Rakefile in jdbc-sqlite3-3.7.2 vs Rakefile in jdbc-sqlite3-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,30 +1,18 @@
-MANIFEST = FileList["Manifest.txt", "Rakefile", "README.txt", "LICENSE.txt", "lib/**/*"]
+require 'bundler/gem_helper'
-file "Manifest.txt" => :manifest
-task :manifest do
- File.open("Manifest.txt", "w") {|f| MANIFEST.each {|n| f << "#{n}\n"} }
+name = Dir["*.gemspec"].first.sub('.gemspec', '')
+gem_helper = Bundler::GemHelper.new(Dir.pwd, name)
+def gem_helper.version_tag
+ "#{name}-#{version}" # override "v#{version}"
-Rake::Task['manifest'].invoke # Always regen manifest, so Hoe has up-to-date list of files
-$LOAD_PATH << "lib"
-require "jdbc/sqlite3"
- require 'hoe'
- Hoe.plugin :gemcutter
- Hoe.spec("jdbc-sqlite3") do |p|
- version = Jdbc::SQLite3::VERSION
- version += '.' + ENV['DRIVER_REV'] if ENV['DRIVER_REV']
- p.version = version
- p.rubyforge_name = "jruby-extras"
- p.url = "http://jruby-extras.rubyforge.org/ActiveRecord-JDBC"
- p.author = "Nick Sieger, Ola Bini and JRuby contributors"
- p.email = "nick@nicksieger.com, ola.bini@gmail.com"
- p.summary = "SQLite3 JDBC driver for Java and SQLite3/ActiveRecord-JDBC."
- p.changes = "Updated to SQLite3 version #{Jdbc::SQLite3::VERSION}."
- p.description = "Install this gem and require 'sqlite3' within JRuby to load the driver."
- end.spec.dependencies.delete_if { |dep| dep.name == "hoe" }
-rescue LoadError
- puts "You really need Hoe installed to be able to package this gem"
-rescue => e
- puts "ignoring error while loading hoe: #{e.to_s}"
+version = gem_helper.send(:version)
+version_tag = gem_helper.version_tag
+desc "Build #{name}-#{version}.gem into the pkg directory"
+task('build') { gem_helper.build_gem }
+desc "Build and install #{name}-#{version}.gem into system gems"
+task('install') { gem_helper.install_gem }
+desc "Create tag #{version_tag} build and push #{name}-#{version}.gem to Rubygems"
+task('release') { gem_helper.release_gem }