Rakefile in iron_bank-3.4.0 vs Rakefile in iron_bank-4.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -19,18 +19,33 @@
task default: %i[rubocop reek spec]
desc "Export the Zuora Schema using the Describe API"
task :export_schema do
+ setup_iron_bank
+ IronBank::Schema.export
+desc "Query Zuora for fields that we should not use in a query"
+task :excluded_fields, [:filename] do |_t, args|
+ require "psych"
+ setup_iron_bank
+ destination = args[:filename] || IronBank.configuration.excluded_fields_file
+ fields = IronBank::Schema.excluded_fields
+ File.open(destination, "w") { |file| file.write(Psych.dump(fields)) }
+# Helper function to set up an `IronBank::Client` instance
+def setup_iron_bank
require "dotenv/load"
require "iron_bank"
- # Set up the client
- IronBank.client = IronBank::Client.new(
- domain: ENV["ZUORA_DOMAIN"],
- client_id: ENV["ZUORA_CLIENT_ID"],
- client_secret: ENV["ZUORA_CLIENT_SECRET"],
- auth_type: ENV["ZUORA_AUTH_TYPE"]
- )
- IronBank::Schema.export
+ IronBank.configure do |config|
+ config.client_id = ENV["ZUORA_CLIENT_ID"]
+ config.client_secret = ENV["ZUORA_CLIENT_SECRET"]
+ config.auth_type = ENV.fetch("ZUORA_AUTH_TYPE", "token")
+ config.domain = ENV["ZUORA_DOMAIN"]
+ config.excluded_fields_file = ENV["ZUORA_EXCLUDED_FIELDS_FILE"]
+ end