source/joosy/modules/page/ in joosy-1.2.0.beta.4 vs source/joosy/modules/page/ in joosy-1.2.0.rc.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
#= require ../page
+# The auto-scrolling filters for Page (or possibly widgets)
+# @see Joosy.Page
# @mixin
Joosy.Modules.Page.Scrolling =
included: ->
+ @afterLoad ->
+ @__performScrolling() if @__scrollElement
+ @paint (complete) ->
+ @__fixHeight() if @__scrollElement && @__scrollSpeed != 0
+ complete()
+ ClassMethods:
# Sets the position where page will be scrolled to after load.
# @note If you use animated scroll joosy will atempt to temporarily fix the
# height of your document while scrolling to prevent jump effect.
@@ -15,40 +28,44 @@
# @option options [Integer] speed Sets the animation duration (500 is default)
# @option options [Integer] margin Defines the margin from element position.
# Can be negative.
- @scroll = (element, options={}) ->
+ # @example
+ # class TestPage extends Joosy.Page
+ # @scroll '#header', speed: 300, margin: -100
+ #
+ scroll: (element, options={}) ->
@::__scrollElement = element
@::__scrollSpeed = options.speed || 500
@::__scrollMargin = options.margin || 0
- @paint (complete) ->
- @__fixHeight() if @__scrollElement && @__scrollSpeed != 0
- complete()
+ InstanceMethods:
+ #
+ # Scrolls page to stored positions
+ #
+ # @private
+ #
+ __performScrolling: ->
+ scroll = $(@__extractSelector @__scrollElement).offset()?.top + @__scrollMargin
+ Joosy.Modules.Log.debugAs @, "Scrolling to #{@__extractSelector @__scrollElement}"
+ $('html, body').animate {scrollTop: scroll}, @__scrollSpeed, =>
+ if @__scrollSpeed != 0
+ @__releaseHeight()
- @afterLoad ->
- @__performScrolling() if @__scrollElement
+ #
+ # Freezes the page height through $(html).
+ #
+ # Required to implement better {Joosy.Modules.Page.Scrolling.scroll} behavior.
+ #
+ # @private
+ #
+ __fixHeight: ->
+ $('html').css 'min-height', $(document).height()
- #
- # Scrolls page to stored positions
- #
- __performScrolling: ->
- scroll = $(@__extractSelector @__scrollElement).offset()?.top + @__scrollMargin
- Joosy.Modules.Log.debugAs @, "Scrolling to #{@__extractSelector @__scrollElement}"
- $('html, body').animate {scrollTop: scroll}, @__scrollSpeed, =>
- if @__scrollSpeed != 0
- @__releaseHeight()
- #
- # Freezes the page height through $(html).
- #
- # Required to implement better {Joosy.Page.scroll} behavior.
- #
- __fixHeight: ->
- $('html').css 'min-height', $(document).height()
- #
- # Undo {#__fixHeight}
- #
- __releaseHeight: ->
- $('html').css 'min-height', ''
+ #
+ # Undoes {Joosy.Modules.Page.Scrolling#__fixHeight}
+ #
+ # @private
+ #
+ __releaseHeight: ->
+ $('html').css 'min-height', ''
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