lib/jqr-helpers/helpers.rb in jqr-helpers-1.0.18 vs lib/jqr-helpers/helpers.rb in jqr-helpers-1.0.19
- old
+ new
@@ -135,10 +135,12 @@
if block_given?
html_options = dialog_options
dialog_options = html_content
html_content = capture(&block)
+ html_options[:'data-throbber'] =
+ dialog_options.delete(:throbber) || 'large'
html_options[:'data-dialog-url'] = url
link_to_dialog(Helpers._random_string, html_content,
dialog_options, html_options)
@@ -310,10 +312,93 @@
# @return [String]
def self._random_string
+ # Only run this code if will_paginate is installed
+ begin
+ require 'will_paginate/view_helpers'
+ require 'will_paginate/view_helpers/action_view'
+ # Define a link renderer to use with will_paginate.
+ class AjaxLinkRenderer < WillPaginate::ActionView::LinkRenderer
+ # Returns the subset of +options+ this instance was initialized with
+ # that represent HTML attributes for the container element of pagination
+ # links.
+ def container_attributes
+ @container_attributes ||=
+ @options.except(*(WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options.keys +
+ _ajax_keys + [:renderer] - [:class]))
+ end
+ protected
+ def page_number(page)
+ ajax_options = @options.slice(*_ajax_keys)
+ if page == current_page
+ tag(:em, page, :class => 'current')
+ else
+ link(page, page,
+ ajax_options.merge(:class => 'ujs-ajax', :rel => rel_value(page)))
+ end
+ end
+ def previous_or_next_page(page, text, classname)
+ ajax_options = @options.slice(*_ajax_keys)
+ if page
+ link(text, page,
+ ajax_options.merge(:class => "#{classname} ujs-ajax"))
+ else
+ tag(:span, text,
+ ajax_options.merge(:class => "#{classname} disabled"))
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ # Option keys used exclusively for jqr-helpers Ajax stuff.
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>]
+ def _ajax_keys
+ [
+ :'data-type',
+ :'data-result-method',
+ :'data-selector',
+ :'data-remote',
+ :'data-scroll-to',
+ :'data-throbber'
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ rescue # no will_paginate installed
+ end
+ # Create a will_paginate pagination interface which runs via Ajax. If
+ # will_paginate is not in the Gemfile or gem environment, this will
+ # throw an error.
+ # @param collection [Array|ActiveRecord::Relation] the
+ # will_paginate collection.
+ # @param to_update [String] the selector to use to update the content -
+ # either a ".class" or "#id" selector.
+ # @param options [Hash] options passed through to will_paginate
+ # @return [String]
+ def will_paginate_ajax(collection, to_update, options={})
+ if defined?(AjaxLinkRenderer)
+ options[:'data-type'] = 'html'
+ options[:'data-result-method'] = 'update'
+ options[:'data-selector'] = to_update
+ options[:'data-remote'] = true
+ options[:'data-scroll-to'] = true
+ options[:'data-throbber'] = options[:throbber] || 'large'
+ options[:renderer] = AjaxLinkRenderer
+ will_paginate(collection, options)
+ else
+ raise 'will_paginate not installed!'
+ end
+ end
# @param format [String] the Rails date format to map
# @return [String] the jQuery date format
def _map_date(format)
@@ -366,9 +451,11 @@
new_options[:'data-type'] = 'html'
new_options[:'data-callback'] = options.delete(:callback)
new_options[:'data-close-dialog'] = options.delete(:close_dialog)
new_options[:'data-use-dialog-opener'] = options.delete(:use_dialog_opener)
new_options[:'data-refresh'] = true if options.delete(:refresh)
+ new_options[:'data-scroll-to'] = true if options.delete(:scroll_to)
+ new_options[:'data-throbber'] = options.delete(:throbber) || 'small'
[:update, :append, :delete].each do |result_method|
selector = options.delete(result_method)
if selector
new_options[:'data-selector'] = selector