lib/jsi/base/node.rb in jsi-0.7.0 vs lib/jsi/base/node.rb in jsi-0.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,49 +1,75 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
module JSI
- module Base::Enumerable
- include ::Enumerable
- # an Array containing each item in this JSI.
+ # module extending a {JSI::Base} object when its instance (its {Base#jsi_node_content})
+ # is a Hash (or responds to `#to_hash`)
+ module Base::HashNode
+ # instantiates and yields each property name (hash key) as a JSI described by any `propertyNames` schemas.
- # @param kw keyword arguments are passed to {Base#[]} - see its keyword params
- # @return [Array]
- def to_a(**kw)
- # TODO remove eventually (keyword argument compatibility)
- # discard when all supported ruby versions Enumerable#to_a delegate keywords to #each (3.0.1 breaks; 2.7.x warns)
- #
- ary = []
- each(**kw) do |e|
- ary << e
+ # @yield [JSI::Base]
+ # @return [nil, Enumerator] an Enumerator if invoked without a block; otherwise nil
+ def jsi_each_propertyName
+ return to_enum(__method__) { jsi_node_content_hash_pubsend(:size) } unless block_given?
+ property_schemas = do |schemas|
+ jsi_schemas.each do |s|
+ if s.keyword?('propertyNames') && s['propertyNames'].is_a?(Schema)
+ schemas << s['propertyNames']
+ end
+ end
- ary
+ jsi_node_content_hash_pubsend(:each_key) do |key|
+ yield property_schemas.new_jsi(key)
+ end
+ nil
- alias_method :entries, :to_a
+ # See {Base#jsi_hash?}. Always true for HashNode.
+ def jsi_hash?
+ true
+ end
- # a jsonifiable representation of the node content
- # @return [Object]
- def as_json(*opt)
- # include Enumerable (above) means, if ActiveSupport is loaded, its undesirable #as_json is included
- #
- # although Base#as_json does clobber activesupport's, I want as_json defined correctly on the module too.
- Typelike.as_json(jsi_node_content, *opt)
+ # Yields each key - see {Base#jsi_each_child_token}
+ def jsi_each_child_token(&block)
+ return to_enum(__method__) { jsi_node_content_hash_pubsend(:size) } unless block
+ jsi_node_content_hash_pubsend(:each_key, &block)
+ nil
- end
- # module extending a {JSI::Base} object when its instance (its {Base#jsi_node_content})
- # is a Hash (or responds to `#to_hash`)
- module Base::HashNode
- include Base::Enumerable
+ # See {Base#jsi_child_token_in_range?}
+ def jsi_child_token_in_range?(token)
+ jsi_node_content_hash_pubsend(:key?, token)
+ end
- # yields each hash key and value of this node.
+ # See {Base#jsi_node_content_child}
+ def jsi_node_content_child(token)
+ # I could check token_in_range? and return nil here (as ArrayNode does).
+ # without that check, if the instance defines Hash#default or #default_proc, that result is returned.
+ # the preferred mechanism for a JSI's default value should be its schema.
+ # but there's no compelling reason not to support both, so I'll return what #[] returns.
+ jsi_node_content_hash_pubsend(:[], token)
+ end
+ # See {Base#[]}
+ def [](token, as_jsi: jsi_child_as_jsi_default, use_default: jsi_child_use_default_default)
+ if jsi_node_content_hash_pubsend(:key?, token)
+ jsi_child(token, as_jsi: as_jsi)
+ else
+ if use_default
+ jsi_default_child(token, as_jsi: as_jsi)
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # yields each Hash key (JSON object property name) and value of this node.
# each yielded key is a key of the instance hash, and each yielded value is the result of {Base#[]}.
- # returns an Enumerator if no block is given.
- #
# @param kw keyword arguments are passed to {Base#[]}
# @yield [Object, Object] each key and value of this hash node
# @return [self, Enumerator] an Enumerator if invoked without a block; otherwise self
def each(**kw, &block)
return to_enum(__method__, **kw) { jsi_node_content_hash_pubsend(:size) } unless block
@@ -57,13 +83,28 @@
# a hash in which each key is a key of the instance hash and each value is the result of {Base#[]}
# @param kw keyword arguments are passed to {Base#[]}
# @return [Hash]
def to_hash(**kw)
- {}.tap { |h| jsi_node_content_hash_pubsend(:each_key) { |k| h[k] = self[k, **kw] } }
+ hash = {}
+ jsi_node_content_hash_pubsend(:each_key) { |k| hash[k] = self[k, **kw] }
+ hash.freeze
+ # See {Base#as_json}
+ def as_json(options = {})
+ hash = {}
+ each_key do |k|
+ ks = k.is_a?(String) ? k :
+ k.is_a?(Symbol) ? k.to_s :
+ k.respond_to?(:to_str) && (kstr = k.to_str).is_a?(String) ? kstr :
+ raise(TypeError, "JSON object (Hash) cannot be keyed with: #{k.pretty_inspect.chomp}")
+ hash[ks] = jsi_child_node(k).as_json(**options)
+ end
+ hash
+ end
include Util::Hashlike
# invokes the method with the given name on the jsi_node_content (if defined) or its #to_hash
# @param method_name [String, Symbol]
@@ -108,18 +149,103 @@
# module extending a {JSI::Base} object when its instance (its {Base#jsi_node_content})
# is an Array (or responds to `#to_ary`)
module Base::ArrayNode
- include Base::Enumerable
+ # See {Base#jsi_array?}. Always true for ArrayNode.
