in jbuilder-2.8.0 vs in jbuilder-2.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -154,11 +154,10 @@
if current_user.admin?
json.visitors calculate_visitors(@message)
You can use partials as well. The following will render the file
`views/comments/_comments.json.jbuilder`, and set a local variable
`comments` with all this message's comments, which you can use inside
the partial.
@@ -182,10 +181,29 @@
# or
json.comments @post.comments, partial: 'comments/comment', as: :comment
+The `as: :some_symbol` is used with partials. It will take care of mapping the passed in object to a variable for the partial. If the value is a collection (either implicitly or explicitly by using the `collection:` option, then each value of the collection is passed to the partial as the variable `some_symbol`. If the value is a singular object, then the object is passed to the partial as the variable `some_symbol`.
+Be sure not to confuse the `as:` option to mean nesting of the partial. For example:
+ # Use the default `views/comments/_comment.json.jbuilder`, putting @comment as the comment local variable.
+ # Note, `comment` attributes are "inlined".
+ json.partial! @comment, as: :comment
+is quite different than:
+ # comment attributes are nested under a "comment" property
+json.comment do
+ json.partial! "/comments/comment.json.jbuilder", comment: @comment
You can pass any objects into partial templates with or without `:locals` option.
json.partial! 'sub_template', locals: { user: user }
@@ -253,24 +271,9 @@
environment.rb for example):
``` ruby
Jbuilder.key_format camelize: :lower
-Faster JSON backends
-Jbuilder uses MultiJson, which by default will use the JSON gem. That gem is
-currently tangled with ActiveSupport's all-Ruby `#to_json` implementation,
-which is slow (fixed in Rails >= 4.1). For faster Jbuilder rendering, you can
-specify something like the Yajl JSON generator instead. You'll need to include
-the `yajl-ruby` gem in your Gemfile and then set the following configuration
-for MultiJson:
-``` ruby
-require 'multi_json'
-MultiJson.use :yajl
- ```
## Contributing to Jbuilder
Jbuilder is the work of many contributors. You're encouraged to submit pull requests, propose
features and discuss issues.