tasks/joosy.coffee in joosy-1.2.0.alpha.25 vs tasks/joosy.coffee in joosy-1.2.0.alpha.27
- old
+ new
@@ -1,104 +1,164 @@
module.exports = (grunt) ->
+ Sugar = require 'sugar'
+ Path = require 'path'
connect = require 'connect'
+ Mincer = require 'mincer'
grunt.joosy =
+ helpers:
+ list: (task, config, entry) ->
+ entries = grunt.config.get(config) || {}
+ return if entry
+ task.requiresConfig "#{config}.#{entry}"
+ [ entries[entry] ]
+ else
+ Object.values entries
+ assets:
+ instance: (environment='development') ->
+ Mincer.logger.use console
+ Mincer.StylusEngine.registerConfigurator (stylus) ->
+ stylus.options.paths.push Path.join(process.cwd(), 'public')
+ stylus.define '$environment', environment
+ stylus.define '$config', grunt.config.get('joosy.config') || {}
+ stylus.use require('nib')()
+ assets = new Mincer.Environment(process.cwd())
+ assets.appendPath 'source',
+ assets.appendPath 'stylesheets',
+ assets.appendPath 'components'
+ assets.appendPath 'vendor'
+ assets.appendPath 'node_modules/joosy/src'
+ assets
+ compile: (environment, map, callbacks) ->
+ assets = grunt.joosy.assets.instance(environment)
+ deepness = 0
+ for entry in map
+ do (entry) ->
+ deepness++
+ asset = assets.findAsset entry.src
+ callbacks.error? "Cannot find #{entry.src}" unless asset
+ asset.compile (err) ->
+ deepness--
+ callbacks.error? asset, err if err
+ grunt.file.write entry.dest, asset.toString()
+ callbacks.compiled? asset, entry.dest
+ callbacks.success?() if deepness == 0
+ haml:
+ compile: (file, environment='development') ->
+ HAMLC = require 'haml-coffee'
+ HAMLC.compile(grunt.file.read file)(
+ environment: environment
+ config: grunt.config.get('joosy.config') || {}
+ )
start: (port, setup) ->
- console.log "=> Started on 4000"
server = connect()
server.listen port
+ console.log "=> Started on 4000"
serveProxied: (server, map) ->
+ URL = require 'url'
+ proxy = require 'proxy-middleware'
return unless map?
- proxy = require 'proxy-middleware'
- url = require 'url'
+ for entry in map
+ [from, to] = if entry.src
+ [entry.src, entry.dest]
+ else
+ key = Object.keys(entry).first()
+ [key, entry[key]]
- for from, to of map
+ server.use from, proxy(URL.parse to)
console.log "=> Proxying #{from} to #{to}"
- server.use from, proxy(url.parse to)
- serveAssets: (server, mincer, path='/assets') ->
+ serveAssets: (server, path='/assets') ->
+ assets = grunt.joosy.assets.instance()
+ server.use path, Mincer.createServer(assets)
console.log "=> Serving assets from #{path}"
- assets = new mincer.Environment(process.cwd())
- assets.appendPath 'source',
- assets.appendPath 'stylesheets',
- assets.appendPath 'components'
- assets.appendPath 'vendor'
- assets.appendPath 'node_modules/joosy/src'
- server.use path, mincer.createServer(assets)
- servePlayground: (server, path='/') ->
- console.log "=> Serving playground from #{path}"
+ serveHAML: (server, path='/', source='source/index.haml') ->
server.use path, (req, res, next) ->
if req.url == path
- res.end grunt.joosy.compilePlayground()
+ res.end grunt.joosy.haml.compile(source)
+ console.log "=> Serving HAML at #{path} from #{source}"
serveStatic: (server, compress=false) ->
- console.log "=> Serving static from /public"
+ Gzippo = require 'gzippo'
unless compress
server.use connect.static('public')
- server.use require('gzippo').staticGzip('public')
+ server.use Gzippo.staticGzip('public')
- mincer: (environment='development') ->
- mincer = require 'mincer'
+ console.log "=> Serving static from /public"
- mincer.logger.use console
- mincer.StylusEngine.registerConfigurator (stylus) ->
- grunt.joosy.setupStylus stylus, environment
+ bower: -> require('bower')
- mincer
- compilePlayground: (environment='development') ->
- require('haml-coffee').compile(grunt.file.read 'source/index.haml')(
- environment: environment
- config: grunt.config.get('joosy.config') || {}
- )
- setupStylus: (stylus, environment='production') ->
- stylus.options.paths.push require('path').join(process.cwd(), 'public')
- stylus.define '$environment', environment
- stylus.define '$config', grunt.config.get('joosy.config') || {}
- stylus.use require('nib')()
# Dependencies
- grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-mincer'
- grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-connect'
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-uglify'
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-cssmin'
- grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-bower-task'
- grunt.registerTask 'joosy:compile', ['mince', 'uglify', 'cssmin', 'joosy:compile:playground']
- grunt.registerTask 'joosy:compile:code', ['mince:code', 'uglify:application']
- grunt.registerTask 'joosy:compile:styles', ['mince:styles', 'cssmin:application']
+ # Tasks
+ grunt.registerTask 'joosy:postinstall', ->
+ complete = @async()
+ bowerized = ->
+ if process.env['NODE_ENV'] == 'production'
+ grunt.task.run 'joosy:compile'
- grunt.registerTask 'joosy:compile:playground', ->
- grunt.file.write 'public/index.html', grunt.joosy.compilePlayground('production')
+ complete()
+ if grunt.file.exists('bower.json')
+ grunt.joosy.bower().commands.install()
+ .on('data', (msg) -> grunt.log.ok msg)
+ .on('error', (error) -> grunt.fail.fatal(error))
+ .on('end', bowerized)
+ else
+ bowerized()
grunt.registerTask 'joosy:server', ->
grunt.joosy.server.start 4000, (server) ->
- grunt.joosy.server.serveAssets server, grunt.joosy.mincer()
- grunt.joosy.server.servePlayground server
+ grunt.joosy.server.serveAssets server
+ grunt.joosy.server.serveHAML server
grunt.joosy.server.serveProxied server, grunt.config.get('joosy.server.proxy')
grunt.joosy.server.serveStatic server
grunt.registerTask 'joosy:server:production', ->
grunt.joosy.server.start process.env['PORT'] ? 4000, (server) ->
grunt.joosy.server.serveStatic server, true
- grunt.registerTask 'joosy:postinstall', ->
- if grunt.file.exists('bower.json')
- grunt.task.run 'bower:install'
+ grunt.registerTask 'joosy:compile', ['joosy:mince', 'joosy:haml', 'uglify', 'cssmin']
- if process.env['NODE_ENV'] == 'production'
- grunt.task.run 'joosy:compile'
+ grunt.registerTask 'joosy:mince', ->
+ complete = @async()
+ assets = grunt.joosy.helpers.list(@, 'joosy.assets', @args[0])
+ grunt.joosy.assets.compile 'production', assets,
+ error: (msg) -> grunt.fail.fatal msg
+ compiled: (asset, dest) -> grunt.log.ok "Compiled #{dest}"
+ success: complete
+ grunt.registerTask 'joosy:haml', ->
+ for _, entry of grunt.joosy.helpers.list(@, 'joosy.haml', @args[0])
+ grunt.file.write entry.dest, grunt.joosy.haml.compile("source/#{entry.src}", 'production')
+ grunt.log.ok "Compiled #{entry.dest}"
\ No newline at end of file