assets/data/gallery_customizer.html in j1-template-2024.2.1 vs assets/data/gallery_customizer.html in j1-template-2024.3.12
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
regenerate: true
exclude_from_search: true
-{% capture cache %}
+{%- capture cache -%}
{% comment %}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ~/assets/data/gallery_customizer.html
# Liquid PROCEDURE to generate the HTML (data) portion used
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
# Copyright (C) 2023, 2024 Juergen Adams
# J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License.
- # See:
+ # See:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test data:
# liquid_var: {{ liquid_var | debug }}
# customizer_options: {{ customizer_options | debug }}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -66,114 +66,123 @@
{% assign production = true %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} Main
================================================================================ {% endcomment %}
+<!DOCTYPE {{site.doctype}}>
+<html lang="{{site.language}}">
+ <head>
+ <!-- [INFO ] [~/assets/data/gallery_customizer.html ] [ set meta data (robots) to exclude HTML datafiles from index ] -->
+ <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
+ <meta name="gallery customizer" content="module data file">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <!-- [INFO ] [~/assets/data/gallery_customizer.html ] [ Placement of the Gallery container ] -->
+ <div id="{{customizer_options.xhr_data_element}}" style="max-width: {{customizer_options.max_gallery_width}}px;">
-<!-- [INFO ] [~/assets/data/gallery_customizer.html ] [ set meta data (robots) to exclude HTML datafiles from index ] -->
- <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
+ <!-- [INFO ] [~/assets/data/gallery_customizer.html ] [Placement of the Drawer] -->
+ <nav class="nav bmd-layout-container custom-size-300 bmd-drawer-f-l">
-<!-- [INFO ] [~/assets/data/gallery_customizer.html ] [ Placement of the Gallery container ] -->
-<div id="{{customizer_options.xhr_data_element}}" style="max-width: {{customizer_options.max_gallery_width}}px;">
+ <header class="bmd-layout-header">
+ <div class="navbar navbar-dark bg-primary raised-z2 mb-2">
+ <button class="bmd-drawer drawer-toggler animated fadeIn" type="button" data-bs-toggle="drawer" data-bs-target="#drw_customizer" aria-label="Menu Button">
+ <span class="mdib mdib-menu mdib-2x"></span>
+ </button>
+ <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
+ <li class="nav-item">
+ <span class="navbar-text mr-3">{{customizer_options.title}}</span>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </header>
- <!-- [INFO ] [~/assets/data/gallery_customizer.html ] [Placement of the Drawer] -->
- <nav class="nav bmd-layout-container custom-size-300 bmd-drawer-f-l">
+ {% comment %} i18n: translations
+ NOTE: currently NOT used
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {% endcomment %}
- <header class="bmd-layout-header">
- <div class="navbar navbar-dark bg-primary raised-z2 mb-2">
- <button class="bmd-drawer drawer-toggler animated fadeIn" type="button" data-bs-toggle="drawer" data-bs-target="#drw_customizer" aria-label="Menu Button">
- <span class="mdib mdib-menu mdib-2x"></span>
- </button>
- <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
- <li class="nav-item">
- <span class="navbar-text mr-3">{{customizer_options.title}}</span>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </header>
+ {% if language == 'en' %}
+ <div id="drw_customizer" class="bmd-layout-drawer bg-faded">
+ <span class="navbar-brand ml-2 mb-3" style="font-size: 1.25rem; font-weight: 500;">Settings</span>
+ <form id="jg-customizer-form" class="form-horizontal ml-2 mr-4">
+ <div>
- {% comment %} i18n: translations
- NOTE: currently NOT used
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
+ <div id="options-int" class="mt-0">
+ <div class="mt-0 mb-4 ml-2">
+ <div id="jgSlider_row_heigth" class="range-slider"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="mt-5 mb-3 ml-2">
+ <div id="jgSlider_thumb_spacing" class="range-slider"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="mt-5 mb-3 ml-2">
+ <div id="jgSlider_gallery_padding" class="range-slider"></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
