in jruby_art-0.2.4.pre vs in jruby_art-0.2.6.pre

- old
+ new

@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ ## JRubyArt [![Gem Version](]( Is an alternative implementation of [ruby-processing][] that provides a ruby-wrapper for the java version of [processing][]. It is currently at the pre-release stage, but is ready for testing, and available from +Core processing jars are included, so it does not require a vanilla processing install..., you should perhaps consider making a contribution to the [processing foundation][]. ### Requirements -Java runtime 7+, and ruby (can be MRI ruby), curl (to download jruby-complete and examples, although there is a workaround). NB: it is not necessary to install vanilla [processing][] with this implementation, core jars are included in the gem. +Java runtime 7+, and ruby (can be MRI ruby), curl (to download jruby-complete and examples, although there is a workaround). ### Getting Started ```bash gem install jruby-art --pre @@ -49,17 +50,17 @@ ``` However such sketches must be run with `k9 run sketch.rb`, however you can do 'k9 wrap sketch.rb` which converts bare sketches to a class wrapped form. ###Ruby Versions -jruby-1.7.19 (when sketches run with jruby command) +jruby-1.7.20 (when sketches run with jruby command) -jruby- also seems to work (the next pre-release will target jruby- +jruby- also seems to work (the next pre-release will probably target jruby- or -ruby-2.1.2+ (when sketches are run using k9 command, ie using jruby-complete) +ruby-2.1.2+ (when sketches are run using k9 command, ie using jruby-complete with jruby- ### Using netbeans as an ide for JRubyArt See [netbeans][] @@ -85,5 +86,6 @@ [processing]: [ruby-processing]: [netbeans]: [processing-2.2.1]: [processing-core]: +[processing foundation]: