_config.yml in jekyll-theme-editorial-1.0.10 vs _config.yml in jekyll-theme-editorial-1.0.11

- old
+ new

@@ -26,12 +26,14 @@ ################### # Build settings ################### -theme: jekyll-theme-editorial # this theme! =) -permalink: /:collection/:title:output_ext # NOTE: changing this default hasn't been tested +theme: jekyll-theme-editorial # this theme! =) +remote_theme: middlebear/jekyll-theme-editorial # only needed on github pages, which automatically compiles jekyll for you +# remote_theme: middlebear/jekyll-theme-editorial@0.1.0 # to lock to a given version - https://github.com/benbalter/jekyll-remote-theme +permalink: /:collection/:title:output_ext # NOTE: changing this default hasn't been tested # lsi: true # provides related posts functionality using classifier-reborn - unsupported by github pages ################### @@ -94,11 +96,11 @@ add_comment_message: # "Be the first to comment!" analytics: goatcounter: # goatcounter for personal websites is free code: # required if using goatcounter for stats; leave blank otherwise allow_local: false # set `true` to test analytics locally, otherwise stats won't be sent from localhost to goatcounter -staticman_url: # https://{{bridge_app_name}}.herokuapp.com/v2/entry/{{github-username}}/{{blog-repo}}/{{branch}}/comments +staticman_url: # the URL for the staticman API bridge endpoint: https://{{bridge_app_name}}.herokuapp.com/v2/entry/{{github-username}}/{{blog-repo}}/{{branch}}/comments search: # site search parameters; NOTE: untested for now url: # default: "/search"; where the search form POSTs to form_method: # default: "post"; typically "post" or "get"--how the search form gets submitted field_id: # default: "query"; the id attribute of the search field field_name: # default: "search"; the name attribute of the search field @@ -206,17 +208,9 @@ ################### # Jekyll Mentions - https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-mentions ################### jekyll-mentions: /people - - -################### -# Remote Theme - https://github.com/benbalter/jekyll-remote-theme -# only needed on github pages, which automatically compiles jekyll for you -################### -remote_theme: middlebear/jekyll-theme-editorial -# remote_theme: middlebear/jekyll-theme-editorial@0.1.0 # to lock to a given version ################### # Jekyll Paginate - https://jekyllrb.com/docs/pagination/ ###################