lib/jkr/cli.rb in jkr-0.2.1 vs lib/jkr/cli.rb in jkr-0.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -138,9 +138,34 @@
puts "#{File.basename(File.dirname(m))} | #{disp}"
+ desc "init-shell", "Generate shell script to init shell completion"
+ option :bash, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ option :zsh, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ def init_shell()
+ gem_dir = File.expand_path("../../", __dir__)
+ if options[:bash]
+ puts <<EOS
+# bash completion support is not implemented yet.
+ elsif options[:zsh]
+ puts <<EOS
+# Add a following line to ~/.zshrc
+# eval "$(jkr init-shell --zsh)"
+source #{File.expand_path("etc/", gem_dir)}
+compdef _jkr jkr
+ else
+ puts(red("[ERROR] Specify a shell type"))
+ exit(false)
+ end
+ end
no_commands do
def find_plan_file(plan_name)
@jkr_env.plans.find do |plan_file_path|
File.basename(plan_file_path) == plan_name + ".plan"