lib/instana/tracing/span.rb in instana-0.15.0 vs lib/instana/tracing/span.rb in instana-1.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,53 +1,373 @@
module Instana
class Span
+ REGISTERED_SPANS = [ :rack, :'net-http', :excon ].freeze
+ ENTRY_SPANS = [ :rack ].freeze
+ EXIT_SPANS = [ :'net-http', :excon ].freeze
attr_accessor :parent
+ attr_accessor :baggage
- def initialize(data)
- @data = data
+ def initialize(name, trace_id, parent_id: nil, start_time:
+ @data = {}
+ @data[:t] = trace_id # Trace ID
+ @data[:s] = ::Instana::Util.generate_id # Span ID
+ @data[:p] = parent_id if parent_id # Parent ID
+ @data[:ta] = :ruby # Agent
+ @data[:data] = {}
+ # Entity Source
+ @data[:f] = { :e => ::Instana.agent.report_pid,
+ :h => ::Instana.agent.agent_uuid }
+ # Start time
+ @data[:ts] = ::Instana::Util.time_to_ms(start_time)
+ @baggage = {}
+ # For entry spans, add a backtrace fingerprint
+ add_stack(limit: 2) if ENTRY_SPANS.include?(name)
+ # Attach a backtrace to all exit spans
+ add_stack if EXIT_SPANS.include?(name)
+ # Check for custom tracing
+ if REGISTERED_SPANS.include?(name.to_sym)
+ @data[:n] = name.to_sym
+ else
+ configure_custom(name)
+ end
+ # Adds a backtrace to this span
+ #
+ # @param limit [Integer] Limit the backtrace to the top <limit> frames
+ #
+ def add_stack(limit: nil, stack: Kernel.caller)
+ frame_count = 0
+ @data[:stack] = []
+ stack.each do |i|
+ # If the stack has the full instana gem version in it's path
+ # then don't include that frame. Also don't exclude the Rack module.
+ if !i.match(/instana\/instrumentation\/rack.rb/).nil? ||
+ (i.match(::Instana::VERSION_FULL).nil? && i.match('lib/instana/').nil?)
+ break if limit && frame_count >= limit
+ x = i.split(':')
+ @data[:stack] << {
+ :f => x[0],
+ :n => x[1],
+ :m => x[2]
+ }
+ frame_count = frame_count + 1 if limit
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Log an error into the span
+ #
+ # @param e [Exception] The exception to be logged
+ #
+ def add_error(e)
+ @data[:error] = true
+ if @data.key?(:ec)
+ @data[:ec] = @data[:ec] + 1
+ else
+ @data[:ec] = 1
+ end
+ # If a valid exception has been passed in, log the information about it
+ # In case of just logging an error for things such as HTTP client 5xx
+ # responses, an exception/backtrace may not exist.
+ if e
+ if e.backtrace.is_a?(Array)
+ add_stack(stack: e.backtrace)
+ end
+ if HTTP_SPANS.include?(@data[:n])
+ set_tags(:http => { :error => "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" })
+ else
+ set_tags(:log => { :message => e.message, :parameters => e.class })
+ end
+ e.instance_variable_set(:@instana_logged, true)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # Configure this span to be a custom span per the
+ # SDK generic span type.
+ #
+ # @param name [String] name of the span
+ # @param kvs [Hash] list of key values to be reported in the span
+ #
+ def configure_custom(name)
+ @data[:n] = :sdk
+ @data[:data] = { :sdk => { :name => name.to_sym } }
+ #if kvs.is_a?(Hash)
+ # @data[:data][:sdk][:type] = kvs.key?(:type) ? kvs[:type] : :local
+# if kvs.key?(:arguments)
+# @data[:data][:sdk][:arguments] = kvs[:arguments]
+# end
+# if kvs.key?(:return)
+# @data[:data][:sdk][:return] = kvs[:return]
+# end
+# @data[:data][:sdk][:custom] = kvs unless kvs.empty?
+# end
+ self
+ end
+ # Closes out the span. This difference between this and
+ # the finish method tells us how the tracing is being
+ # performed (with OpenTracing or Instana default)
+ #
+ # @param end_time [Time] custom end time, if not now
+ # @return [Span]
+ #
+ def close(end_time =
+ unless end_time.is_a?(Time)
+ ::Instana.logger.debug "span.close: Passed #{end_time.class} instead of Time class"
+ end
+ @data[:d] = (::Instana::Util.time_to_ms(end_time) - @data[:ts])
+ self
+ end
+ #############################################################
+ # Accessors
+ #############################################################
+ # Retrieve the context of this span.
