app/views/jobshop/places/show.html.haml in jobshop-0.0.113 vs app/views/jobshop/places/show.html.haml in jobshop-0.0.127
- old
+ new
@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
- %header.mdl-layout__header.mdl-layout__header--waterfall
- %div.mdl-layout__header-row
- %a.mdl-layout-title(href="#{jobshop.root_path}") Jobshop
- %div.mdl-layout-spacer
- %div.static-navigation-container
- %nav.mdl-navigation
- %a.mdl-navigation__link{ href: jobshop.about_path }
- About
- %a.mdl-navigation__link.mdl-color-text--pink{ href: jobshop.teams_lookup_path }
- Sign In
- %main
- %div
- You are currently logged in at these stations:
- %ul
+ = render partial: "jobshop/shared/authenticated_header"
+ %main.mdl-layout__content
+ .mdl-cell.mdl-cell--12-col
+ %p You are currently logged in at these stations:
+ %table.mdl-data-table.mdl-js-data-table.mdl-data-table--selectable.mdl-shadow--2dp
- session_activations.each do |s|
- %li{ id: }
- %p
- =
- = "(current)" if s.activation_token == session[:activation_token]
- %p= link_to "log this out", revoke_session_path(s), remote: true, method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to log out of the selected session?" }
+ %tbody
+ %tr
+ %td=
+ %td= "(current)" if s.activation_token == session[:activation_token]
+ %td= link_to "log this out", revoke_session_path(s), remote: true, method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to log out of the selected session?" }