HISTORY in jim-0.2.3 vs HISTORY in jim-0.3.0.pre
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
+== 0.3.0.pre [11-21-10]
+* Major rewrite of the bundler
+ * Jimfile is now a JSON formatted file
+ * Jimfile allows for multiple named bundles
+ * bundle and compress bundle _all_ the bundles unless a specific name is
+ specified
+* Jim::Cli is now built on top of Thor, cleaner and more organized/compatible.
+* Jim::Rack has tests (thanks collin for the start)
+* Jim::Rack works with multiple bundles
+* `jim watch` uses FSSM to watch the directory and re-bundle on changes. (Thanks manalang)
== 0.2.3 [09-26-10]
* Fixed logging issues
== 0.2.2 [09-10-10]