_sass/custom/_layout.scss in jekyll-foxslide-0.1.2 vs _sass/custom/_layout.scss in jekyll-foxslide-0.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -17,5 +17,66 @@
// Sidebar widths used in media queries
//$sidebar-width-medium: 240px;
//$sidebar-pad-medium: 15px;
//$sidebar-pad-wide: 20px;
//$sidebar-width-wide: 300px;
+// The following fix img and imgcap warnings/errors for foxslide theme
+// from base/layout
+.flex-content { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
+.basic-alignment {
+ &.left { float: left; margin-right: 1.5em; }
+ &.right { float: right; margin-left: 1.5em; }
+ &.center { display:block; margin: 0 auto 1.5em; }
+ &.left, &.right { margin-bottom: .8em; }
+// from base/typogrpahy
+$sans: "PT Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !default;
+$mono: Menlo, Monaco, "Andale Mono", "lucida console", "Courier New", monospace !default;
+.sans { font-family: $sans; }
+.mono { font-family: $mono; }
+@mixin mask-image($img, $repeat: no-repeat){
+ @include experimental(mask-image, image-url($img), -webkit, -moz, -o, -ms);
+ @include experimental(mask-repeat, $repeat, -webkit, -moz, -o, -ms);
+ width: image-width($img);
+ height: image-height($img);
+@mixin shadow-box($border: #fff .5em solid, $shadow: rgba(#000, .15) 0 1px 4px, $border-radius: .3em) {
+ @include border-radius($border-radius);
+ @include box-shadow($shadow);
+ @include box-sizing(border-box);
+ border: $border;
+@mixin reset-shadow-box() {
+ @include shadow-box(0px, 0px, 0px);
+article {
+ img, video, .flash-video, .caption-wrapper {
+ @extend .flex-content;
+ @extend .basic-alignment;
+ @include shadow-box;
+ &.caption {
+ @include reset-shadow-box;
+ }
+ }
+ .caption-wrapper {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ .caption-text {
+ background: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: .8em;
+ color: #666;
+ display: block;
+ }
+ }
+article img.left { float:left;margin-right:1.5em }
+article img.right { float:right;margin-left:1.5em }
+article img.center { display:block;margin:0 auto 1.5em }
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