lib/jets/resource/api_gateway/rest_api/routes/change.rb in jets-1.5.9 vs lib/jets/resource/api_gateway/rest_api/routes/change.rb in jets-1.5.10
- old
+ new
@@ -1,114 +1,12 @@
# Detects route changes
class Jets::Resource::ApiGateway::RestApi::Routes
- class Change < Base
+ class Change
+ autoload :Base, 'jets/resource/api_gateway/rest_api/routes/change/base'
+ autoload :To, 'jets/resource/api_gateway/rest_api/routes/change/to'
+ autoload :Variable, 'jets/resource/api_gateway/rest_api/routes/change/variable'
def changed?
- deployed_routes.each do |deployed_route|
- new_route = find_comparable_route(deployed_route)
- if new_route && !=
- # change in already deployed route has been detected, requires bluegreen deploy
- return true
- end
- end
- false # Reaching here means no routes have been changed in a way that requires a bluegreen deploy
+ To.changed? || Variable.changed? || ENV['JETS_REPLACE_API']
- # Build up deployed routes from the existing CloudFormation resources.
- def deployed_routes
- routes = []
- resources, position = [], true
- while position
- position = nil if position == true # start of loop
- resp = apigateway.get_resources(
- rest_api_id: rest_api_id,
- position: position,
- )
- resources += resp.items
- position = resp.position
- end
- resources.each do |resource|
- resource_methods = resource.resource_methods
- next if resource_methods.nil?
- resource_methods.each do |http_verb, resource_method|
- # puts "#{http_verb} #{resource.path} | #{}"
- # puts to(, http_verb)
- # Test changing config.cors and CloudFormation does an in-place update
- # on the resource. So no need to do bluegreen deployments for OPTIONS.
- next if http_verb == "OPTIONS"
- path = recreate_path(resource.path)
- method = http_verb.downcase.to_sym
- to = to(, http_verb)
- route = path, method: method, to: to)
- routes << route
- end
- end
- routes
- end
- memoize :deployed_routes
- # Find a route that has the same path and method. This is a comparable route
- # Then we will compare the to or controller action to see if an already
- # deployed route has been changed.
- def find_comparable_route(deployed_route)
- new_routes.find do |new_route|
- new_route.path == deployed_route.path &&
- new_route.method == deployed_route.method
- end
- end
- def recreate_path(path)
- path = path.gsub(%r{^/},'')
- path = path.sub(/{(.*)\+}/, '*\1')
- path.sub(/{(.*)}/, ':\1')
- end
- def to(resource_id, http_method)
- uri = method_uri(resource_id, http_method)
- recreate_to(uri) unless uri.nil?
- end
- def method_uri(resource_id, http_method)
- resp = apigateway.get_method(
- rest_api_id: rest_api_id,
- resource_id: resource_id,
- http_method: http_method
- )
- resp.method_integration.uri
- end
- # Parses method uri and recreates a Route to argument.
- # So:
- # "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:112233445566:function:demo-test-posts_controller-new/invocations"
- # Returns:
- # posts#new
- def recreate_to(method_uri)
- md = method_uri.match(/function:(.*)\//)
- function_name = md[1] # IE: demo-dev-posts_controller-new
- controller_action = function_name.sub("#{Jets.project_namespace}-", '')
- md = controller_action.match(/(.*)_controller-(.*)/)
- controller = md[1]
- controller = controller.gsub('-','/')
- action = md[2]
- "#{controller}##{action}" # IE: posts#new
- end
- # Duplicated in rest_api/change_detection.rb, base_path/role.rb, rest_api/routes.rb
- def rest_api_id
- stack_name = Jets::Naming.parent_stack_name
- return default unless stack_exists?(stack_name)
- stack = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: stack_name).stacks.first
- api_gateway_stack_arn = lookup(stack[:outputs], "ApiGateway")
- # resources = cfn.describe_stack_resources(stack_name: api_gateway_stack_arn).stack_resources
- stack = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: api_gateway_stack_arn).stacks.first
- lookup(stack[:outputs], "RestApi") # rest_api_id
- end
- memoize :rest_api_id