+ def jsi_array?
+ true
+ end
+ # Yields each index - see {Base#jsi_each_child_token}
+ def jsi_each_child_token(&block)
+ return to_enum(__method__) { jsi_node_content_ary_pubsend(:size) } unless block
+ jsi_node_content_ary_pubsend(:each_index, &block)
+ nil
+ end
+ # See {Base#jsi_child_token_in_range?}
+ def jsi_child_token_in_range?(token)
+ token.is_a?(Integer) && token >= 0 && token < jsi_node_content_ary_pubsend(:size)
+ end
+ # See {Base#jsi_node_content_child}
+ def jsi_node_content_child(token)
+ # we check token_in_range? here (unlike HashNode) because we do not want to pass
+ # negative indices, Ranges, or non-Integers to Array#[]
+ if jsi_child_token_in_range?(token)
+ jsi_node_content_ary_pubsend(:[], token)
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ # See {Base#[]}
+ def [](token, as_jsi: jsi_child_as_jsi_default, use_default: jsi_child_use_default_default)
+ size = jsi_node_content_ary_pubsend(:size)
+ if token.is_a?(Integer)
+ if token < 0
+ if token < -size
+ nil
+ else
+ jsi_child(token + size, as_jsi: as_jsi)
+ end
+ else
+ if token < size
+ jsi_child(token, as_jsi: as_jsi)
+ else
+ if use_default
+ jsi_default_child(token, as_jsi: as_jsi)
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elsif token.is_a?(Range)
+ type_err = proc do
+ raise(TypeError, [
+ "given range does not contain Integers",
+ "range: #{token.inspect}",
+ ].join("\n"))
+ end
+ start_idx = token.begin
+ if start_idx.is_a?(Integer)
+ start_idx += size if start_idx < 0
+ return Util::EMPTY_ARY if start_idx == size
+ return nil if start_idx < 0 || start_idx > size
+ elsif start_idx.nil?
+ start_idx = 0
+ else
+ end
+ end_idx = token.end
+ if end_idx.is_a?(Integer)
+ end_idx += size if end_idx < 0
+ end_idx += 1 unless token.exclude_end?
+ end_idx = size if end_idx > size
+ return Util::EMPTY_ARY if start_idx >= end_idx
+ elsif end_idx.nil?
+ end_idx = size
+ else
+ end
+ (start_idx...end_idx).map { |i| jsi_child(i, as_jsi: as_jsi) }.freeze
+ else
+ raise(TypeError, [
+ "expected `token` param to be an Integer or Range",
+ "token: #{token.inspect}",
+ ].join("\n"))
+ end
+ end
# yields each array element of this node.
# each yielded element is the result of {Base#[]} for each index of the instance array.
- # returns an Enumerator if no block is given.
- #
# @param kw keyword arguments are passed to {Base#[]}
# @yield [Object] each element of this array node
# @return [self, Enumerator] an Enumerator if invoked without a block; otherwise self
def each(**kw, &block)
return to_enum(__method__, **kw) { jsi_node_content_ary_pubsend(:size) } unless block
@@ -133,10 +259,15 @@
# @return [Array]
def to_ary(**kw)
+ # See {Base#as_json}
+ def as_json(options = {})
+ { |i| jsi_child_node(i).as_json(**options) }
+ end
include Util::Arraylike
# invokes the method with the given name on the jsi_node_content (if defined) or its #to_ary
# @param method_name [String, Symbol]
@@ -174,9 +305,43 @@
jsi_node_content_ary_pubsend(method_name, *a, &b)
define_method(method_name) do |*a, **kw, &b|
jsi_node_content_ary_pubsend(method_name, *a, **kw, &b)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module Base::StringNode
+ delegate_methods = %w(% * + << =~ [] []=
+ ascii_only? b byteindex byterindex bytes bytesize byteslice bytesplice capitalize capitalize!
+ casecmp casecmp? center chars chomp chomp! chop chop! chr clear codepoints concat count delete delete!
+ delete_prefix delete_prefix! delete_suffix delete_suffix! downcase downcase!
+ each_byte each_char each_codepoint each_grapheme_cluster each_line
+ empty? encode encode! encoding end_with? force_encoding getbyte grapheme_clusters gsub gsub! hex
+ include? index insert intern length lines ljust lstrip lstrip! match match? next next! oct ord
+ partition prepend replace reverse reverse! rindex rjust rpartition rstrip rstrip! scan scrub scrub!
+ setbyte size slice slice! split squeeze squeeze! start_with? strip strip! sub sub! succ succ! sum
+ swapcase swapcase! to_c to_f to_i to_r to_s to_str to_sym tr tr! tr_s tr_s!
+ unicode_normalize unicode_normalize! unicode_normalized? unpack unpack1 upcase upcase! upto valid_encoding?
+ )
+ delegate_methods.each do |method_name|
+ define_method(method_name) do |*a, &b|
+ if jsi_node_content.respond_to?(method_name)
+ jsi_node_content.public_send(method_name, *a, &b)
+ else
+ jsi_node_content.to_str.public_send(method_name, *a, &b)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ define_method(method_name) do |*a, **kw, &b|
+ if jsi_node_content.respond_to?(method_name)
+ jsi_node_content.public_send(method_name, *a, **kw, &b)
+ else
+ jsi_node_content.to_str.public_send(method_name, *a, **kw, &b)
+ end