spec/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/6ec9e04f4b5de749aa7ef6a39764abc7edcadc92/_clearfix.scssc in iugusdk-1.0.0.alpha.16 vs spec/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/6ec9e04f4b5de749aa7ef6a39764abc7edcadc92/_clearfix.scssc in iugusdk-1.0.0.alpha.17

- old
+ new

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -3.3.0.alpha.67 (Bleeding Edge) +3.3.0.alpha.69 (Bleeding Edge) 7c9a0398fe270feb3bd49eef06559032381b3b7d o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[ o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"f/* @doc off * Extends the bottom of the element to enclose any floats it contains. * @doc on */:EF: @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ * Credit: [quirksmode.org](http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2005/03/clearing_floats.html) */; F; ; ;[; i ; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode : @nameI" clearfix; T: @args[: @splat0;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode; [I" overflow; T;o:Sass::Script::String;I" hidden; T; :identifier; @ : -@tabsi:@prop_syntax:new;[:@value_source_rangeo; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@:@name_source_rangeo; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@; i; @ ;o; ;@);@';@;@o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ; I"has-layout; T;![:@keywords{;"0;[; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@:@has_childrenT; @ o; +@tabsi:@prop_syntax:new;[:@value_source_rangeo; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@:@name_source_rangeo; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@; i; @ ;o; ;@);@';@;@o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ; I"has-layout; T;![:@keywords{;"0;[; i; @ ;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@:@has_childrenT; @ o; ;[I" /* This older method from Position Is Everything called * [Easy Clearing](http://www.positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html) * has the advantage of allowing positioned elements to hang * outside the bounds of the container at the expense of more tricky CSS. */; F; ; ;[; i; @ o; ; I"legacy-pie-clearfix; T;![;"0;[o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode : @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ ;%; @ ;&i;';(;[;)o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;*o; ;o;; i;i ;o;; i;i;@;@; i; @ ;o; ;@|;@;@;@o;#; [I" overflow; T;o;$;I" hidden; T; ;%; @ ;&i;';(;[;)o; ;o;; i ;i;o;; i ;i;@;@;*o; ;o;; i ;i ;o;; i ;i;@;@; i ; @ ;o; ;@‰;@‡;@;@o;#; [I"visibility; T;o;$;I" hidden; T; ;%; @ ;&i;';(;[;)o; ;o;; i!;i;o;; i!;i;@;@;*o; ;o;; i!;i -;o;; i!;i;@;@; i!; @ ;o; ;@–;@”;@;@; i;-T; @ ;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i";i ;@;@o;+ ; I"has-layout; T;![;,{;"0;[; i#;o; ;o;; i#;i;o;; i#;i;@;@; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i$;i;@;@;-T; @ o; +;o;; i!;i;@;@; i!; @ ;o; ;@–;@”;@;@; i;-T; @ ;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i";i ;@;@o;+ ; I"has-layout; T;![;,{;"0;[; i#; @ ;o; ;o;; i#;i;o;; i#;i;@;@; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i$;i;@;@;-T; @ o; ;[I" /* This is an updated version of the PIE clearfix method that reduces the amount of CSS output. * If you need to support Firefox before 3.5 you need to use `legacy-pie-clearfix` instead. * * Adapted from: [A new micro clearfix hack](http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/) */; F; ; ;[; i&; @ o; ; I"pie-clearfix; T;![;"0;[o;. ;/[I" &:after; F;&i;0o;1;2[o;3;2[o;4 @@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ table; T; ;%; @ ;&i;';(;[;)o; ;o;; i-;i;o;; i-;i;@;@;*o; ;o;; i-;i ;o;; i-;i;@;@; i-; @ ;o; ;@×;@Õ;@;@o;#; [I" clear; T;o;$;I" both; T; ;%; @ ;&i;';(;[;)o; ;o;; i.;i;o;; i.;i;@;@;*o; ;o;; i.;i -;o;; i.;i;@;@; i.; @ ;o; ;@ä;@â;@;@; i+;-T; @ ;o; ;o;; i+;i;o;; i/;i ;@;@o;+ ; I"has-layout; T;![;,{;"0;[; i0;o; ;o;; i0;i;o;; i0;i;@;@; @ ; i*;o; ;o;; i*;i;o;; i1;i;@;@;-T; @ ;I"P// @doc off +;o;; i.;i;@;@; i.; @ ;o; ;@ä;@â;@;@; i+;-T; @ ;o; ;o;; i+;i;o;; i/;i ;@;@o;+ ; I"has-layout; T;![;,{;"0;[; i0; @ ;o; ;o;; i0;i;o;; i0;i;@;@; i*;o; ;o;; i*;i;o;; i1;i;@;@;-T; @ ;I"P// @doc off // Extends the bottom of the element to enclose any floats it contains. // @doc on @import "hacks"; \ No newline at end of file