- {% if language == 'en' %}
- <div id="drw_customizer" class="bmd-layout-drawer bg-faded">
- <span class="navbar-brand ml-2 mb-3" style="font-size: 1.25rem; font-weight: 500;">Settings</span>
- <form id="jg-customizer-form" class="form-horizontal ml-2 mr-4">
- <div>
+ <div id="options-boolean" class="mt-5">
+ <div class="switch">
+ <label>
+ <input id="captions" name="captions" type="checkbox" checked>
+ Enable Captions
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="switch">
+ <label>
+ <input id="random" name="random" type="checkbox">
+ Random Order
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="switch">
+ <label>
+ <input id="justify_last_row" name="justify_last_row" type="checkbox">
+ Justify Last Row
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="switch">
+ <label>
+ <input id="hide_last_row" name="hide_last_row" type="checkbox">
+ Hide Last Row
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ </div>
- <div id="options-int" class="mt-0">
- <div class="mt-0 mb-4 ml-2">
- <div id="jgSlider_row_heigth" class="range-slider"></div>
- <div class="mt-5 mb-3 ml-2">
- <div id="jgSlider_thumb_spacing" class="range-slider"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="mt-5 mb-3 ml-2">
- <div id="jgSlider_gallery_padding" class="range-slider"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="options-boolean" class="mt-5">
- <div class="switch">
- <label>
- <input id="captions" name="captions" type="checkbox" checked>
- Enable Captions
- </label>
- </div>
- <div class="switch">
- <label>
- <input id="random" name="random" type="checkbox">
- Random Order
- </label>
- </div>
- <div class="switch">
- <label>
- <input id="justify_last_row" name="justify_last_row" type="checkbox">
- Justify Last Row
- </label>
- </div>
- <div class="switch">
- <label>
- <input id="hide_last_row" name="hide_last_row" type="checkbox">
- Hide Last Row
- </label>
- </div>
- </div>
+ <button type="button" name="reset-defaults"
+ class="btn btn-flex btn-primary mt-5 ml-2"
+ aria-label="Reset Button"
+ style="min-width: 12rem">
+ <i class="mdib mdib-close mdib-24px md-white mr-1"></i>
+ Reset
+ </button>
+ </form>
+ {% endif %}
- <button type="button" name="reset-defaults"
- class="btn btn-flex btn-primary mt-5 ml-2"
- aria-label="Reset Button"
- style="min-width: 12rem">
- <i class="mdib mdib-close mdib-24px md-white mr-1"></i>
- Reset
- </button>
+ {% comment %} Main
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {% endcomment %}
+ <!-- main content -->
+ <div class="bmd-layout-content">
+ <div class="raw_container" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px;">
+ <div id="jg_customizer" ></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
- </form>
- </div>
- {% endif %}
+ </nav>
+ <!-- [INFO ] [j1.gallery_customizer.html ] [END: Drawer|Form] -->
- {% comment %} Main
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
- <!-- main content -->
- <div class="bmd-layout-content">
- <div class="raw_container" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px;">
- <div id="jg_customizer" ></div>
- </div>
+ </body>
+{%- endcapture -%}
- </nav>
- <!-- [INFO ] [j1.gallery_customizer.html ] [END: Drawer|Form] -->
-{% endcapture %}
-{% if production %}
- {% capture _LINE_FEED %}{% endcapture %}{% if site.compress_html.ignore.envs contains jekyll.environment %}{{ cache | strip_html_comments }}{% else %}{% capture _content %}{{ cache | strip_html_comments }}{% endcapture %}{% assign _profile = site.compress_html.profile %}{% if site.compress_html.endings == "all" %}{% assign _endings = "html head body li dt dd p rt rp optgroup option colgroup caption thead tbody tfoot tr td th" | split: " " %}{% else %}{% assign _endings = site.compress_html.endings %}{% endif %}{% for _element in _endings %}{% capture _end %}</{{ _element }}>{% endcapture %}{% assign _content = _content | remove: _end %}{% endfor %}{% if _profile and _endings %}{% assign _profile_endings = _content | size | plus: 1 %}{% endif %}{% for _element in site.compress_html.startings %}{% capture _start %}<{{ _element }}>{% endcapture %}{% assign _content = _content | remove: _start %}{% endfor %}{% if _profile and site.compress_html.startings %}{% assign _profile_startings = _content | size | plus: 1 %}{% endif %}{% if site.compress_html.comments == "all" %}{% assign _comments = "<!