sandbox/tmp/cache/sass/b624209efc5c00528c3033da3f4b1bfb4eba8fc9/_background-clip.scssc in iugu-ux-0.9.5 vs sandbox/tmp/cache/sass/b624209efc5c00528c3033da3f4b1bfb4eba8fc9/_background-clip.scssc in iugu-ux-0.9.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,87 +1,86 @@
-3.3.0.alpha.3 (Bleeding Edge)
+3.2.9 (Media Mark)
-:@imported_filenameI"shared:ET;[ :@template0:
@options{ o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode
+o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode:@imported_filenameI"shared:ET;[ :@template0:
@options{ :@imported_file0o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode
:@value[I"/* The default value is `padding-box` -- the box model used by modern browsers.
* If you wish to do so, you can override the default constant with `border-box`
* To override to the default border-box model, use this code:
* $default-background-clip: border-box */; T:
@type:silent;[ ;i;@
@nameI"default-background-clip; T:
-@expro:Sass::Script::String ;I"padding-box; T;:identifier;i;@
+@expro:Sass::Script::String ;I"padding-box; T;:identifier;i;@
!default; T;[ ;i;@
-;[I"™/* Clip the background (image and color) at the edge of the padding or border.
+;[I"™/* Clip the background (image and color) at the edge of the padding or border.
* Legal Values:
* * padding-box
* * border-box
- * * text */; T;;;[ ;i;@
-o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode;I"background-clip; T:
-@args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;I" clip; T:@underscored_nameI" clip; T;@
-o; ;I"default-background-clip; T;I"default_background_clip; T;i;@
-;[I"I/* webkit and mozilla use the deprecated short [border | padding] */; T;;;[ ;i;@
-o;;I" clip; T;o:Sass::Script::Funcall;I"unquote; T;[o; ;I" clip; T;I" clip; T;i;@
-:@keywords{ ;0;i;@
-;0;[ ;i;@
-o;;I"deprecated; T;o; ;I" clip; T;I" clip; T;i;@
-;0;[ ;i;@
+ * * text */; T;;;[ ;i;@
+o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode;I"background-clip; T:
+@args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;I" clip; T:@underscored_nameI" clip; T;@
+o; ;I"default-background-clip; T;I"default_background_clip; T;i;@
+;[I"I/* webkit and mozilla use the deprecated short [border | padding] */; T;;;[ ;i;@
+o;;I" clip; T;o:Sass::Script::Funcall;I"unquote; T;[o; ;I" clip; T;I" clip; T;i;@
+:@keywords{ ;0;i;@
+;0;[ ;i;@
+o;;I"deprecated; T;o; ;I" clip; T;I" clip; T;i;@
+;0;[ ;i;@
:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable :
@nameI" clip:ET:@underscored_nameI" clip; T:
@options{ :@operand2o:Sass::Script::String :@valueI"padding-box; T:
0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode;I"deprecated; T:
@expro; ;I"padding; T;;;i;@
@guarded0:@children[ ;i;@
:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable :
@nameI" clip:ET:@underscored_nameI" clip; T:
@options{ :@operand2o:Sass::Script::String :@valueI"border-box; T:
0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode;I"deprecated; T:
@expro; ;I"border; T;;;i;@
@guarded0:@children[ ;i;@
-;[I"L/* Support for webkit and mozilla's use of the deprecated short form */; T;;;[ ;i;@
-o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode;I"experimental; T;[
o; ;I"background-clip; T;;;i ;@
-o; ;I"deprecated; T;I"deprecated; T;i ;@
-o; ;I" -moz; T;;;i!;@
-o; ;I"-webkit; T;;;i";@
-o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation :
@operando; ;I"-o; T;;;i#;@
+;[I"L/* Support for webkit and mozilla's use of the deprecated short form */; T;;;[ ;i;@
+o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode;I"experimental; T;[
o; ;I"background-clip; T;;;i ;@
+o; ;I"deprecated; T;I"deprecated; T;i ;@
+o; ;I" -moz; T;;;i!;@
+o; ;I"-webkit; T;;;i";@
+o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation :
@operando; ;I"-o; T;;;i#;@
-o; ;!o; ;I"-ms; T;;;i$;@
-o; ;!o; ;I"-khtml; T;;;i%;@
-o; ;!o; ;I"
official; T;;;i&;@
-;{ ;0;[ ;i';@
-o;;I"experimental; T;[
o; ;I"background-clip; T;;;i(;@
-o; ;I" clip; T;I" clip; T;i(;@
-o; ;!o; ;I" -moz; T;;;i);@
-o; ;!o; ;I"-webkit; T;;;i*;@
-o; ;!o; ;I"-o; T;;;i+;@
-o; ;!o; ;I"-ms; T;;;i,;@
-o; ;I"-khtml; T;;;i-;@
-o; ;I"
official; T;;;i.;@
-;{ ;0;[ ;i/;@
+o;! ;"o; ;I"-ms; T;;;i$;@
+o;! ;"o; ;I"-khtml; T;;;i%;@
+o;! ;"o; ;I"
official; T;;;i&;@
+;{ ;0;[ ;i';@
+o; ;I"experimental; T;[
o; ;I"background-clip; T;;;i(;@
+o; ;I" clip; T;I" clip; T;i(;@
+o;! ;"o; ;I" -moz; T;;;i);@
+o;! ;"o; ;I"-webkit; T;;;i*;@
+o;! ;"o; ;I"-o; T;;;i+;@
+o;! ;"o; ;I"-ms; T;;;i,;@
+o; ;I"-khtml; T;;;i-;@
+o; ;I"
official; T;;;i.;@
+;{ ;0;[ ;i/;@
I"_@import "shared";
// The default value is `padding-box` -- the box model used by modern browsers.
@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@
not -ms,
-; T;$T;@
+; T;%T;@
\ No newline at end of file