History.txt in jekyll-1.0.0.beta1 vs History.txt in jekyll-1.0.0.beta2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
* Major Enhancements
+ * Add `jekyll new` subcommand: generate a jekyll scaffold (#764)
* Refactored jekyll commands into subcommands: build, serve, and migrate. (#690)
* Removed importers/migrators from main project, migrated to jekyll-import sub-gem (#793)
* Added ability to render drafts in _drafts folder via command line (#833)
* Minor Enhancements
- * Load in Apache MIME Types on `jekyll serve` (#847)
+ * Expose site.baseurl to Liquid templates (#869)
+ * Adds excerpt attribute to posts which contains first paragraph of content (#837)
+ * Accept custom configuration file via CLI (#863)
+ * Load in GitHub Pages MIME Types on `jekyll serve` (#847, #871)
* Improve debugability of error message for a malformed highlight tag (#785)
* Allow symlinked files in unsafe mode (#824)
- * Add 'gist' liquid tag to core (#822)
+ * Add 'gist' Liquid tag to core (#822, #861)
* New format of Jekyll output (#795)
* Reinstate --limit_posts and --future switches (#788)
* Remove ambiguity from command descriptions (#815)
* Fix SafeYAML Warnings (#807)
* Relaxed Kramdown version to 0.14 (#808)
@@ -24,19 +28,23 @@
* "Keep files" feature (#685)
* Output full path & name for files that don't parse (#745)
* Add source and destination directory protection (#535)
* Better YAML error message (#718)
* Bug Fixes
+ * Ensure all Post categories are downcase (#842, #872)
+ * Force encoding of the rdiscount TOC to UTF8 to avoid conversion errors (#555)
+ * Patch for multibyte URI problem with jekyll serve (#723)
+ * Order plugin execution by priority (#864)
* Fixed Page#dir and Page#url for edge cases (#536)
* Fix broken post_url with posts with a time in their YAML Front-Matter (#831)
* Look for plugins under the source directory (#654)
* Tumblr Migrator: finds _posts dir correctly, fixes truncation of long
post names (#775)
* Force Categories to be Strings (#767)
* Safe YAML plugin to prevent vulnerability (#777)
* Add SVG support to Jekyll/WEBrick. (#407, #406)
- * Prevent custom destination from causing continuous regen on watch (#528, #820)
+ * Prevent custom destination from causing continuous regen on watch (#528, #820, #862)
* Site Enhancements
* Bring site into master branch with better preview/deploy (#709)
* Redesigned site (#583)
* Development fixes
* Added "features:html" rake task for debugging purposes, cleaned up
@@ -46,9 +54,17 @@
* Including a link to the GitHub Ruby style guide in CONTRIBUTING.md (#806)
* Added script/bootstrap (#776)
* Running Simplecov under 2 conditions: ENV(COVERAGE)=true and with Ruby version
of greater than 1.9 (#771)
* Switch to Simplecov for coverage report (#765)
+== 0.12.1 / 2013-02-19
+ * Minor Enhancements
+ * Update Kramdown version to 0.14.1 (#744)
+ * Test Enhancements
+ * Update Rake version to 10.0.3 (#744)
+ * Update Shoulda version to 3.3.2 (#744)
+ * Update Redcarpet version to 2.2.2 (#744)
== 0.12.0 / 2012-12-22
* Minor Enhancements
* Add ability to explicitly specify included files (#261)
* Add --default-mimetype option (#279)