lib/jets/internal/app/functions/jets/base_path.rb in jets-2.3.19 vs lib/jets/internal/app/functions/jets/base_path.rb in jets-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,157 +1,18 @@
-require 'aws-sdk-apigateway'
-require 'aws-sdk-cloudformation'
+require 'bundler/setup'
+require 'cfn_response'
+require 'jets/internal/app/functions/jets/base_path_mapping'
STAGE_NAME = "<%= @stage_name %>"
def lambda_handler(event:, context:)
- puts("event['RequestType'] #{event['RequestType']}")
- puts("event: #{JSON.dump(event)}")
- puts("context: #{JSON.dump(context)}")
- puts("context.log_stream_name #{context.log_stream_name.inspect}")
- mimic = event['ResourceProperties']['Mimic']
- physical_id = event['ResourceProperties']['PhysicalId'] || "PhysicalId"
- puts "mimic: #{mimic}"
- puts "physical_id: #{physical_id}"
- if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete'
- if mimic == 'FAILED'
- send_response(event, context, "FAILED")
- else
- mapping =
+ cfn =, context)
+ cfn.response do
+ mapping =, STAGE_NAME)
+ case event['RequestType']
+ when "Create", "Update"
+ mapping.update
+ when "Delete"
mapping.delete(true) if mapping.should_delete?
- send_response(event, context, "SUCCESS")
- return # early return
- end
- mapping =
- mapping.update
- response_status = mimic == "FAILED" ? "FAILED" : "SUCCESS"
- response_data = { "Hello" => "World" }
- send_response(event, context, response_status, response_data, physical_id)
-# We rescue all exceptions and send an message to CloudFormation so we dont have to
-# wait for over an hour for the stack operation to timeout and rollback.
-rescue Exception => e
- puts e.message
- puts e.backtrace
- sleep 10 # provide delete to make sure that the log gets sent to CloudWatch
- send_response(event, context, "FAILED")
-def send_response(event, context, response_status, response_data={}, physical_id="PhysicalId")
- response_body = JSON.dump(
- Status: response_status,
- Reason: "See the details in CloudWatch Log Stream: #{context.log_stream_name.inspect}",
- PhysicalResourceId: physical_id,
- StackId: event['StackId'],
- RequestId: event['RequestId'],
- LogicalResourceId: event['LogicalResourceId'],
- Data: response_data
- )
- puts "RESPONSE BODY:\n"
- puts response_body
- url = event['ResponseURL']
- uri = URI(url)
- http =, uri.port)
- http.open_timeout = http.read_timeout = 30
- http.use_ssl = true if uri.scheme == 'https'
- # must used url to include the AWSAccessKeyId and Signature
- req = # url includes query string and uri.path does not, must used url t
- req.body = response_body
- req.content_length = response_body.bytesize
- # set headers
- req['content-type'] = ''
- req['content-length'] = response_body.bytesize
- res = http.request(req)
- puts "status code: #{res.code}"
- puts "headers: #{res.each_header.to_h.inspect}"
- puts "body: #{res.body}"
-class BasePathMapping
- def initialize(event)
- @event = event
- @rest_api_id = get_rest_api_id
- @domain_name = get_domain_name
- @base_path = ''
- end
- def update
- # Cannot use update_base_path_mapping to update the base_mapping because it doesnt
- # allow us to change the rest_api_id. So we delete and create.
- delete(true)
- create
- end
- # Dont delete the newly created base path mapping unless this is an operation
- # where we're fully deleting the stack
- def should_delete?
- deleting_parent?
- end
- def delete(fail_silently=false)
- apigateway.delete_base_path_mapping(
- domain_name: @domain_name, # required
- base_path: '(none)',
- )
- #
- # Used to return: Aws::APIGateway::Errors::NotFoundException
- # Now returns: Aws::APIGateway::Errors::InternalFailure
- # So we'll use a more generic error
- rescue Aws::APIGateway::Errors::ServiceError => e
- raise(e) unless fail_silently
- end
- def create
- apigateway.create_base_path_mapping(
- domain_name: @domain_name, # required
- base_path: @base_path,
- rest_api_id: @rest_api_id, # required
- stage: STAGE_NAME,
- )
- end
- def get_domain_name
- param = deployment_stack[:parameters].find { |p| p.parameter_key == 'DomainName' }
- param.parameter_value
- end
- def deployment_stack
- @deployment_stack ||= cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: @event['StackId']).stacks.first
- end
- def get_rest_api_id
- param = deployment_stack[:parameters].find { |p| p.parameter_key == 'RestApi' }
- param.parameter_value
- end
- def deleting_parent?
- stack = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: parent_stack_name).stacks.first
- stack.stack_status == 'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'
- end
- def parent_stack_name
- deployment_stack[:root_id]
- end
- def apigateway
- @apigateway ||=
- end
- def cfn
- @cfn ||=