History.txt in ivy4r-0.9.12 vs History.txt in ivy4r-0.9.13
- old
+ new
@@ -1,172 +1,177 @@
-=== 0.9.12 / 2010-01-21
-* Fix the problem with creation of packages where the additional ivy information has not been added
- if "package :file 'x.type'" was used instead of "package :type".
-=== 0.9.11 / 2009-12-22
-* Fix of the ivy:clean target to clean the ivy cache via the cleancache task.
-=== 0.9.10 / 2009-12-21
-* Better support for Rake targets using the deps mechanism from buildr support.
-=== 0.9.9 / 2009-12-10
-* Fixed setting of ant properties, properties are really sets and cannot be overwritten afterwards.
-=== 0.9.7 / 2009-12-10
-* Fixed missing files in gem.
-=== 0.9.6 / 2009-12-09
-* Support for JRuby access to underlying java objects of ivy. Require 'ivy4r_java_extensions'
- instead of 'ivy4r'. The Ivy4r#ivy_instance returns a new ivy instance configured with the same
- settings file as used in the underlying ant process. Note that configuration via URL is not
- supported.
-=== 0.9.5 / 2009-12-01
-* Bugfix for manifest handling in packages. The custom set manifest informations are not lost,
- ivy informations for manifest are merged into the configured manifest.
-=== 0.9.4 / 2009-12-01
-* ivy.deps for buildr supports three argument types:
- 1. if an Hash is given :conf is used for confs and :type is used for types
- 2. if exactly two arrays are given args[0] is used for confs and args[1] is used for types
- 3. if not exactly two arrays all args are used as confs
-=== 0.9.3 / 2009-11-18
-* Sorting of compile and test dependencies to prevent problems with old jars that are added by
- buildr automatically, i.e. log4j-1.2.9 for cobertura or JUnit 4.4 if tests are using a newer version.
- The sort order:
- 1. all project dependencies as classes, resources and this like in the order the are contained in path
- 2. all ivy dependencies
- 3. all dependencies added by buildr to the targets
-* Deleted 'to_ivy_file' functionality because it was not working as expected. The function used the
- wrong ivy context and was not able to resolve all variables within the file from the correct ivy context.
-=== 0.9.2 / 2009-11-16
-* Added new method to generate an ivy file from a resolved module descriptor, via the java
- method ModuleDescriptor.toIvyFile(java.io.File). This is only working in jruby, because
- the method is not called via Antwrap!
-* Added support for buildr configuration to call 'to_ivy_file' to generate ivy file from resolved
- module descriptor, i.e. using 'ivy.to_ivy_file :file => 'output.file', :overwrite => true'
-=== 0.9.1 / 2009-11-16
-* Fixed bug that 'type' was not working for EAR
-=== 0.9.0 / 2009-11-16
-* Add a new configuration option for compile, test and package with name 'type'. The type can
- be used as defined in ivy to only get artifacts of given type(s). One or more types can be
- set as an array to this option. If no type is given all artifacts are retrieved.
-=== 0.8.1 / 2009-11-12
-* the project version is NOT set anymore by the the 'before_define' of the extension. The reason
- for this are problems with ivy files that contain external references (i.e. include within the conf
- block). The info task used for this needs more configuration information to work properly so this
- feature is removed and the user must do it herself.
- * In our projects we just moved the defintion to a different extension that configures more stuff
- before setting the version and group:
- before_define do |project|
- if project.parent.nil? && project.ivy.enabled?
- # do more configuration here prior setting the versions
- info = project.ivy.info
- project.version = info['ivy.revision']
- project.group = "#{info['ivy.organisation']}.#{info['ivy.module']}"
- end
- end
- * As an alternative you can set the group and version manually in the build file as it is usally done
- in buildr.
-=== 0.8.0 / 2009-10-19
-* Moved to gemcutter for hosting of gems 'gem install gemcutter' add it as primary location and you
- can install gems as before
-=== 0.7.3 / 2009-09-15
-* Renamed +ant+ to +ivy4r+ in buildr extension to make more clear what this object does. It is accesible
- via call to +project.ivy.ivy4r+, use it in post_resolve or other places where the low level
- ivy functions are needed in any way.
-* Added access to buildr_extension to get the configured mappings for artifacts to ivy publish names.
- I.e. configured +ivy.publish package(:jar) => 'name.jar'
- access this hash via +ivy.publish_mappings+
-=== 0.7.2 / 2009-09-08
-* Fix bug for creating EARs. The package dependencies are added into the root directory
- of the EAR.
