sandbox/tmp/cache/sass/b624209efc5c00528c3033da3f4b1bfb4eba8fc9/_font-face.scssc in iugu-ux-0.9.5 vs sandbox/tmp/cache/sass/b624209efc5c00528c3033da3f4b1bfb4eba8fc9/_font-face.scssc in iugu-ux-0.9.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-3.3.0.alpha.3 (Bleeding Edge)
+3.2.9 (Media Mark)
-:@imported_filenameI"shared:ET;[ :@template0:
@options{ o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode
+o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode:@imported_filenameI"shared:ET;[ :@template0:
@options{ :@imported_file0o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode
/* Cross-browser support for @font-face. Supports IE, Gecko, Webkit, Opera.
* * $name is required, arbitrary, and what you will use in font stacks.
* * $font-files is required using font-files('relative/location', 'format').
* for best results use this order: woff, opentype/truetype, svg
@@ -19,43 +18,43 @@
* If you need to generate other formats check out the Font Squirrel
* [font generator](
* */; T:
@type:silent;[ ;i;@
-;[I"/* In order to refer to a specific style of the font in your stylesheets as
+;[I"/* In order to refer to a specific style of the font in your stylesheets as
* e.g. "font-style: italic;", you may add a couple of @font-face includes
* containing the respective font files for each style and specying
- * respective the $style parameter. */; T;;;[ ;i;@
-;[I"W/* Order of the includes matters, and it is: normal, bold, italic, bold+italic. */; T;;;[ ;i;@
+ * respective the $style parameter. */; T;;;[ ;i;@
+;[I"W/* Order of the includes matters, and it is: normal, bold, italic, bold+italic. */; T;;;[ ;i;@
@nameI"font-face; T:
-[o:Sass::Script::Variable;I" name; T:@underscored_nameI" name; T;@
-0[o;;I"font-files; T;I"font_files; T;@
-0[o;;I"eot; T;I"eot; T;@
-[o;;I"weight; T;I"weight; T;@
-style; T;I"
+[o:Sass::Script::Variable;I" name; T:@underscored_nameI" name; T;@
+0[o;;I"font-files; T;I"font_files; T;@
+0[o;;I"eot; T;I"eot; T;@
+[o;;I"weight; T;I"weight; T;@
+style; T;I"
style; T;@
-:@splat0;[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode;I"iefont; T:
-@expro:Sass::Script::Funcall;I"unquote; T;[o:&Sass::Script::StringInterpolation
-:@beforeo:Sass::Script::String ;I"