lib/resources/aws/aws_ec2_instance.rb in inspec-2.1.81 vs lib/resources/aws/aws_ec2_instance.rb in inspec-2.1.83
- old
+ new
@@ -1,157 +1,157 @@
-# author: Christoph Hartmann
-class AwsEc2Instance < Inspec.resource(1)
- name 'aws_ec2_instance'
- desc 'Verifies settings for an EC2 instance'
- example <<-EOX
- describe aws_ec2_instance('i-123456') do
- it { should be_running }
- it { should have_roles }
- end
- describe aws_ec2_instance(name: 'my-instance') do
- it { should be_running }
- it { should have_roles }
- end
- supports platform: 'aws'
- # TODO: rewrite to avoid direct injection, match other resources, use AwsSingularResourceMixin
- def initialize(opts, conn = nil)
- @opts = opts
- @opts.is_a?(Hash) ? @display_name = @opts[:name] : @display_name = opts
- @ec2_client = conn ? conn.ec2_client : inspec_runner.backend.aws_client(Aws::EC2::Client)
- @ec2_resource = conn ? conn.ec2_resource : inspec_runner.backend.aws_resource(Aws::EC2::Resource, {})
- @iam_resource = conn ? conn.iam_resource : inspec_runner.backend.aws_resource(Aws::IAM::Resource, {})
- end
- # TODO: DRY up, see
- # Copied from resource_support/aws/aws_resource_mixin.rb
- def catch_aws_errors
- yield
- rescue Aws::Errors::MissingCredentialsError
- # The AWS error here is unhelpful:
- # "unable to sign request without credentials set"
- Inspec::Log.error "It appears that you have not set your AWS credentials. You may set them using environment variables, or using the 'aws://region/aws_credentials_profile' target. See for details."
- fail_resource('No AWS credentials available')
- rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e
- fail_resource e.message
- end
- # TODO: DRY up, see
- # Copied from resource_support/aws/aws_singular_resource_mixin.rb
- def inspec_runner
- # When running under inspec-cli, we have an 'inspec' method that
- # returns the runner. When running under unit tests, we don't
- # have that, but we still have to call this to pass something
- # (nil is OK) to the backend.
- # TODO: remove with
- # TODO: remove after rewrite to include AwsSingularResource
- inspec if respond_to?(:inspec)
- end
- def id
- return @instance_id if defined?(@instance_id)
- catch_aws_errors do
- if @opts.is_a?(Hash)
- first = @ec2_resource.instances(
- {
- filters: [{
- name: 'tag:Name',
- values: [@opts[:name]],
- }],
- },
- ).first
- # catch case where the instance is not known
- @instance_id = unless first.nil?
- else
- @instance_id = @opts
- end
- end
- end
- alias instance_id id
- def exists?
- return false if instance.nil?
- instance.exists?
- end
- # returns the instance state
- def state
- catch_aws_errors do
- instance&.state&.name
- end
- end
- # helper methods for each state
- %w{
- pending running shutting-down
- terminated stopping stopped unknown
- }.each do |state_name|
- define_method'-', '_') + '?' do
- state == state_name
- end
- end
- # attributes that we want to expose
- %w{
- public_ip_address private_ip_address key_name private_dns_name
- public_dns_name subnet_id architecture root_device_type
- root_device_name virtualization_type client_token launch_time
- instance_type image_id vpc_id
- }.each do |attribute|
- define_method attribute do
- catch_aws_errors do
- instance.send(attribute) if instance
- end
- end
- end
- # Don't document this - it's a bit hard to use. Our current doctrine
- # is to use dumb things, like arrays of strings - use security_group_ids instead.
- def security_groups
- catch_aws_errors do
- @security_groups ||= { |sg|
- { id: sg.group_id, name: sg.group_name }
- }
- end
- end
- def security_group_ids
- catch_aws_errors do
- @security_group_ids ||=
- end
- end
- def tags
- catch_aws_errors do
- @tags ||= { |tag| { key: tag.key, value: tag.value } }
- end
- end
- def to_s
- "EC2 Instance #{@display_name}"
- end
- def has_roles?
- catch_aws_errors do
- instance_profile = instance.iam_instance_profile
- if instance_profile
- roles = @iam_resource.instance_profile(
- instance_profile.arn.gsub(%r{^.*\/}, ''),
- ).roles
- else
- roles = nil
- end
- roles && !roles.empty?
