spec/dummy/app/models/chat_message.rb in introspective_grape-0.5.7 vs spec/dummy/app/models/chat_message.rb in introspective_grape-0.6.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-class ChatMessage < AbstractAdapter
- belongs_to :chat
- belongs_to :author, class_name: 'User'
- has_many :chat_users, through: :chat
- has_many :recipients, lambda {|message| where(':created_at >= chat_users.created_at and (chat_users.departed_at IS NULL OR :created_at <= chat_users.departed_at)', created_at: message.created_at ) }, through: :chat_users, source: :user, class_name: 'User'
- # Create ChatUserMessage records for each recipient to track read status
- has_many :chat_message_users, dependent: :destroy
- validate :author_in_chat
- def author_in_chat
- errors[:base] << 'User not in chat session.' unless chat.active_users.include? author
- end
- before_save :create_message_users, if: :new_record?
- def create_message_users
- chat_users.merge(ChatUser.current).each do |cu|
- chat_message_users.build(user: cu.user)
- end
- end
- def read_by?(user)
- chat_message_users.merge(ChatMessageUser.read).map(&:user_id).include?(user.id)
- end
- def self.find_chat_for_users(users)
- # presumably much more efficient ways to run an intersecton, we want to find the last
- # exact match with the users being messaged to append to the existing chat.
- Chat.eager_load(:chat_users).where("chat_users.departed_at IS NULL").order('chats.created_at desc').detect {|c| c.chat_users.map(&:user_id).uniq.sort == users.map(&:id).sort }
- end
+class ChatMessage < AbstractAdapter
+ belongs_to :chat
+ belongs_to :author, class_name: 'User'
+ has_many :chat_users, through: :chat
+ has_many :recipients, lambda {|message| where(':created_at >= chat_users.created_at and (chat_users.departed_at IS NULL OR :created_at <= chat_users.departed_at)', created_at: message.created_at ) }, through: :chat_users, source: :user, class_name: 'User'
+ # Create ChatUserMessage records for each recipient to track read status
+ has_many :chat_message_users, dependent: :destroy
+ validate :author_in_chat
+ def author_in_chat
+ errors.add(:base, 'User not in chat session.') unless chat.active_users.include? author
+ end
+ before_save :create_message_users, if: :new_record?
+ def create_message_users
+ chat_users.merge(ChatUser.current).each do |cu|
+ chat_message_users.build(user: cu.user)
+ end
+ end
+ def read_by?(user)
+ chat_message_users.merge(ChatMessageUser.read).map(&:user_id).include?(user.id)
+ end
+ def self.find_chat_for_users(users)
+ # presumably much more efficient ways to run an intersecton, we want to find the last
+ # exact match with the users being messaged to append to the existing chat.
+ Chat.eager_load(:chat_users).where("chat_users.departed_at IS NULL").order('chats.created_at desc').detect {|c| c.chat_users.map(&:user_id).uniq.sort == users.map(&:id).sort }
+ end