-=== 0.7.1 / 2009-08-24
-* Fix bug that manual added dependencies are overwritten for package task
- issue 1: http://github.com/klaas1979/ivy4r/issues#issue/1
-* possible to add manual dependencies for compile and test as for package
-=== 0.7.0 / 2009-07-20
-* It is possible to register +post_resolve+ actions via blocks:
- ivy.post_resolve {...}
-* support for generic configuration syntax via +method_missing+:
- Any method combination of TARGETS [:compile, :test, :package] and TYPES [:conf, :include, :exclude] is valid.
- It is possible to set all confs at once:
- +ivy.conf :compile => 'conf', :package => 'other', :test => ['still', 'other']
- Or to set the complete package options:
- +ivy.package :conf => 'prod', :include => /includepattern/, :exclude => /excludepattern/+
- Or to set a specific value via a complete call like:
- +ivy.compile_conf [...] or ivy.conf_test [...] or ivy.package.include [...]
-* more include/exclude possibilities, support to include and exclude for compile and test targets using
- +ivy.include :compile => [pattern list]+ or +ivy.exclude+
-* small refactorings
-=== 0.6.0 / 2009-07-08
-* added support for the +ide+ targets +eclipse+, +idea+ and +idea7x+
-* gem needs +facets+
-=== 0.5.3 / 2009-06-24
-* bugfixes
-=== 0.5.2 / 2009-06-24
-* bugfixes
-=== 0.5.1 / 2009-06-24
-* small improvements in rakefile (execute test for some targets)
-* publish to rubyforge "hamburg.rb"
-=== 0.5.0 / 2009-06-23
-* use ivy4r-jars to get needed jars from to separate the ruby source from the dependencies
- and make the gem smaller.
-=== 0.4.0 / 2009-06-23
-* added rake/ivy_extension similar to buildr/ivy_extension to help use ivy4r in rake
-=== 0.3.0 / 2009-06-20
-* added ant*.jar to gem so that user does not need to have a local ant installation
-=== 0.2.0 / 2009-06-18
-* added the Buildr ivy_extension to include ivy in buildr for dependency managment
-* small improvements in documentation
-=== 0.1.0 / 2009-06-17
-* initial release
- * support for nearly all basic IVY Ant targets
- * basic validation of parameters
+=== 0.9.13 / 2010-02-16
+* Fix problems with Facets and ActiveSupport. We now only include the required core extensions,
+ not all of them.
+=== 0.9.12 / 2010-01-21
+* Fix the problem with creation of packages where the additional ivy information has not been added
+ if "package :file 'x.type'" was used instead of "package :type".
+=== 0.9.11 / 2009-12-22
+* Fix of the ivy:clean target to clean the ivy cache via the cleancache task.
+=== 0.9.10 / 2009-12-21
+* Better support for Rake targets using the deps mechanism from buildr support.
+=== 0.9.9 / 2009-12-10
+* Fixed setting of ant properties, properties are really sets and cannot be overwritten afterwards.
+=== 0.9.7 / 2009-12-10
+* Fixed missing files in gem.
+=== 0.9.6 / 2009-12-09
+* Support for JRuby access to underlying java objects of ivy. Require 'ivy4r_java_extensions'
+ instead of 'ivy4r'. The Ivy4r#ivy_instance returns a new ivy instance configured with the same
+ settings file as used in the underlying ant process. Note that configuration via URL is not
+ supported.
+=== 0.9.5 / 2009-12-01
+* Bugfix for manifest handling in packages. The custom set manifest informations are not lost,
+ ivy informations for manifest are merged into the configured manifest.
+=== 0.9.4 / 2009-12-01
+* ivy.deps for buildr supports three argument types:
+ 1. if an Hash is given :conf is used for confs and :type is used for types
+ 2. if exactly two arrays are given args[0] is used for confs and args[1] is used for types
+ 3. if not exactly two arrays all args are used as confs
+=== 0.9.3 / 2009-11-18
+* Sorting of compile and test dependencies to prevent problems with old jars that are added by
+ buildr automatically, i.e. log4j-1.2.9 for cobertura or JUnit 4.4 if tests are using a newer version.
+ The sort order:
+ 1. all project dependencies as classes, resources and this like in the order the are contained in path
+ 2. all ivy dependencies
+ 3. all dependencies added by buildr to the targets
+* Deleted 'to_ivy_file' functionality because it was not working as expected. The function used the
+ wrong ivy context and was not able to resolve all variables within the file from the correct ivy context.
+=== 0.9.2 / 2009-11-16
+* Added new method to generate an ivy file from a resolved module descriptor, via the java
+ method ModuleDescriptor.toIvyFile(java.io.File). This is only working in jruby, because
+ the method is not called via Antwrap!