+ #
+ # @return [Instana::SpanContext]
+ #
+ def context
+ @context ||=[:t], @data[:s], @baggage)
+ end
+ # Retrieve the ID for this span
+ #
+ # @return [Integer] the span ID
def id
+ # Retrieve the Trace ID for this span
+ #
+ # @return [Integer] the Trace ID
+ def trace_id
+ @data[:t]
+ end
+ # Retrieve the parent ID of this span
+ #
+ # @return [Integer] parent span ID
def parent_id
+ # Set the parent ID of this span
+ #
+ # @return [Integer] parent span ID
+ def parent_id=(id)
+ @data[:p] = id
+ end
+ # Get the name (operation) of this Span
+ #
+ # @return [String] or [Symbol] representing the span name
def name
if custom?
+ # Set the name (operation) for this Span
+ #
+ # @params name [String] or [Symbol]
+ #
+ def name=(n)
+ if custom?
+ @data[:data][:sdk][:name] = n
+ else
+ @data[:n] = n
+ end
+ end
+ # Get the duration value for this Span
+ #
+ # @return [Integer] the duration in milliseconds
def duration
+ # Indicates whether this span in the root span
+ # in the Trace
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
def is_root?
@data[:s] == @data[:t]
+ # Hash accessor to the internal @data hash
+ #
def [](key)
+ # Hash setter to the internal @data hash
+ #
def []=(key, value)
@data[key.to_sym] = value
+ # Hash key query to the internal @data hash
+ #
def key?(k)
+ # Get the raw @data hash that summarizes this span
+ #
def raw
+ # Indicates whether this span is a custom or registered Span
def custom?
@data[:n] == :sdk
+ end
+ #############################################################
+ # OpenTracing Compatibility Methods
+ #############################################################
+ # Set the name of the operation
+ # Spec: OpenTracing API
+ #
+ # @params name [String] or [Symbol]
+ #
+ def operation_name=(name)
+ @data[:n] = name
+ end
+ # Set a tag value on this span
+ # Spec: OpenTracing API
+ #
+ # @param key [String] the key of the tag
+ # @param value [String, Numeric, Boolean] the value of the tag. If it's not
+ # a String, Numeric, or Boolean it will be encoded with to_s
+ #
+ def set_tag(key, value)
+ if custom?
+ @data[:data][:sdk][:custom] ||= {}
+ @data[:data][:sdk][:custom][key] = value
+ else
+ if !@data[:data].key?(key)
+ @data[:data][key] = value
+ elsif value.is_a?(Hash) && self[:data][key].is_a?(Hash)
+ @data[:data][key].merge!(value)
+ else
+ @data[:data][key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # Helper method to add multiple tags to this span
+ #
+ # @params tags [Hash]
+ # @return [Span]
+ #
+ def set_tags(tags)
+ return unless tags.is_a?(Hash)
+ tags.each do |k,v|
+ set_tag(k, v)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # Set a baggage item on the span
+ # Spec: OpenTracing API
+ #
+ # @param key [String] the key of the baggage item
+ # @param value [String] the value of the baggage item
+ def set_baggage_item(key, value)
+ @baggage ||= {}
+ @baggage[key] = value
+ # Init/Update the SpanContext item
+ if @context
+ @context.baggage = @baggage
+ else
+ @context ||=[:t], @data[:s], @baggage)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # Get a baggage item
+ # Spec: OpenTracing API
+ #
+ # @param key [String] the key of the baggage item
+ # @return Value of the baggage item
+ #
+ def get_baggage_item(key)
+ @baggage[key]
+ end
+ # Retrieve the hash of tags for this span
+ #
+ def tags(key = nil)
+ if custom?
+ tags = @data[:data][:sdk][:custom]
+ else
+ tags = @data[:data][key]
+ end
+ key ? tags[key] : tags
+ end
+ # Add a log entry to this span
+ # Spec: OpenTracing API
+ #
+ # @param event [String] event name for the log
+ # @param timestamp [Time] time of the log
+ # @param fields [Hash] Additional information to log
+ #
+ def log(event = nil, _timestamp =, **fields)
+ set_tags(:log => { :message => event, :parameters => fields })
+ end
+ # Finish the {Span}
+ # Spec: OpenTracing API
+ #
+ # @param end_time [Time] custom end time, if not now
+ #
+ def finish(end_time =
+ unless end_time.is_a?(Time)
+ ::Instana.logger.debug "span.finish: Passed #{end_time.class} instead of Time class"
+ end
+ if != id
+ ::Instana.logger.tracing "Closing a span that isn't active. This will result in a broken trace: #{self.inspect}"
+ end
+ if is_root?
+ # This is the root span for the trace. Call log_end to close
+ # out and queue the trace
+ ::Instana.tracer.log_end(name, {}, end_time)
+ else
+ ::Instana.tracer.current_trace.end_span({}, end_time)
+ end
+ self