irtrc in irt-1.1.2 vs irtrc in irt-1.1.3

- old
+ new

@@ -22,20 +22,22 @@ # the command that should set the clipboard to the last lines from STDIN # default to 'pbcopy' on mac, 'xclip -selection c' on linux/unix and 'clip' on windoze # IRT.copy_to_clipboard_command = 'your command' # the format to build the command to launch nano -# IRT.nano_command_format = 'nano +%2$d %1$s' +# IRT.nano_command_format = %(nano +%2$d "%1$s") # the format to build the command to launch vi -# IRT.vi_command_format ="vi -c 'startinsert' %1$s +%2$d" +# IRT.vi_command_format = %(vi -c "startinsert" "%1$s" +%2$d) # the format to build the command to launch the ri tool -# IRT.ri_command_format = "qri -f #{Dye.color? ? 'ansi' : 'plain'} %s" +# if RUBY_VERSION > 1.9.2 uses qri (from fastri) else bri +# IRT.ri_command_format = %(qri -f #{Dye.color? ? 'ansi' : 'plain'} "%s") +# IRT.ri_command_format = %(bri "%s") # add your command format if you want to use another editor than nano or vi # default 'open -t %1$s' on MacOX; 'kde-open %1$s' or 'gnome-open %1$s' un unix/linux; '%1$s' on windoze -# IRT.edit_command_format ="your_preferred_GUI_editor %1$s +%2$d" +# IRT.edit_command_format = "your_preferred_GUI_editor %1$s +%2$d" # any log-ignored-echo command you want to add # IRT.log.ignored_echo_commands << %w[commandA commandB ...] # any log-ignored command you want to add (includes all the log-ignored-echo commands)