ ? evidence.slice(0, 77) + '...'
+ : evidence).entityify()) + '</p>');
- if (data.implieds) {
+ if (data['undefined']) {
snippets = [];
- for (i = 0; i < data.implieds.length; i += 1) {
- snippets[i] = '<code>' + data.implieds[i].name + '</code> <i>' +
- data.implieds[i].line + '</i>';
+ for (i = 0; i < data['undefined'].length; i += 1) {
+ snippets[i] = '<code><u>' + data['undefined'][i].name + '</u></code> <i>' +
+ String(data['undefined'][i].line) + ' </i> <small>' +
+ data['undefined'][i]['function'] + '</small>';
- output.push('<p><i>Implied global:</i> ' + snippets.join(', ') + '</p>');
+ output.push('<p><i>Undefined variable:</i> ' + snippets.join(', ') + '</p>');
if (data.unused) {
snippets = [];
for (i = 0; i < data.unused.length; i += 1) {
snippets[i] = '<code><u>' + data.unused[i].name + '</u></code> <i>' +
- data.unused[i].line + ' </i> <small>' +
+ String(data.unused[i].line) + ' </i> <small>' +
data.unused[i]['function'] + '</small>';
output.push('<p><i>Unused variable:</i> ' + snippets.join(', ') + '</p>');
if (data.json) {
@@ -6705,61 +6329,71 @@
for (i = 0; i < data.functions.length; i += 1) {
the_function = data.functions[i];
names = [];
- if (the_function.param) {
- for (j = 0; j < the_function.param.length; j += 1) {
- names[j] = the_function.param[j].value;
+ if (the_function.params) {
+ for (j = 0; j < the_function.params.length; j += 1) {
+ names[j] = the_function.params[j].string;
- output.push('<br><div class=function><i>' + the_function.line +
- '</i> ' + the_function.name.entityify() +
+ output.push('<br><div class=function><i>' +
+ String(the_function.line) + '</i> ' +
+ the_function.name.entityify() +
'(' + names.join(', ') + ')</div>');
+ detail('<big><b>Undefined</b></big>', the_function['undefined']);
detail('<big><b>Unused</b></big>', the_function.unused);
detail('Closure', the_function.closure);
detail('Variable', the_function['var']);
detail('Exception', the_function.exception);
detail('Outer', the_function.outer);
detail('Global', the_function.global);
detail('Label', the_function.label);
- detail('Complexity', the_function['(complexity)']);
if (data.member) {
keys = Object.keys(data.member);
if (keys.length) {
keys = keys.sort();
- mem = '<br><pre id=properties>/*properties ';
- length = 13;
+ output.push('<br><pre id=properties>/*properties<br>');
+ mem = ' ';
+ italics = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ not_first = false;
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
key = keys[i];
- name = ix.test(key) ? key :
- '\'' + key.entityify().replace(nx, sanitize) + '\'';
- if (length + name.length > 72) {
- output.push(mem + '<br>');
- mem = ' ';
- length = 1;
+ if (data.member[key] > 0) {
+ if (not_first) {
+ mem += ', ';
+ }
+ name = ix.test(key)
+ ? key
+ : '\'' + key.entityify().replace(nx, sanitize) + '\'';
+ length += name.length + 2;
+ if (data.member[key] === 1) {
+ name = '<i>' + name + '</i>';
+ italics += 1;
+ j = 1;
+ }
+ if (mem.length + name.length - (italics * 7) > 80) {
+ output.push(mem + '<br>');
+ mem = ' ';
+ italics = j;
+ }
+ mem += name;
+ j = 0;
+ not_first = true;
- length += name.length + 2;
- if (data.member[key] === 1) {
- name = '<i>' + name + '</i>';
- }
- if (i < keys.length - 1) {
- name += ', ';
- }
- mem += name;
output.push(mem + '<br>*/</pre>');
return output.join('');
itself.jslint = itself;
- itself.edition = '2011-05-20';
+ itself.edition = '2012-04-15';
return itself;
\ No newline at end of file