-- -->" | split: " " %}{% else %}{% assign _comments = site.compress_html.comments %}{% endif %}{% if _comments.size == 2 %}{% capture _comment_befores %}.{{ _content }}{% endcapture %}{% assign _comment_befores = _comment_befores | split: _comments.first %}{% for _comment_before in _comment_befores %}{% if forloop.first %}{% continue %}{% endif %}{% capture _comment_outside %}{% if _carry %}{{ _comments.first }}{% endif %}{{ _comment_before }}{% endcapture %}{% capture _comment %}{% unless _carry %}{{ _comments.first }}{% endunless %}{{ _comment_outside | split: _comments.last | first }}{% if _comment_outside contains _comments.last %}{{ _comments.last }}{% assign _carry = false %}{% else %}{% assign _carry = true %}{% endif %}{% endcapture %}{% assign _content = _content | remove_first: _comment %}{% endfor %}{% if _profile %}{% assign _profile_comments = _content | size | plus: 1 %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% assign _pre_befores = _content | split: "<pre" %}{% assign _content = "" %}{% for _pre_before in _pre_befores %}{% assign _pres = _pre_before | split: "</pre>" %}{% assign _pres_after = "" %}{% if _pres.size != 0 %}{% if site.compress_html.blanklines %}{% assign _lines = _pres.last | split: _LINE_FEED %}{% capture _pres_after %}{% for _line in _lines %}{% assign _trimmed = _line | split: " " | join: " " %}{% if _trimmed != empty or forloop.last %}{% unless forloop.first %}{{ _LINE_FEED }}{% endunless %}{{ _line }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endcapture %}{% else %}{% assign _pres_after = _pres.last | split: " " | join: " " %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% capture _content %}{{ _content }}{% if _pre_before contains "</pre>" %}<pre{{ _pres.first }}</pre>{% endif %}{% unless _pre_before contains "</pre>" and _pres.size == 1 %}{{ _pres_after }}{% endunless %}{% endcapture %}{% endfor %}{% if _profile %}{% assign _profile_collapse = _content | size | plus: 1 %}{% endif %}{% if site.compress_html.clippings == "all" %}{% assign _clippings = "html head title base link meta style body article section nav aside h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hgroup header footer address p hr blockquote ol ul li dl dt dd figure figcaption main div table caption colgroup col tbody thead tfoot tr td th" | split: " " %}{% else %}{% assign _clippings = site.compress_html.clippings %}{% endif %}{% for _element in _clippings %}{% assign _edges = " <e;<e; </e>;</e>;</e> ;</e>" | replace: "e", _element | split: ";" %}{% assign _content = _content | replace: _edges[0], _edges[1] | replace: _edges[2], _edges[3] | replace: _edges[4], _edges[5] %}{% endfor %}{% if _profile and _clippings %}{% assign _profile_clippings = _content | size | plus: 1 %}{% endif %}{{ _content }}{% if _profile %} <table id="compress_html_profile_{{ site.time | date: "%Y%m%d" }}" class="compress_html_profile"> <thead> <tr> <td>Step <td>Bytes <tbody> <tr> <td>raw <td>{{ cache | strip_html_comments | size }}{% if _profile_endings %} <tr> <td>endings <td>{{ _profile_endings }}{% endif %}{% if _profile_startings %} <tr> <td>startings <td>{{ _profile_startings }}{% endif %}{% if _profile_comments %} <tr> <td>comments <td>{{ _profile_comments }}{% endif %}{% if _profile_collapse %} <tr> <td>collapse <td>{{ _profile_collapse }}{% endif %}{% if _profile_clippings %} <tr> <td>clippings <td>{{ _profile_clippings }}{% endif %} </table>{% endif %}{% endif %}
-{% else %}
+{% comment %} Beatify|Compress page
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
+{%- if production -%}
