config/initializers/devise.rb in jobshop-0.0.11 vs config/initializers/devise.rb in jobshop-0.0.12

- old
+ new

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ +require "jobshop/failure_app" # Use this hook to configure devise mailer, warden hooks and so forth. # Many of these configuration options can be set straight in your model. Devise.setup do |config| # The secret key used by Devise. Devise uses this key to generate # random tokens. Changing this key will render invalid all existing @@ -252,13 +253,14 @@ # ==> Warden configuration # If you want to use other strategies, that are not supported by Devise, or # change the failure app, you can configure them inside the config.warden block. # - # config.warden do |manager| + config.warden do |manager| + manager.failure_app = Jobshop::FailureApp # manager.intercept_401 = false # manager.default_strategies(scope: :user).unshift :some_external_strategy - # end + end # ==> Mountable engine configurations # When using Devise inside an engine, let's call it `MyEngine`, and this engine # is mountable, there are some extra configurations to be taken into account. # The following options are available, assuming the engine is mounted as: