in iqvoc-3.2.3 vs in iqvoc-3.2.4
- old
+ new
@@ -18,18 +18,18 @@
iQvoc is built with state-of-the-art technology and can be easily customized according to user's needs.
## Getting Started
-1. Configure your database via `config/database.template.yml`
-2. `bundle install`
-3. Run `rake db:create` to create the database
+1. Configure your database via `config/database.template.yml`. Don't forget to rename it to `database.yml`
+2. Run `bundle install`
+3. Run `bundle exec rake db:create` to create the database
4. Create the necessary tables by running `rake db:migrate`
5. Load some base data by running `rake db:seed`
6. Create `config/initializers/secret_token.rb` based on
`config/initializers/secret_token.rb.template`, filling in the secret token
- generated by `rake secret`
-7. Boot up the app using `rails s` (or `passenger start` if you use passenger)
+ generated by `bundle exec rake secret`
+7. Boot up the app using `bundle exec rails s` (or `passenger start` if you use passenger)
8. Log in with "admin@iqvoc" / "admin" or "demo@iqvoc" / "cooluri" (cf. step #5)
9. Visit the Users section and change the default passwords
## Compatibility