+ {% capture _LINE_FEED %}{% endcapture %}{% if site.compress_html.ignore.envs contains jekyll.environment %}{{ cache | strip_html_comments }}{% else %}{% capture _content %}{{ cache | strip_html_comments }}{% endcapture %}{% assign _profile = site.compress_html.profile %}{% if site.compress_html.endings == "all" %}{% assign _endings = "html head body li dt dd p rt rp optgroup option colgroup caption thead tbody tfoot tr td th" | split: " " %}{% else %}{% assign _endings = site.compress_html.endings %}{% endif %}{% for _element in _endings %}{% capture _END %}</{{ _element }}>{% endcapture %}{% assign _content = _content | remove: _END %}{% endfor %}{% if _profile and _endings %}{% assign _profile_endings = _content | size | plus: 1 %}{% endif %}{% for _element in site.compress_html.startings %}{% capture _start %}<{{ _element }}>{% endcapture %}{% assign _content = _content | remove: _start %}{% endfor %}{% if _profile and site.compress_html.startings %}{% assign _profile_startings = _content | size | plus: 1 %}{% endif %}{% if site.compress_html.comments == "all" %}{% assign _comments = "<!-- -->" | split: " " %}{% else %}{% assign _comments = site.compress_html.comments %}{% endif %}{% if _comments.size == 2 %}{% capture _comment_befores %}.{{ _content }}{% endcapture %}{% assign _comment_befores = _comment_befores | split: _comments.first %}{% for _comment_before in _comment_befores %}{% if forloop.first %}{% continue %}{% endif %}{% capture _comment_outside %}{% if _carry %}{{ _comments.first }}{% endif %}{{ _comment_before }}{% endcapture %}{% capture _comment %}{% unless _carry %}{{ _comments.first }}{% endunless %}{{ _comment_outside | split: _comments.last | first }}{% if _comment_outside contains _comments.last %}{{ _comments.last }}{% assign _carry = false %}{% else %}{% assign _carry = true %}{% endif %}{% endcapture %}{% assign _content = _content | remove_first: _comment %}{% endfor %}{% if _profile %}{% assign _profile_comments = _content | size | plus: 1 %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% assign _pre_befores = _content | split: "<pre" %}{% assign _content = "" %}{% for _pre_before in _pre_befores %}{% assign _pres = _pre_before | split: "</pre>" %}{% assign _pres_after = "" %}{% if _pres.size != 0 %}{% if site.compress_html.blanklines %}{% assign _lines = _pres.last | split: _LINE_FEED %}{% capture _pres_after %}{% for _line in _lines %}{% assign _trimmed = _line | split: " " | join: " " %}{% if _trimmed != empty or forloop.last %}{% unless forloop.first %}{{ _LINE_FEED }}{% endunless %}{{ _line }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endcapture %}{% else %}{% assign _pres_after = _pres.last | split: " " | join: " " %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% capture _content %}{{ _content }}{% if _pre_before contains "</pre>" %}<pre{{ _pres.first }}</pre>{% endif %}{% unless _pre_before contains "</pre>" and _pres.size == 1 %}{{ _pres_after }}{% endunless %}{% endcapture %}{% endfor %}{% if _profile %}{% assign _profile_collapse = _content | size | plus: 1 %}{% endif %}{% if site.compress_html.clippings == "all" %}{% assign _clippings = "html head title base link meta style body article section nav aside h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hgroup header footer address p hr blockquote ol ul li dl dt dd figure figcaption main div table caption colgroup col tbody thead tfoot tr td th" | split: " " %}{% else %}{% assign _clippings = site.compress_html.clippings %}{% endif %}{% for _element in _clippings %}{% assign _edges = " <e;<e; </e>;</e>;</e> ;</e>" | replace: "e", _element | split: ";" %}{% assign _content = _content | replace: _edges[0], _edges[1] | replace: _edges[2], _edges[3] | replace: _edges[4], _edges[5] %}{% endfor %}{% if _profile and _clippings %}{% assign _profile_clippings = _content | size | plus: 1 %}{% endif %}{{ _content }}{% if _profile %} <table id="compress_html_profile_{{ site.time | date: "%Y%m%d" }}" class="compress_html_profile"> <thead> <tr> <td>Step <td>Bytes <tbody> <tr> <td>raw <td>{{ cache | strip_html_comments | size }}{% if _profile_endings %} <tr> <td>endings <td>{{ _profile_endings }}{% endif %}{% if _profile_startings %} <tr> <td>startings <td>{{ _profile_startings }}{% endif %}{% if _profile_comments %} <tr> <td>comments <td>{{ _profile_comments }}{% endif %}{% if _profile_collapse %} <tr> <td>collapse <td>{{ _profile_collapse }}{% endif %}{% if _profile_clippings %} <tr> <td>clippings <td>{{ _profile_clippings }}{% endif %} </table>{% endif %}{% endif %}
+{%- else -%}
{{ cache | remove:'<html><body>' | remove:'</body></html>' | strip_empty_lines }}
-{% endif %}
-{% assign cache = nil %}
+{%- endif -%}
+{% comment %} Reset page cache
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
+{%- assign cache = false -%}