+* Added support for buildr configuration to call 'to_ivy_file' to generate ivy file from resolved
+ module descriptor, i.e. using 'ivy.to_ivy_file :file => 'output.file', :overwrite => true'
+=== 0.9.1 / 2009-11-16
+* Fixed bug that 'type' was not working for EAR
+=== 0.9.0 / 2009-11-16
+* Add a new configuration option for compile, test and package with name 'type'. The type can
+ be used as defined in ivy to only get artifacts of given type(s). One or more types can be
+ set as an array to this option. If no type is given all artifacts are retrieved.
+=== 0.8.1 / 2009-11-12
+* the project version is NOT set anymore by the the 'before_define' of the extension. The reason
+ for this are problems with ivy files that contain external references (i.e. include within the conf
+ block). The info task used for this needs more configuration information to work properly so this
+ feature is removed and the user must do it herself.
+ * In our projects we just moved the defintion to a different extension that configures more stuff
+ before setting the version and group:
+ before_define do |project|
+ if project.parent.nil? && project.ivy.enabled?
+ # do more configuration here prior setting the versions
+ info = project.ivy.info
+ project.version = info['ivy.revision']
+ project.group = "#{info['ivy.organisation']}.#{info['ivy.module']}"
+ end
+ end
+ * As an alternative you can set the group and version manually in the build file as it is usally done
+ in buildr.
+=== 0.8.0 / 2009-10-19
+* Moved to gemcutter for hosting of gems 'gem install gemcutter' add it as primary location and you
+ can install gems as before
+=== 0.7.3 / 2009-09-15
+* Renamed +ant+ to +ivy4r+ in buildr extension to make more clear what this object does. It is accesible
+ via call to +project.ivy.ivy4r+, use it in post_resolve or other places where the low level
+ ivy functions are needed in any way.
+* Added access to buildr_extension to get the configured mappings for artifacts to ivy publish names.
+ I.e. configured +ivy.publish package(:jar) => 'name.jar'
+ access this hash via +ivy.publish_mappings+
+=== 0.7.2 / 2009-09-08
+* Fix bug for creating EARs. The package dependencies are added into the root directory
+ of the EAR.
+=== 0.7.1 / 2009-08-24
+* Fix bug that manual added dependencies are overwritten for package task
+ issue 1: http://github.com/klaas1979/ivy4r/issues#issue/1
+* possible to add manual dependencies for compile and test as for package
+=== 0.7.0 / 2009-07-20
+* It is possible to register +post_resolve+ actions via blocks:
+ ivy.post_resolve {...}
+* support for generic configuration syntax via +method_missing+:
+ Any method combination of TARGETS [:compile, :test, :package] and TYPES [:conf, :include, :exclude] is valid.
+ It is possible to set all confs at once:
+ +ivy.conf :compile => 'conf', :package => 'other', :test => ['still', 'other']
+ Or to set the complete package options:
+ +ivy.package :conf => 'prod', :include => /includepattern/, :exclude => /excludepattern/+
+ Or to set a specific value via a complete call like:
+ +ivy.compile_conf [...] or ivy.conf_test [...] or ivy.package.include [...]
+* more include/exclude possibilities, support to include and exclude for compile and test targets using
+ +ivy.include :compile => [pattern list]+ or +ivy.exclude+
+* small refactorings
+=== 0.6.0 / 2009-07-08
+* added support for the +ide+ targets +eclipse+, +idea+ and +idea7x+
+* gem needs +facets+
+=== 0.5.3 / 2009-06-24
+* bugfixes
+=== 0.5.2 / 2009-06-24
+* bugfixes
+=== 0.5.1 / 2009-06-24
+* small improvements in rakefile (execute test for some targets)
+* publish to rubyforge "hamburg.rb"
+=== 0.5.0 / 2009-06-23
+* use ivy4r-jars to get needed jars from to separate the ruby source from the dependencies
+ and make the gem smaller.
+=== 0.4.0 / 2009-06-23
+* added rake/ivy_extension similar to buildr/ivy_extension to help use ivy4r in rake
+=== 0.3.0 / 2009-06-20
+* added ant*.jar to gem so that user does not need to have a local ant installation
+=== 0.2.0 / 2009-06-18
+* added the Buildr ivy_extension to include ivy in buildr for dependency managment
+* small improvements in documentation
+=== 0.1.0 / 2009-06-17
+* initial release
+ * support for nearly all basic IVY Ant targets
+ * basic validation of parameters