lib/browser/delegate_native.rb in isomorfeus-preact-10.9.0 vs lib/browser/delegate_native.rb in isomorfeus-preact-22.9.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,72 +1,94 @@
-module Browser
- module DelegateNative
- # Provides a default initializer. This should be overridden in all but the
- # simplest cases.
- def initialize native
- @native = native
- end
- # Fall back to native properties. If the message sent to this element is not
- # recognized, it checks to see if it is a property of the native element. It
- # also checks for variations of the message name, such as:
- #
- # :supported? => [:supported, :isSupported]
- #
- # If a property with the specified message name is found and it is a
- # function, that function is invoked with `args`. Otherwise, the property
- # is returned as is.
- def method_missing message, *args, &block
- if message.end_with? '='
- message = message.chop
- property_name = property_for_message(message)
- return `#@native[#{property_name}] = args[0]`
- else
- property_name = property_for_message(message)
- %x{
- let value = #@native[#{property_name}];
- let type = typeof(value);
- try {
- if (type === 'function') {
- return value.apply(#@native, args);
- } else if (type === 'object' && (value instanceof HTMLCollection)) {
- let a = [];
- for(let i=0; i<value.length; i++) {
- a[i] = #{`value.item(i)`)};
- }
- value = a;
- } else if (type === 'object' && (value instanceof HTMLElement)) {
- value = #{`value`)};
- } else if (value === null || type === 'undefined' || (type === 'number' && isNaN(value))) {
- return nil;
- }
- return value;
- } catch { return value; }
- }
- end
- end
- def respond_to_missing? message, include_all
- message = message.chop if message.end_with? '='
- property_name = property_for_message(message)
- return true unless `#{property_name} in #@native`
- false
- end
- def property_for_message(message)
- %x{
- let camel_cased_message;
- if (typeof(#@native[message]) !== 'undefined') { camel_cased_message = message; }
- else { camel_cased_message = Opal.Preact.lower_camelize(message) }
- if (camel_cased_message.endsWith('?')) {
- camel_cased_message = camel_cased_message.substring(0, camel_cased_message.length - 2);
- if (typeof(#@native[camel_cased_message]) === 'undefined') {
- camel_cased_message = 'is' + camel_cased_message[0].toUpperCase() + camel_cased_message.substring(0, camel_cased_message.length - 1);
- }
- }
- return camel_cased_message
- }
- end
- end
+module Browser
+ module DelegateNative
+ # Provides a default initializer. This should be overridden in all but the
+ # simplest cases.
+ def initialize native
+ @native = native
+ end
+ def [](property)
+ method_missing(property)
+ end
+ # Fall back to native properties. If the message sent to this element is not
+ # recognized, it checks to see if it is a property of the native element. It
+ # also checks for variations of the message name, such as:
+ #
+ # :supported? => [:supported, :isSupported]
+ #
+ # If a property with the specified message name is found and it is a
+ # function, that function is invoked with `args`. Otherwise, the property
+ # is returned as is.
+ def method_missing message, *args, &block
+ if message.end_with? '='
+ message = message.chop
+ property_name = property_for_message(message)
+ arg = args[0]
+ arg = if `arg && typeof arg.$to_n === 'function'`
+ arg.to_n
+ else
+ arg
+ end
+ return `#@native[#{property_name}] = args[0]`
+ else
+ property_name = property_for_message(message)
+ %x{
+ let value = #@native[#{property_name}];
+ let type = typeof(value);
+ try {
+ if (type === 'function') {
+ #{
+! do |arg|
+ if `arg && typeof arg.$to_n === 'function'`
+ arg.to_n
+ else
+ arg
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ value = value.apply(#@native, args);
+ }
+ if (value instanceof HTMLCollection || value instanceof NodeList) {
+ let a = [];
+ for(let i=0; i<value.length; i++) {
+ a[i] = #{`value.item(i)`)};
+ }
+ value = a;
+ } else if (value instanceof HTMLElement || value instanceof SVGElement) {
+ value = #{`value`)};
+ } else if (value instanceof Event) {
+ value = #{`value`)};
+ } else if (value === null || type === 'undefined' || (type === 'number' && isNaN(value))) {
+ value = nil;
+ }
+ return value;
+ } catch { return value; }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def respond_to_missing? message, include_all
+ message = message.chop if message.end_with? '='
+ property_name = property_for_message(message)
+ return true unless `#{property_name} in #@native`
+ false
+ end
+ def property_for_message(message)
+ %x{
+ let camel_cased_message;
+ if (typeof(#@native[message]) !== 'undefined') { camel_cased_message = message; }
+ else { camel_cased_message = #{message.camelize(:lower)} }
+ if (camel_cased_message.endsWith('?')) {
+ camel_cased_message = camel_cased_message.substring(0, camel_cased_message.length - 2);
+ if (typeof(#@native[camel_cased_message]) === 'undefined') {
+ camel_cased_message = 'is' + camel_cased_message[0].toUpperCase() + camel_cased_message.substring(0, camel_cased_message.length - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return camel_cased_message
+ }
+ end
+ end