_layouts/default.html in j1_template-2019.4.8 vs _layouts/default.html in j1_template-2019.4.10
- old
+ new
@@ -4,54 +4,58 @@
{% capture j1_cache %}
{% comment %}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ~/_layouts/default.html
- # Liquid (default) layout template for all content-pages
+ # ~/_layouts/default.html
+ # Liquid (default) layout template for all content-pages
- # Product/Info:
- # https://jekyll.one
+ # Product/Info:
+ # https://jekyll.one
- # Copyright (C) 2019 Juergen Adams
+ # Copyright (C) 2019 Juergen Adams
- # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License.
- # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1_template/blob/master/LICENSE
+ # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License.
+ # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1_template/blob/master/LICENSE
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # NOTE:
- # This is the DEFAULT layout for ALL pages|layouts used by J1 Template.
+ # NOTE:
+ # This is the DEFAULT layout for ALL pages|layouts used by J1 Template.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # NOTE:
- # Depending on the site configuration, the HTML code generated by
- # BASE layout will be compressed as a final processing step.
+ # NOTE:
+ # Depending on the site configuration, the HTML code generated by
+ # BASE layout will be compressed as a final processing step.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # NOTE:
- # Do NOT add any CONTENT here. If needed, go for a "next level" layout
- # that extents the layout BASE by additional data for your specific
- # needs based on YAML configuration data files.
+ # NOTE:
+ # Do NOT add any CONTENT here. If needed, go for a "next level" layout
+ # that extents the layout BASE by additional data for your specific
+ # needs based on YAML configuration data files.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test data:
# {{ lanes_collate | debug }}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{% endcomment %}
-{% comment %} Liquid procedures
+{% comment %} global variables
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
+{% include themes/{{site.template.name}}/procedures/global/set_base_vars_folders.proc %}
+{% comment %} liquid procedures
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% capture default_writer %}themes/{{site.template.name}}/procedures/layouts/default_writer.proc{% endcapture %}
-{% comment %} Set global settings
+{% comment %} initialize global settings
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% assign environment = site.environment %}
{% assign compress = site.compress_html.enabled %}
{% assign prettify = site.data.template_settings.prettify %}
-{% comment %} Process YML config data
+{% comment %} process YML config data
================================================================================ {% endcomment %}
-{% comment %} Set config files
+{% comment %} set config files
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% assign lanes_collate = site.data.layouts.default.lanes %}
{% assign logon_client = site.data.modules.j1_sign_in_up %}
{% assign body_scrollbar = site.data.template_settings.body.scrollbar %}
@@ -61,42 +65,43 @@
{% if jekyll.environment != 'development' %}
{% assign environment = jekyll.environment | strip %}
{% endif %}
-{% comment %} Set config options
+{% comment %} set config options
{% assign body_scrollbar_defaults = site.data.template_settings.body.scrollbar %}
{% assign body_scrollbar_config = page.scrollbar %}
{% assign body_scrollbar = body_scrollbar_defaults | merge: body_scrollbar_config %}
{% endcomment %}
-{% comment %} Main
+{% comment %} main
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
<!DOCTYPE {{ site.doctype }}>
<html lang="{{ site.language }}">
-{% comment %} Additional debug data
+{% comment %} additional debug data
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% if page.debug %}
<!-- [DEBUG ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ layout data to be loaded: {{lanes_collate}} ] -->
{% endif %}
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ page generated: {{site.time}} ] -->
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ environment detected as: {{environment}} ] -->
- {% comment %} Collect the head section (region head)
+ {% comment %} collect the head section (region head)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {% endcomment %}
<!-- link rel="stylesheet" href="https://pro.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.6.3/css/all.css" integrity="sha384-LRlmVvLKVApDVGuspQFnRQJjkv0P7/YFrw84YYQtmYG4nK8c+M+NlmYDCv0rKWpG" crossorigin="anonymous" -->
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ call default_writer for region: 'head' ] -->
{% include {{default_writer}} region='head' items=lanes_collate %}
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ end default_writer for region: 'head' ] -->
- {% comment %} Collect the body section (region body-*)
+ {% comment %} collect the body section (region body-*)
{% if body_scrollbar %}
{% else %}
<body class="hide-scrollbar">
@@ -104,11 +109,11 @@
{% endcomment %}
- {% comment %} Master Wrapper to prevent "DOM flicker"
+ {% comment %} wrapper to prevent "DOM flicker"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {% endcomment %}
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ start page processing for region: 'body' ] -->
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ place wrapper to prevent "DOM flicker" ] -->
<div id="no_flicker" class="nojs" >
@@ -116,23 +121,23 @@
$("#no_flicker").css("display", "none");
- {% comment %} Collect the BODY-NAVIGATION region
+ {% comment %} collect the BODY-NAVIGATION region
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ call default_writer for region: 'body-navigation' ] -->
{% include {{default_writer}} region='body-navigation' items=lanes_collate %}
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ end processing default_writer for region: 'body-navigation' ] -->
- {% comment %} Inherited CONTENT from other LAYOUTS
+ {% comment %} inherit CONTENT from other LAYOUTS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ place content inherited by layout: {{ page.layout}} ] -->
{{ content }}
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ end content inherited by layout: {{ page.layout}} ] -->
- {% comment %} Collect the BODY-FOOTER region
+ {% comment %} collect the BODY-FOOTER region
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ call default_writer for region: 'body-footer' ] -->
{% include {{default_writer}} region='body-footer' items=lanes_collate %}
<!-- [INFO ] [j1.layout.default.html ] [ end content_writer default_writer for region: 'body-footer' ] -->
@@ -177,6 +182,6 @@
{% comment %} UNKNOWN mode
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {% endcomment %}
{% else %}
{{ j1_cache | remove: '<p>excerpt__end</p>'| strip_empty_lines }}
-{% endcase %}
+{% endcase %}
\ No newline at end of file