lib/irb/command.rb in irb-1.12.0 vs lib/irb/command.rb in irb-1.13.0
- old
+ new
@@ -5,314 +5,19 @@
require_relative "command/base"
module IRB # :nodoc:
- module Command; end
- ExtendCommand = Command
+ module Command
+ @commands = {}
- # Installs the default irb extensions command bundle.
- module ExtendCommandBundle
- EXCB = ExtendCommandBundle # :nodoc:
+ class << self
+ attr_reader :commands
- # See #install_alias_method.
- # See #install_alias_method.
- # See #install_alias_method.
- # Displays current configuration.
- #
- # Modifying the configuration is achieved by sending a message to IRB.conf.
- def irb_context
- IRB.CurrentContext
- end
- @ALIASES = [
- [:context, :irb_context, NO_OVERRIDE],
- [:conf, :irb_context, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ]
- [
- :irb_exit, :Exit, "command/exit",
- ],
- [
- :irb_exit!, :ForceExit, "command/force_exit",
- ],
- [
- :irb_current_working_workspace, :CurrentWorkingWorkspace, "command/chws",
- [:cwws, NO_OVERRIDE],
- [:pwws, NO_OVERRIDE],
- [:irb_print_working_workspace, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_cwws, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_pwws, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_current_working_binding, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_print_working_binding, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_cwb, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_pwb, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- ],
- [
- :irb_change_workspace, :ChangeWorkspace, "command/chws",
- [:chws, NO_OVERRIDE],
- [:cws, NO_OVERRIDE],
- [:irb_chws, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_cws, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_change_binding, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_cb, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:cb, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_workspaces, :Workspaces, "command/pushws",
- [:workspaces, NO_OVERRIDE],
- [:irb_bindings, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:bindings, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_push_workspace, :PushWorkspace, "command/pushws",
- [:pushws, NO_OVERRIDE],
- [:irb_pushws, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_push_binding, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_pushb, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:pushb, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_pop_workspace, :PopWorkspace, "command/pushws",
- [:popws, NO_OVERRIDE],
- [:irb_popws, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_pop_binding, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:irb_popb, OVERRIDE_ALL],
- [:popb, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_load, :Load, "command/load"],
- [
- :irb_require, :Require, "command/load"],
- [
- :irb_source, :Source, "command/load",
- [:source, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb, :IrbCommand, "command/subirb"],
- [
- :irb_jobs, :Jobs, "command/subirb",
- [:jobs, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_fg, :Foreground, "command/subirb",
- [:fg, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_kill, :Kill, "command/subirb",
- ],
- [
- :irb_debug, :Debug, "command/debug",
- [:debug, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_edit, :Edit, "command/edit",
- [:edit, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_break, :Break, "command/break",
- ],
- [
- :irb_catch, :Catch, "command/catch",
- ],
- [
- :irb_next, :Next, "command/next"
- ],
- [
- :irb_delete, :Delete, "command/delete",
- [:delete, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_step, :Step, "command/step",
- [:step, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_continue, :Continue, "command/continue",
- [:continue, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_finish, :Finish, "command/finish",
- [:finish, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_backtrace, :Backtrace, "command/backtrace",
- [:backtrace, NO_OVERRIDE],
- [:bt, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_debug_info, :Info, "command/info",
- [:info, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_help, :Help, "command/help",
- [:help, NO_OVERRIDE],
- [:show_cmds, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_show_doc, :ShowDoc, "command/show_doc",
- [:show_doc, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_info, :IrbInfo, "command/irb_info"
- ],
- [
- :irb_ls, :Ls, "command/ls",
- [:ls, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_measure, :Measure, "command/measure",
- [:measure, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_show_source, :ShowSource, "command/show_source",
- [:show_source, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_whereami, :Whereami, "command/whereami",
- [:whereami, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ],
- [
- :irb_history, :History, "command/history",
- [:history, NO_OVERRIDE],
- [:hist, NO_OVERRIDE],
- ]
- ]
- @@commands = []
- def self.all_commands_info
- return @@commands unless @@commands.empty?
- user_aliases = IRB.CurrentContext.command_aliases.each_with_object({}) do |(alias_name, target), result|
- result[target] ||= []
- result[target] << alias_name
+ # Registers a command with the given name.
+ # Aliasing is intentionally not supported at the moment.
+ def register(name, command_class)
+ @commands[name.to_sym] = [command_class, []]
- @EXTEND_COMMANDS.each do |cmd_name, cmd_class, load_file, *aliases|
- if !defined?(Command) || !Command.const_defined?(cmd_class, false)
- require_relative load_file
- end
- klass = Command.const_get(cmd_class, false)
- aliases = { |a| a.first }
- if additional_aliases = user_aliases[cmd_name]
- aliases += additional_aliases
- end
- display_name = aliases.shift || cmd_name
- @@commands << { display_name: display_name, description: klass.description, category: klass.category }
- end
- @@commands
- # Convert a command name to its implementation class if such command exists
- def self.load_command(command)
- command = command.to_sym
- @EXTEND_COMMANDS.each do |cmd_name, cmd_class, load_file, *aliases|
- next if cmd_name != command && aliases.all? { |alias_name, _| alias_name != command }
- if !defined?(Command) || !Command.const_defined?(cmd_class, false)
- require_relative load_file
- end
- return Command.const_get(cmd_class, false)
- end
- nil
- end
- # Installs the default irb commands.
- def self.install_extend_commands
- for args in @EXTEND_COMMANDS
- def_extend_command(*args)
- end
- end
- # Evaluate the given +cmd_name+ on the given +cmd_class+ Class.
- #
- # Will also define any given +aliases+ for the method.
- #
- # The optional +load_file+ parameter will be required within the method
- # definition.
- def self.def_extend_command(cmd_name, cmd_class, load_file, *aliases)
- case cmd_class
- when Symbol
- cmd_class = cmd_class.id2name
- when String
- when Class
- cmd_class =
- end
- line = __LINE__; eval %[
- def #{cmd_name}(*opts, **kwargs, &b)
- Kernel.require_relative "#{load_file}"
- ::IRB::Command::#{cmd_class}.execute(irb_context, *opts, **kwargs, &b)
- end
- ], nil, __FILE__, line
- for ali, flag in aliases
- @ALIASES.push [ali, cmd_name, flag]
- end
- end
- # Installs alias methods for the default irb commands, see
- # ::install_extend_commands.
- def install_alias_method(to, from, override = NO_OVERRIDE)
- to = to.id2name unless to.kind_of?(String)
- from = from.id2name unless from.kind_of?(String)
- if override == OVERRIDE_ALL or
- (override == OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY) && !respond_to?(to) or
- (override == NO_OVERRIDE) && !respond_to?(to, true)
- target = self
- (class << self; self; end).instance_eval{
- if target.respond_to?(to, true) &&
- !target.respond_to?(EXCB.irb_original_method_name(to), true)
- alias_method(EXCB.irb_original_method_name(to), to)
- end
- alias_method to, from
- }
- else
- Kernel.warn "irb: warn: can't alias #{to} from #{from}.\n"
- end
- end
- def self.irb_original_method_name(method_name) # :nodoc:
- "irb_" + method_name + "_org"
- end
- # Installs alias methods for the default irb commands on the given object
- # using #install_alias_method.
- def self.extend_object(obj)
- unless (class << obj; ancestors; end).include?(EXCB)
- super
- for ali, com, flg in @ALIASES
- obj.install_alias_method(ali, com, flg)
- end
- end
- end
- install_extend_commands