- end
- end
- private
- def instance
- catch_aws_errors { @instance ||= @ec2_resource.instance(id) }
- end
+# author: Christoph Hartmann
+class AwsEc2Instance < Inspec.resource(1)
+ name 'aws_ec2_instance'
+ desc 'Verifies settings for an EC2 instance'
+ example <<-EOX
+ describe aws_ec2_instance('i-123456') do
+ it { should be_running }
+ it { should have_roles }
+ end
+ describe aws_ec2_instance(name: 'my-instance') do
+ it { should be_running }
+ it { should have_roles }
+ end
+ supports platform: 'aws'
+ # TODO: rewrite to avoid direct injection, match other resources, use AwsSingularResourceMixin
+ def initialize(opts, conn = nil)
+ @opts = opts
+ @opts.is_a?(Hash) ? @display_name = @opts[:name] : @display_name = opts
+ @ec2_client = conn ? conn.ec2_client : inspec_runner.backend.aws_client(Aws::EC2::Client)
+ @ec2_resource = conn ? conn.ec2_resource : inspec_runner.backend.aws_resource(Aws::EC2::Resource, {})
+ @iam_resource = conn ? conn.iam_resource : inspec_runner.backend.aws_resource(Aws::IAM::Resource, {})
+ end
+ # TODO: DRY up, see
+ # Copied from resource_support/aws/aws_resource_mixin.rb
+ def catch_aws_errors
+ yield
+ rescue Aws::Errors::MissingCredentialsError
+ # The AWS error here is unhelpful:
+ # "unable to sign request without credentials set"
+ Inspec::Log.error "It appears that you have not set your AWS credentials. You may set them using environment variables, or using the 'aws://region/aws_credentials_profile' target. See for details."
+ fail_resource('No AWS credentials available')
+ rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e
+ fail_resource e.message
+ end
+ # TODO: DRY up, see
+ # Copied from resource_support/aws/aws_singular_resource_mixin.rb
+ def inspec_runner
+ # When running under inspec-cli, we have an 'inspec' method that
+ # returns the runner. When running under unit tests, we don't
+ # have that, but we still have to call this to pass something
+ # (nil is OK) to the backend.
+ # TODO: remove with
+ # TODO: remove after rewrite to include AwsSingularResource
+ inspec if respond_to?(:inspec)
+ end
+ def id
+ return @instance_id if defined?(@instance_id)
+ catch_aws_errors do
+ if @opts.is_a?(Hash)
+ first = @ec2_resource.instances(
+ {
+ filters: [{
+ name: 'tag:Name',
+ values: [@opts[:name]],
+ }],
+ },
+ ).first
+ # catch case where the instance is not known
+ @instance_id = unless first.nil?
+ else
+ @instance_id = @opts
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ alias instance_id id
+ def exists?
+ return false if instance.nil?
+ instance.exists?
+ end
+ # returns the instance state
+ def state
+ catch_aws_errors do
+ instance&.state&.name
+ end
+ end
+ # helper methods for each state
+ %w{
+ pending running shutting-down
+ terminated stopping stopped unknown
+ }.each do |state_name|
+ define_method'-', '_') + '?' do
+ state == state_name
+ end
+ end
+ # attributes that we want to expose
+ %w{
+ public_ip_address private_ip_address key_name private_dns_name
+ public_dns_name subnet_id architecture root_device_type
+ root_device_name virtualization_type client_token launch_time
+ instance_type image_id vpc_id
+ }.each do |attribute|
+ define_method attribute do
+ catch_aws_errors do
+ instance.send(attribute) if instance
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Don't document this - it's a bit hard to use. Our current doctrine
+ # is to use dumb things, like arrays of strings - use security_group_ids instead.
+ def security_groups
+ catch_aws_errors do
+ @security_groups ||= { |sg|
+ { id: sg.group_id, name: sg.group_name }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def security_group_ids
+ catch_aws_errors do
+ @security_group_ids ||=
+ end
+ end
+ def tags
+ catch_aws_errors do
+ @tags ||= { |tag| { key: tag.key, value: tag.value } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "EC2 Instance #{@display_name}"
+ end
+ def has_roles?
+ catch_aws_errors do
+ instance_profile = instance.iam_instance_profile
+ if instance_profile
+ roles = @iam_resource.instance_profile(
+ instance_profile.arn.gsub(%r{^.*\/}, ''),
+ ).roles
+ else
+ roles = nil
+ end
+ roles && !roles.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def instance
+ catch_aws_errors { @instance ||= @ec2_resource.instance(id) }
+ end