app/assets/javascripts/joosy/core/ in joosy-0.1.0.RC2 vs app/assets/javascripts/joosy/core/ in joosy-0.1.0.RC3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,58 +1,124 @@
#= require joosy/core/joosy
+# Router. Reacts on a hash change event and loads proper pages
+# Example:
+# 404 : (path) -> alert "Page '#{path}' was not found :("
+# '/' : Welcome.IndexPage
+# '/resources' :
+# '/' : Resource.IndexPage
+# '/:id' : Resource.ShowPage
+# '/:id/edit' : Resource.EditPage
+# '/new' : Resource.EditPage
+# @module
Joosy.Router =
+ #
+ # The Object containing route parts in keys and pages/lambdas in values
+ #
rawRoutes: Object.extended()
+ #
+ # Flattern routes mapped to regexps (to check if current route is what we
+ # need) and actual executors
+ #
routes: Object.extended()
+ #
+ # Clears the routes
+ #
reset: ->
@rawRoutes = Object.extended()
@routes = Object.extended()
+ #
+ # Registers the set of raw routes
+ # This method will only store routes and will not make them act immediately
+ # Routes get registered only once at system initialization during #__setupRoutes call
+ #
+ # @param [Object] routes Set of routes in inner format (see class description)
+ #
map: (routes) ->
Joosy.Module.merge @rawRoutes, routes
- setupRoutes: ->
- @prepareRoutes @rawRoutes
- @respondRoute location.hash
+ #
+ # Changes current hash with shebang (#!) and therefore triggers new route loading
+ # to be loaded
+ #
+ # @param [String] to Route to navigate to
+ #
+ navigate: (to) ->
+ location.hash = '!' + to
+ #
+ # Inits the routing system and loads the current route
+ # Binds the window hashchange event and therefore should only be called once
+ # during system startup
+ #
+ __setupRoutes: ->
+ @__prepareRoutes @rawRoutes
+ @__respondRoute location.hash
$(window).hashchange =>
- @respondRoute location.hash
+ @__respondRoute location.hash
- prepareRoutes: (routes, namespace='') ->
+ #
+ # Compiles routes to map object
+ # Object will contain regexp string as key and lambda/Page to load as value
+ #
+ # @param [Object] routes Raw routes to prepare
+ # @param [String] namespace Inner cursor for recursion
+ #
+ __prepareRoutes: (routes, namespace='') ->
if !namespace && routes[404]
@wildcardAction = routes[404]
delete routes[404]
Object.each routes, (path, response) =>
path = (namespace + path).replace /\/{2,}/, '/'
if response && (Object.isFunction(response) || response.prototype?)
- Joosy.Module.merge @routes, @prepareRoute(path, response)
+ Joosy.Module.merge @routes, @__prepareRoute(path, response)
- @prepareRoutes response, path
+ @__prepareRoutes response, path
- prepareRoute: (path, response) ->
+ #
+ # Compiles one single route
+ #
+ # @param [String] path Full path from raw route
+ # @param [Joosy.Page] response Page that should be loaded at this route
+ # @param [Function] response Lambda to call at this route
+ #
+ __prepareRoute: (path, response) ->
matchPath = path.replace(/\/:([^\/]+)/g, '/([^/]+)').replace(/^\/?/, '^/?').replace(/\/?$/, '/?$')
result = Object.extended()
result[matchPath] =
capture: (path.match(/\/:[^\/]+/g) || []).map (str) ->
str.substr 2
action: response
- respondRoute: (hash) ->
+ #
+ # Searches the corresponding route through compiled routes
+ #
+ # @param [String] hash Hash value to search route for
+ #
+ __respondRoute: (hash) ->
Joosy.Modules.Log.debug "Router> Answering '#{hash}'"
fullPath = hash.replace /^#!?/, ''
@currentPath = fullPath
found = false
queryArray = fullPath.split '&'
path = queryArray.shift()
- urlParams = @paramsFromQueryArray queryArray
+ urlParams = @__paramsFromQueryArray queryArray
for regex, route of @routes when @routes.hasOwnProperty regex
if vals = path.match new RegExp(regex)
- params = @paramsFromRouteMatch(vals, route).merge urlParams
+ params = @__paramsFromRouteMatch(vals, route).merge urlParams
if Joosy.Module.hasAncestor route.action, Joosy.Page
Joosy.Application.setCurrentPage route.action, params
else this, params
@@ -61,27 +127,37 @@
if !found && @wildcardAction?
@wildcardAction path, urlParams
- paramsFromRouteMatch: (vals, route) ->
+ #
+ # Collects params from route placeholders (/foo/:placeholder)
+ #
+ # @param [Array] vals Array of value gathered by regexp
+ # @param [Object] route Compiled route
+ # @returns [Object] Hash of params
+ #
+ __paramsFromRouteMatch: (vals, route) ->
params = Object.extended()
for param in route.capture
params[param] = vals.shift()
- paramsFromQueryArray: (queryArray) ->
+ #
+ # Collects params from query routes (/foo/&a=b)
+ #
+ # @param [Array] queryArray Array of query string split by '&' sign
+ # @returns [Object] Hash of params
+ #
+ __paramsFromQueryArray: (queryArray) ->
params = Object.extended()
if queryArray
$.each queryArray, ->
unless @isBlank()
pair = @split '='
params[pair[0]] = pair[1]
- params
- navigate: (to) ->
- location.hash = '!' + to
+ params
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