lib/intranet/pictures/responder.rb in intranet-pictures-1.0.6 vs lib/intranet/pictures/responder.rb in intranet-pictures-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -85,36 +85,21 @@
case path
when %r{^/index\.html$} then serve_home
when %r{^/browse_\w+\.html$}
serve_groups(path.gsub(%r{^/browse_(\w+)\.html$}, '\\1'), query)
when %r{^/api/} then serve_api(path.gsub(%r{^/api}, ''), query)
+ when %r{^/i18n\.js$} then serve_i18n_js
else super(path, query)
# The title of the Pictures module, as displayed on the web page.
# @return [String] The title of the Pictures module web page.
def title
- # Provides the list of Cascade Style Sheets (CSS) dependencies for this module.
- # @return [Array<String>] The list of CSS dependencies.
- def css_dependencies
- super + ['design/style.css',
- 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe.css',
- 'design/photoswipe/default-skin/default-skin.css']
- end
- # Provides the list of Javascript files (JS) dependencies for this module.
- # @return [Array<String>] The list of JS dependencies.
- def js_dependencies
- super + ['design/jpictures.js',
- 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe.min.js',
- 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe-ui-default.min.js']
- end
# Extract a selector from the given +query+.
# @return [Hash<String,String>] The picture or group selector.
def selector(query)
@@ -139,10 +124,23 @@
return true if query['sort_order'].nil? || query['sort_order'] == 'asc'
raise KeyError # incorrect value for 'sort_order'
+ # Provides the list of required stylesheets.
+ # @return [Array<String>] The list of required stylesheets.
+ def stylesheets
+ ['design/style.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe.css',
+ 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.css']
+ end
+ # Provides the list of required script files.
+ # @return [Array<Hash<Symbol,String>>] The list of required scripts.
+ def scripts
+ [{ src: 'design/jpictures.js', type: 'module' }]
+ end
### Servicing of the HTML "display-able" content ###
def active_filters(query)
@@ -193,21 +191,32 @@ { |k, v| [k, v].join('=') }.join('&')
def serve_home
content = to_markup('pictures_home', nav: make_nav)
- [206, 'text/html', { content: content, title: title }]
+ [206, 'text/html',
+ { content: content, title: title, stylesheets: stylesheets, scripts: scripts }]
rescue KeyError
[404, '', '']
def serve_groups(type, query)
groups = @provider.list_groups(type, selector(query), sort_by(query), sort_order(query))
content = to_markup('pictures_browse', nav: make_nav(type, query), group_type: type,
filters: selector(query), groups: groups)
- [206, 'text/html', { content: content, title: title }]
+ [206, 'text/html',
+ { content: content, title: title, stylesheets: stylesheets, scripts: scripts }]
rescue KeyError
[404, '', '']
+ end
+ def serve_i18n_js
+ [200, 'text/javascript',
+ "export default {\n" \
+ " viewer_close: '#{I18n.t('pictures.viewer.close')}',\n" \
+ " viewer_zoom: '#{I18n.t('pictures.viewer.zoom')}',\n" \
+ " viewer_previous: '#{I18n.t('pictures.viewer.previous')}',\n" \
+ " viewer_next: '#{I18n.t('')}' };"]
### Servicing of the REST API (raw JSON data & pictures) ###